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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

Has China considered a single engine J-20 variant for the export market, now that Russia is promoting its Su-75 Checkmate design?
Just like the US F-22 & F-35, I don't think China will sell J-20 to any foreign country. The best bet will be the FC-31 model.
a single engine J-20 variant
Technically speaking I bet possibility of a J-10 stealth variant is higher then redesigning the J-20, so very likely exportable if it happens. It's a big IF though, cos there is FC-31/J-XY also in the same class.
Do you have the latest satellite photo of Wuhu?

This one … but barely anything visible.

In fact I don't think this is something very special nor a "J-20 fighter crazy maneuver, does it turn faster than F-16" ... anyway:
Maneuverability is not as important as before, anyway.
Has China considered a single engine J-20 variant for the export market, now that Russia is promoting its Su-75 Checkmate design?
Single engine J31 is more possible or modify J20 royal wing man to man stealth fighter are more possible.

This is good news, based on the turn radius, the large J-20 maneuverability is considered good although not as nimble as the medium fighters with known maneuverability. It could still get into limited dogfight.
Maneuverability is not as important as before, anyway.

It is added advantage in unexpected situation. Despite having off boresight highly maneuverable PL-10E, some dogfight is still required in order to get confirmed good kill. Test proven agile short range IR guided R-73/74 & AIM-9X would still overshoot and miss target against nimble fighters at bad angle despite lock acquired.
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