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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

May I ask what a strange site www.china-arms.com is?
Most reports are dramatically overhyping issues, posting most speculative things - often based as it seems on forums-posts, the SCMP (Minnie Chan) and rumours - as facts. Nearly seems as if our old friend Asoka has found a new site.
Thanks for bringing it into highlight. Among others that media gives place to those nuances and voices from the less notable media (not those big names like Xinhua, China Daily, People's Daily, etc) from mainland China (perhaps from the responses in the social media in China), therefore one can, for example, read more articulation like this, which is far less likely in the most places.

From its article: "Chinese military urged to shoot down US U-2 reconnaissance aircraft"

Chinese military urged to shoot down US U-2 reconnaissance aircraft.png

So, if readers don't like to read info like this kind (in that spirit) , then just stay away. I can not say that this website is always "accurate" in its representation (if such thing is ever possible), but I cannot either say that this website packs "fake news" / "falsification" / "propaganda lies" like the qualities of "Saddam Hussein's WMD" / "Assad gassing Syrian people" / "Muammar Gaddafi's genocidal mass-murdering Libyan people" etc etc as the kinds of facts carried by many Big name media in the past.
I always tell everyone on how to check any media's reliability / credibility ==> verify its record in the past several years in any big, hot, controversial issue, what's its angle of coverage then one can conclude. It's easier to deceive at current time and be tough to identify, but one cannot lie and cover any further its systematic deception in the past!

So, does anyone see such deliberate efforts to pack "false information" AS "news / facts" there????

For in today's world, to have the "right/precise information" is a struggle for each.... and I have to say, it's a very politically charged world esp. in the past decade to nowadays, in my case it takes more than a decade ever since the Global Financial Crisis in 2008 with intensive reading in various topics to sharpen my radar to detect the many fakes from news worthy.

I have to remind every one about this crucial change in 2012 why propaganda is being intensified in the last decade: "The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012" -- I suggest every one to refresh his understanding by revisiting this very important yet less-covered change, and always keep that thing in mind!

In English world, writing on specifically about China in regard to military matters, I spot some authors as very good or good, and be cautious in judgement: Rupprecht Deino (himself), Rick Joe, HI Sutton... for others, I don't know, and still learning.

Thanks for taking my rant here.
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Thanks for bringing it into highlight. Among others that media gives place to those nuances and voices from the less notable media from mainland China, therefore one can, for example, read more articulation like this, which is far less likely in the most places.

Thanks for taking my rant here.

Always welcome!
May I ask what a strange site www.china-arms.com is?
Most reports are dramatically overhyping issues, posting most speculative things - often based as it seems on forums-posts, the SCMP (Minnie Chan) and rumours - as facts. Nearly seems as if our old friend Asoka has found a new site.
I don't think Grandy is Asoka lol
J-20 has the highest lift coefficient and aerodynamic layout better than F-22: expert

Posted on August 25, 2020 by CAS editor

View attachment 668839

According to a report from China’s “Ordnance Science and Technology” magazine on August 24, prior to July 15, the State Intellectual Property Administration of China announced the results of the 21st China Patent Awards. And the appearance design patent of J-20’s “lifting body side strip canard wing layout” won the gold prize of China Patent Award.

The report quoted equipment expert from the Chinese Air Force – Fu Qianshao as saying that J-20 uses a lift body fuselage, canards, sidebars, wings, rear side rails, camber double ventral fins, and camber full-motion double vertical tails based on vortex control technology. If the design level is high and properly controlled, it will produce huge lift gains and drag reduction effects. And its lift coefficient is about 2.1 to 2.2, ranking the first in the world.

Fu Qianshao said that the conventionally deployed US F-22 fighter has a lift coefficient reported to be about 1.7 and a supersonic cruise zero-lift drag coefficient of about 0.035. China has used a high-precision scaled-down model for wind tunnel tests, and the measured data are similar to the reported numbers, proving that the lift and drag coefficients of J-20 are significantly better than those of the F-22.

According to the report, in the conventional layout, when tail flatting maneuver the aircraft to raise its head, it has to deflect downward to generate negative lift and press down the tails, which belongs to the loading rudder surface. However, after the aircraft has a positive angle of attack, it will partially offset the negative angle of attack for the flat tails, reducing its efficiency.

However, J-20 has a mid-to-late canard layout, with large canard wing areas and long distances from the wings, with a side strip transition in the middle, which can use the multi-vortex interference generated by different aerodynamic surfaces to improve the lift and drag characteristics of the aircraft, thereby improved its control torque.

In addition, J-20 has larger rear side rails, double camber ventral fins, and full-moving double vertical tails with a larger camber angle. At high angles of attack, the side rails of the rear aircraft can provide certain pitch stability and head-down moment; the camber double ventral fins are located in a low position and are not easily affected by wing turbulence, and can provide certain lateral stability and head-down moment; and due to the large effective rudder surface area, full-motion camber double vertical tails can also play a part in flatting tails.

lol. That's a pretty nutty article. What the hell are "flatting tails"? :lol:
Apparently there's an old report by lNDlAN major that they saw j-20 on the SU variant's radar.

Is that even possible? Indians lying from their teeth isn't new,but how do you determine J-20 just from radar? How did the Indian side knew the cross-section or the dot spotted on their radar is J-20? not any other jet? They never claim they saw j-20 ,because J-20 was probably never even there.
Considering that Indian side actually saw something.How could they determine it's j-20?
How's such a claim even posssible?
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Apparently there's an old report by lNDlAN major that they saw j-20 on the SU variant's radar.

Is that even possible? the Indians lying from their teeth isn't new,but how do you determine J-20 just from radar? How did the Indian side knew the beep/crossecton or the dot spotted on their radar is J-20? not any other jet? They never claim they saw j-20 ,because J-20 was probably never even there.
Considering that Indian side actually saw something.How could they determine it's j-20?
How's such a claim even posssible?
Fake news. The J-20 was never even deployed to Tibet ... and if it had flown anywhere close to the Indian border, it would be equipped with a luneburg lens, which scatters the radar beams and causes the aircraft to light up on radar in order to prevent the enemy from gathering extremely classified intel on the RCS. But either way, this is completely fake since the J-20 was never even deployed close enough to where there would be any possibility of an Indian aircraft flying in Indian airspace to spot it. Period. Remember, you are talking about a country which claims to have downed a Pakistani F-16, even when there is zero evidence.
Fake news. The J-20 was never even deployed to Tibet ... and if it had flown anywhere close to the Indian border, it would be equipped with a luneburg lens, which scatters the radar beams and causes the aircraft to light up on radar in order to prevent the enemy from gathering extremely classified intel on the RCS. But either way, this is completely fake since the J-20 was never even deployed close enough to where there would be any possibility of an Indian aircraft flying in Indian airspace to spot it. Period. Remember, you are talking about a country which claims to have downed a Pakistani F-16, even when there is zero evidence.

I'm aware of that,but playing along, isn't it apparently impossible to determine the variant of fighter jet from that su variant's radar alone?it could be any jet
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I'm aware of that,but playing along, isn't it apparently impossible to determine the variant of fighter jet from that su variant's radar alone?it could be any jet
I think you have the spoiler setting accidentally toggled on. But you are correct yes ... I don't think it is possible to determine the aircraft type based on the radar alone, which is exactly another reason why the Indians are BSing. You can probably only see what type of aircraft it is (e.g. fighter, tanker) from the radar return, but whether it is a J-10 or F-16 I doubt you can tell the difference.
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