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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

Deino, may you please move the latest batch of opinion posts to that particular thread:


That extra thread should be expanded to not only cover the engine matters but other aspects that tend to trigger many subjective opinion exchanges such as RCS / stealthiness; materials and so forth.

The J-20 is a MAJOR thread within the PLA Air Force, should not be cluttered with the many opinion exchanges. Feel annoyed to have this thread being flashed repeatedly by the many opinions. Let such exchanges be accomplished in that designated, complimentary thread. Thanks.
@samsara is correct, the discussions below in this thread https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/the-...to-separate-from-the-j-20-news.514445/page-48
Does anyone know what happened to the FYJS forum? I have not been able to access it for a couple months now ... did they disable it to IPs outside of China?

View attachment 643434

By the way does anyone have any news concerning the second formed operational frontline unit after the 9th Air Brigade (Anshan with the 1st Air Brigade in the NTC was rumored) and even more where are all these WS-10C-equipped J-20s?

Is there any official confirmation that these grey J20 already use WS-10 ?
Is there any official confirmation that these grey J20 already use WS-10 ?
Haha official confirmation is almost impossible to come by in the world of Chinese weaponry. But sooner or later, they'll be a picture of a grey J-20 with WS-10X engines flying a combat patrol! There is only one place to go for the yellow J-20 productions with Taihangs we've been getting pictures of since last year ... I would be shocked if there wasn't any J-20 with WS-10X in service right now.
Is there any official confirmation that these grey J20 already use WS-10 ?

As @Figaro pointed out, it is indeed unique mystery and in fact part of the fun of PLAAF watching that we know J-20As with WS-10C since August (?) 2019 and at least AFAIR we haven't seen any new-built at CAC with AL-31s since then. The same applies to the WS-10B-powered J-10C and even if we know one image of a grey J-10C, we haven't seen a single grey WS-10C-powered J-20A yet.
Haha official confirmation is almost impossible to come by in the world of Chinese weaponry. But sooner or later, they'll be a picture of a grey J-20 with WS-10X engines flying a combat patrol! There is only one place to go for the yellow J-20 productions with Taihangs we've been getting pictures of since last year ... I would be shocked if there wasn't any J-20 with WS-10X in service right now.

From my point of view, photos of those with yellow primer coating indicate that J-20 with WS-10X are already under ongoing batch production.
From my point of view, photos of those with yellow primer coating indicate that J-20 with WS-10X are already under ongoing batch production.View attachment 649305
You don't have to say "my point of view", it's already been confirmed these yellow J-20s are production types and are probably already in service already. We just haven't see any pictures yet.
You don't have to say "my point of view", it's already been confirmed these yellow J-20s are production types and are probably already in service already. We just haven't see any pictures yet.

Any idea why there's no photo? Trying to keep it secretive for element of surprise should war happen especially when not telling how many being built.
Any idea why there's no photo? Trying to keep it secretive for element of surprise should war happen especially when not telling how many being built.
Well I guess revealing too much serial numbers might tip off US/foreign intelligence in the area, which is probably why secrecy has gone up in recent years. The first pictures we had of production J-20s and J-10s came out last year, so I do expect pictures to appear in the near term hopefully. We did see a grey J-10C with WS-10B in operation a few months ago but unfortunately there was no serial number ... no grey J-20 yet however even though they're certainly already in service.

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