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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

Chengdu J-20 EODAS

EODAS is an acronym for electro-optical distributed aperture system. Basically, it's a 360-degree spherical infrared detection system.

Chengdu J-20 six EODAS sensor locations

J-20 Stealth Fighter Design Balances Speed And Agility | Zhuhai 2014 content from Aviation Week



In-depth coverage of F-35 EODAS

Infrared detectors on American and Chinese missiles, MANPADS, and satellites are similar in technical specifications. Thus, the American and Chinese EODAS should be pretty similar too in technical performance.


More information about EODAS from Northrop Grumman

New J-20 Equipped with EODAS Similar to F-35 Surpasses F-22 | Errymath

"New J-20 Equipped with EODAS Similar to F-35 Surpasses F-22


New version of J-20 is equipped with EODAS (Electro-Optical Distributed Aperture System)


EODAS slot in the belly of the new version of J-20


EODAS slots in J-20 number 2001

J-20 is designed for grabbing air dominance from US F-22 but F-35 is a later fighter than F-22. J-20’s designers want it have as advanced functions and performance as F-35. As a result, it is a better rival to F-22 as it is installed a EODAS similar to F-35 but F-22 does not have such a system.

As for EODAS’ wonderful functions, I am going to give the passages of its inventor Northrop Grumman’s article 'AN/AAQ-37 Distributed Aperture System (DAS) for the F-35' on it below:

Northrop Grumman has developed the only 360 degree, spherical situational awareness system in the electro-optical distributed aperture system (EODAS). The DAS surrounds the aircraft with a protective sphere of situational awareness. It warns the pilot of incoming aircraft and missile threats as well as providing day/night vision, fire control capability and precision tracking of wingmen/friendly aircraft for tactical maneuvering.

Designated the AN/AAQ-37 and comprising six electro-optical sensors, the full EO DAS will enhance the F-35′s survivability and operational effectiveness by warning the pilot of incoming aircraft and missile threats, providing day/night vision and supporting the navigation function of the F-35 Lightning II’s forward-looking infrared sensor.

The DAS provides:

•Missile detection and tracking
•Launch point detection
•Situational awareness IRST & cueing
•Weapons support
•Day/night navigation

In addition to developing the EO DAS, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems is supplying the F-35′s AN/APG-81 advanced electronically scanned array (AESA) fire-control radar. The AESA radar is designed to enable the pilot to effectively engage air and ground targets at long range, while also providing outstanding situational awareness.

F-35 DAS and APG-81 radar demonstrate ability to detect, track, target ballistic missiles Northrop Grumman Corporation recently demonstrated the ballistic missile detection, tracking and targeting capabilities of the company’s AN/AAQ-37 distributed aperture system (DAS) and AN/APG-81 active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, both of which are featured on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) aircraft. Northrop Grumman’s DAS and APG-81 autonomously detected, tracked and targeted multiple, simultaneous ballistic rockets. The DAS autonomously detected all five rockets, launched in rapid succession, and tracked them from initial launch well past the second stage burnout. Press release.

F-35 DAS demonstrates hostile fire detection capability

While being flown on Northrop Grumman’s BAC 1-11 test aircraft, the DAS detected and located tank fire from an operationally significant distance. In addition to artillery, the system is able to simultaneously detect and pinpoint the location of rockets and anti-aircraft artillery fired in a wide area. Although hostile fire detection is not an F-35 requirement for the DAS, the system design makes it ideal for this mission. This inherent capability enables DAS to harvest, process and deliver key battlespace information to ground forces and other aircraft autonomously, without the need for cueing or increasing pilot workload. Press release.

China has kept J-20 a mystery so that we have no official source of information about J-20. However Chinese military analysts and fans have great interest in J-20, especially in the question of whether it is a rival to F-22 for air dominance.

I am going to show some photos, based on which analysts believe the new version of J-20 is equipped with EODAS. The slots in red circles in the photos are believed to be the locations of the sensors of the J-20’s EODAS system.

Sources: huanqiu.com 'Super functions of China’s J-20 to kill US F-22: The secret lies in the slots on its nose' and qianzhan.com 'J-20 surpasses US F-22 by using EODAS' (summary by Chan Kai Yee)
Source: Northrop Grumman 'AN/AAQ-37 Distributed Aperture System (DAS) for the F-35'"
Any ide what unit, where based ... and if indeed reliable ??

The two J-20 prototypes on the ground. (Internet photo)

Two prototypes of China's J-20 stealth fighter were photographed carrying out test flights in Chengdu recently, reports the Shanghai-based Guancha Syndicate.

The prototypes, 2013, 2015, are said to be installed with new avionics developed by Aviation Industry Corporation of China's Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group. Its chief designer Pu Xiaobo said the system he created has an open framework that builds on an unified optical interconnect module. The system has comprehensive features covering navigation, detection, identification, attack, management and pilots' health management. It also integrates flight management systems, electronics and aviation electronics, which will ensure the fighter jet can carry out a mission safely and the systems are able to share their resources with each other.

Pu and his team built the country's most advanced concept laboratory and a simulation environment to test the design.

The stealth fighter was first officially introduced to the public though a PLA recruitment video called Heroes' Sky released on Feb. 26. Rear Admiral Yin Zhuo of the PLA Navy said the film suggested the J-20 will enter service soon. The video also described the quality of the plane's stealth capabilities, flight control system, avionic electronic system, active phased array radar, supermaneuverability, over-the-horizon radar and attack have been improved as well, he added.

Two J-20 prototypes seen on test flights in Chengdu|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com
I have a question about thrust to weight ratio of J-20, if J-20 engine is WS-10X what is the thrust to weight ratio with current engine? and what is the projected thrust to weight ratio with WS-15?, projected thrust of WS-15 are 18000 KGF, can somebody explain me?
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