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Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

If Pak does go for J10's then they should set up a production line in Pak and make atleast
150 of them.
not really Read my post - on my crude analysis about the significance of J-10, this was a couple of months back.

Hello @Akh1112 , Jf-17 has its own enabled features for the Pakistan air force. The J-10c platform may not be the requirement of the PAF as we have F-16s and JFT blk 3 is in the production line and as you stated the Jf-17 block 3 will be ably to do what ever is known to us, that the J-10 can.

It is a very common fact that: accurate information about eastern equipment is not easily accessible if it is accessible at all.

Now I see your concern about the Anti ship role but I can assure that over the years the Pakistan navy has built its air arm and naval fleet to take care of those encounters.

PN has a dedicated anti ship squadron by the PAF and those planes ar'nt going anywhere till the next 2-3 elections. + jf-17 can full fill the anti ship role

Well right now we are discussing about the (AIR SUPERIORITY ROLE) and that is where the J-10C comes in.

Is J-10c a A/S type air craft? no not really but it can adopt to the role like the block 52.

What advantage does the j-10 give us over the jf-17?

1. bigger engine with higher thrust

2. better maneuverability

3. 4 additional hard points (wet plumb and outboard sensor capability)= better survival rate and endurance

4. better thrust ratio will allow you to climb higher and go faster (Extremely Important in BVR)

Like the F7-pg purchase The J-10 can be cheaper stop gap solution.

J-10 in my opinion has a better survival rate than the Jf-17 in independent fighting role.

PAF does not require a large number of J-10 just a couple, To come and support the Jf-17 so the JF can actually go and do what it needs to do.

2 full squadrons of 16 planes are enough to stop the gap AND that is of-course not going to happen because idk.

J-10 can be stop gap measure until we get a real AS fighter.
not really Read my post - on my crude analysis about the significance of J-10, this was a couple of months back.

Hello @Akh1112

What advantage does the j-10 give us over the jf-17?

1. bigger engine with higher thrust

2. better maneuverability

3. 4 additional hard points (wet plumb and outboard sensor capability)= better survival rate and endurance

4. better thrust ratio will allow you to climb higher and go faster (Extremely Important in BVR)

-Bigger nose cone that house a more capable AESA

-far superior aerodyamic that ensure better survivability in dogfight presume the pilot skill is the same.

-better thrust to weight ratio that ensure higher cruising speed
-Bigger nose cone that house a more capable AESA

-far superior aerodyamic that ensure better survivability in dogfight presume the pilot skill is the same.

-better thrust to weight ratio that ensure higher cruising speed
IMO, the key point is that PAF can get J-10C from PLAAF directly in an emergency, if needed.
It is the same to Z-10 and Type 054A.
IMO, the key point is that PAF can get J-10C from PLAAF directly in an emergency, if needed.
It is the same to Z-10 and Type 054A.
IMO that emergency will soon be exploited by the actions of set statistic.

But what do you say about the rumor of PAF receiving 30 J-10s?
are the rumors true about Pakistan getting 30 j-10's ?
Rumors are we are getting 50 C models, with urgent delivery of 30 of them!
yes, pakistan recently trying J10 against Indian rafale, but again NO deal expected;
china has strongly asked pakistan to pay in CASH for J10 (at least $40M each) since 2008;
since then pakistan has reportedly rejected such deal; currently pakistan is in economic crisis and has no money; again eventually NO deal expected
I am actually curious to know how many J-10C does China even has itself (not counting the J-10As with structural issues and not in production anyways).
We have no idea how many they are even able to produce for themselves to meet the demands of PLAAF. Lots of pictures don't show serial numbers. Any Chinese members here care to chip in? How many squadrons of J-10C are active and what the annual production is like?
I am actually curious to know how many J-10C does China even has itself (not counting the J-10As with structural issues and not in production anyways).
About 200 now.
PAF cannot fly the J-10C and so any emergency supplies would be useless.
I mean after PAF has J-10C already.
What are the chances here that J10C variant is customized with PAF specification as in Past J7 PG etc ... It can be J10x variant specifically for PAF i.e TVC, low visibility coating , Link 17 so on
About 200 now.

That is quite a low number? Why so low? What is the issue. You would have thought it would have become the mainstream fighter for China given its capabilities etc.
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