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Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

these kind of cunning articles which show iaf vulnerability are published to pressure gov. to release even MORE funds for the airforce ...

Or to sell news! The media in India is not that different than western medias, because only sensational news that keeps people talking is good news for them, no matter if there are real problems or not.

Just stated it in another thread, one has to understand that the total IAF fighter numbers are getting lower, while the capability is rising, because only old single role fighters will be phased out, while upgraded and new added fighters will be fully multi role capable. Instead of using Mig 27 for strikes, escorted with Mig 21s, you now use just 1 multi role aircraft. So the squadron numbers don't really tell you much about the real capability here.
IF YOU ARE A PAF JFT pilot or F16 pilot which would rather face

500 mig21/23/ 27 & jaguars


300 su30mki mirage2000 mig29

India cannot have a AIR FORCE of 39sdqs AGAIN until the TEJAS arrives in large nos

SU30MKI & RAFALE are too expensive to buy in bulk.

Hi, regardless of either of the proposed battle orders you have listed, the PAF would not last long with their current antiquated inventory. Other than the small number of trojan horse filled F-16s and small number of JF-17s, currently the PAF does not have any heavy air-superiority fighter.

I am still baffled at how long the PAF high command has dragged their feet on buying a heavy fighter like the J-10B to combat the IAF threat. These guys still keep repeating phrase like "our defense is impregnable" like a broken record, and hopefully the OBL raid gave them a good wake up call.

The PAF needs to make a decision on the J-10B and start investing in it or seriously try to get the J-11B. They could pay Russia royalties to not anger them about intellectual property issues related to China copying the Su-27.
india will have 42 sq containing 120 mirages/mig29, 270 su 30s,100 odd PAKFA (total of 250),100 odd LCA ,120 odd MRCA,100 odd jaugers/mig27=810=42 sq
indian chief claimed they will get the number by 2020 when MRCA and LCA are completed

as orangzeb put it 150-250 thunders spread over vast network of bases and even motor ways will provide an excellent BVR platform along with awec support and possible SAM support it can easily counter any fourth gen aircrfts till the threshold of nuclear war is breached

this what NATO and swedish did against Russia.

the real deal for PAF after getting 50 odd fc-20 and jfts will be HOW TO COUNTER the FIFTH gen aircrfts . thats what i think PAF mind will be thinking on.
india by 2025 will have 42 sq containing 120 mirages/mig29, 270 su 30s,100 odd PAKFA (total of 250),100 odd LCA ,120 odd MRCA,100 odd jaugers/mig27=810=42 sq
indian chief claimed they will get the number by 2020 when MRCA and LCA are completed,as they wills till be oeprating mig 27,some mig21 and all upgraded jaugers by 2020

as orangzeb put it 150-250 thunders spread over vast network of bases and even motor ways will provide an excellent BVR platform along with awac support and possible SAM support it can easily counter any fourth gen aircrfts till the threshold of nuclear war is breached

this what NATO and swedish did against Russia.

the real deal for PAF after getting 50 odd fc-20 and jfts will be HOW TO COUNTER the FIFTH gen aircrfts . thats what i think PAF mind will be thinking on.
Why don't you first think about how you are going to counter the 4++ Generation Fighters Super 30 and Rafale before jumping your ball$.
Hi, regardless of either of the proposed battle orders you have listed, the PAF would not last long with their current antiquated inventory. Other than the small number of trojan horse filled F-16s and small number of JF-17s, currently the PAF does not have any heavy air-superiority fighter.

I am still baffled at how long the PAF high command has dragged their feet on buying a heavy fighter like the J-10B to combat the IAF threat. These guys still keep repeating phrase like "our defense is impregnable" like a broken record, and hopefully the OBL raid gave them a good wake up call.

The PAF needs to make a decision on the J-10B and start investing in it or seriously try to get the J-11B. They could pay Russia royalties to not anger them about intellectual property issues related to China copying the Su-27.

its not PAF's decision. if the chinese cannot get a export licence, remember these a/c are powered by russian engines. the chinese engine is still a few years away from 'mass production' ca.2016.

IF YOU ARE A PAF JFT pilot or F16 pilot which would rather face

500 mig21/23/ 27 & jaguars


300 su30mki mirage2000 mig29

India cannot have a AIR FORCE of 39sdqs AGAIN until the TEJAS arrives in large nos

SU30MKI & RAFALE are too expensive to buy in bulk.

243 SU30's and 180 rafale is not considered 'bulk' by you!!!!!
its not PAF's decision. if the chinese cannot get a export licence, remember these a/c are powered by russian engines. the chinese engine is still a few years away from 'mass production' ca.2016.
I think WS-10A (the one which powers J-11B/15) has already gone in mass production. However, the same cannot be said for J-10B whose engine (WS-10B?) is still in experimental stage. The news of Chinese importing AL-31FN engines from Russia should be a hint that WS-10 on J-10 is still some distence away. Thats why we haven't seen much activity on J-10 front as we see on JFT since WS-13 has been online for quite sometime and as the Chinese become enough confident, the sales are likely to materialize.
india will have 42 sq containing 120 mirages/mig29, 270 su 30s,100 odd PAKFA (total of 250),100 odd LCA ,120 odd MRCA,100 odd jaugers/mig27=810=42 sq
indian chief claimed they will get the number by 2020 when MRCA and LCA are completed

as orangzeb put it 150-250 thunders spread over vast network of bases and even motor ways will provide an excellent BVR platform along with awec support and possible SAM support it can easily counter any fourth gen aircrfts till the threshold of nuclear war is breached

this what NATO and swedish did against Russia.

the real deal for PAF after getting 50 odd fc-20 and jfts will be HOW TO COUNTER the FIFTH gen aircrfts . thats what i think PAF mind will be thinking on.

PEACE peace and only peace
Strong economy ofcourse is essential even to have peace.
its not PAF's decision. if the chinese cannot get a export licence, remember these a/c are powered by russian engines. the chinese engine is still a few years away from 'mass production' ca.2016.

243 SU30's and 180 rafale is not considered 'bulk' by you!!!!!

China is willing to export J11B. J-10B is not ready yet. We need to get J-11B ASAP if somehow from somewhere we could get the financing. Our force should be comprise of JFT, F-16, J-10B and J-11B. There is no other way to live with dignity and to bring the otherside to the peace table as per your terms.
China is willing to export J11B. J-10B is not ready yet. We need to get J-11B ASAP if somehow from somewhere we could get the financing. Our force should be comprise of JFT, F-16, J-10B and J-11B. There is no other way to live with dignity and to bring the otherside to the peace table as per your terms.


You are just beating about the bush. Same points all over again, in every thread.

Did you go through the entire thread?

You are just beating about the bush. Same points all over again, in every thread.

Did you go through the entire thread?


Some times beating around the bush could do the trick. I am seeing more and more people expressing their views along the same line as mine. Well I will try not to beat around the bush anymore.

PEACE peace and only peace
Strong economy ofcourse is essential even to have peace.

You know that is my dream too. Peace and peace only.

IAF will induct 126 rafale beginning 2014 and lasting 7 years. Infact I DONT SEE 126 RAFALE until 2022 in iaf.

How ever the SU30MKI is going really well 150+ TODAY and 272 by 2018 WITH EASE

no way will IAF buy 200 rafale financially not possible at over $100m each for block 3 version.

Storm Force...

Note: If you came up with your IAF rhetoric and numbers on a PAF thread again, i will forward my recommendation to permanently ban you on this forum. I have had enough of your fantasy posts!!

Post reported
I have a quick question: Not to be highly detailed but is the J-10 fairly equal to F-16. I know PAF plans to induct some of these jets because they is much more advanced than JF-17. But generally speaking will it be the front line aircraft along with F-16 for PAF.
Kindly answer!
Storm Force...

Note: If you came up with your IAF rhetoric and numbers on a PAF thread again, i will forward my recommendation to permanently ban you on this forum. I have had enough of your fantasy posts!!

Post reported
Had i been in your place, i would rather recomend his name being changed to "fantasy discounter" :lol:

Oh---that is an interesting statement---could you please elaborate on it.


The sqdrn capacity is very deceptive----it is for the layman----but the real question is what is the load carrying capacity of these 32 sqdrn's against the pakistani 26 sqdrns----.

I mean to say---only the SU 30's alone would possibly have as much or more load carrying capabilities than all of the pak air force sqdrns ( or very close to it ).

Can some put some numbers on this board---thank you.

Pakistan has missiles to compensate for that, they probably count their squadrons mostly for air combat.
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