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Cheney warns on Chinese build-up

India will not become a Super Power anytime soon though it has good chances of becoming one, If India does become a Super Power one day, it wont be a beacon of hope and freedom, it will be like any other nation and look after its interest. I am not naive or stupid to think My people would act differently when they get power, every human are the same, like Maddona says its HUMAN NATURE

You are trolling and really trying to flame and annoying me, and seriously there is nothing here to do with india. Every country in the world wants to become a superpower, including Pakistan. I was replying to NEO, in a very different context. Spain is talking all peace now at one point of time it was doing pilage in South America, Turkey killed many arabs etc, but now are very peaceful, Everybody has their time in history, China will have its. How can you say China wont change went it becomes the most powerful country in the world. Just like America. I was just telling , anyone who attains power will try to dictate the others. Simple. Thats all I meant.
Now stop trolling and bringing India, We are a poor country, with 700 million poor people and who pakistan can crush at will, Happy.,

The truth hurts eh Adux.easier to point fingers.yet hard to accept the reality.

and seriously there is nothing here to do with India
so u telling me India isn't trying to be super power.Air craft carrier is to attack Pakistan.are we that far from you.nuclear sub is to attack Pakistan.or is it that India is trying to be super power.

i have no idea what trolling means.but this is a public forum if you are going to post it some one will respond.i think thats the idea here but i could be wrong.
you starting the thread about jf-17.was about what.if iam the one trying to inflame.get of your high horse.
And pakistans armed forces are designed to be defensive.we have never claimed to be in the race for being super power.economic power you bet we will be.:flag:
I'm interested in Cheetah's question aswell. What guarantees do you have that China might 'abuse' her super power and India might not?

India is already using her powers.
if you sell this to Pakistan we wont buy.if u sell that to Pakistan we wont buy.
same as if you sell to this to this country .u cant do business with USA.sounds familiar.
India i believe have military base on foreign land.
And this when India isn't even near being a power.
And lets go towards china.economic giant.yet they haven't threatened to use there might against no one.:bunny:
China has started adopting US policy to sell other countries weapons that are inferior to what China herself uses. Case in point: SD-10/PL-12.

Though i say that this is a very good policy.

Again your talking without facts, etc. China her self will be using the SD-10 on her J-10s and other air-craft, SD-10 is a missile developed after many missiles before her. So far in tests the missile according to Sinodef translated sources has a success rate of 95% which isn't bad at all. If you call chinese arms inferior trust me. Russians are not that good either you have alot of examples in front of you gulf war, etc and soon you will see Iran. Oh yeah, and they will be using them on their J-11 fighters.
China military modernization aimed at parity with US: intel chief
Updated at 0415 PST

WASHINGTON: China's military modernization is aimed at achieving parity with the United States and not limited to its drive for reunification with Taiwan, the US intelligence chief said Tuesday.
Retired admiral Michael McConnell, the new director of national intelligence, said China could be a threat to the United States today because of its intercontinental nuclear missiles and will be an increasing threat as it modernizes its military. But he later retracted the remark.

"It's a matter of their building their military, in my view, to reach some sort of state of parity with the United States," he said. "So in a threat sense it becomes intention."

"They are a threat today, they will become an increasing threat over time," he told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

When Senator Carl Levin, the committee chairman, asked McConnell whether he meant to say China will be an increasing threat rather than have an increasing capability, McConnell said, "Yes sir. What I was attempting to say is they will improve their capability over time."

In a prepared statement surveying threats facing the United States, McConnell said China's rapid rate of military modernization would continue even if the Taiwan problem is resolved.

"The Chinese are developing more capable long-range conventional strike systems and short and medium range ballistic missiles with terminally guided maneuverable warheads able to attack US carriers and air bases," it said.

Lieutenant General Michael Maples, the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, estimated China's annual defense spending at between 80 and 115 billion dollars, the highest in the world after the United States.

However, Thomas Fingar, the deputy director of national intelligence, said the Chinese "appear to have decided that we are not an enemy."
"They require a peaceful international environment in order to proceed with economic modernization in order to address their severe social problems, but they are a country with a history in their view of having been victimized by stronger external powers," he said.

"And they take national defense, including lessons learned out of Desert Shield/Desert Storm forward defense, to heart," he said.

In response to questions, McConnell said that in his view a greater threat is that China may be beset by internal strife if it fails to meet its economic growth plan.

In his prepared statement, he said rural discontent has erupted in the form of an increasing number of local demonstrations and riots and could undermine China's continued rapid economic growth if undermined.

The News.
US warns China on military build-up

WASHINGTON: The United States warned China Monday that its announced military spending boost was "inconsistent" with peaceful growth and hinted that Beijing was understating its defense expenditures.

"This kind of spending not only concerns us but raises concerns among China's neighbors. This is inconsistent with China's policy of peaceful development," said White House national security spokesman Gordon Johndroe.

"We hope they will demonstrate more transparency in the future," Johndroe told a French news agency by telephone.

He declined to elaborate, but US officials in the past have used such language to mean that they do not believe that China's declared military budget accurately represents their actual defense spending. Johndroe's comments came after Beijing announced a nearly 20 percent increase in defense expenditures in 2007.

And Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said Monday that China would continue to strengthen its armed forces, remarks applauded by military leaders who want to counter new threats and take back Taiwan.

"Building a solid national defense system and a powerful people's army is a strategic task in socialist modernization," Wen told the opening of the annual session of the National People's Congress, or legislature.

Wen made the pledge while addressing nearly 3,000 lawmakers a day after the Chinese government announced the biggest increase in its military budget in recent years.

Spending in 2007 will rise 17.8 percent from last year to 350.9 billion yuan (about 45 billion dollars), it said.

Reunification with Taiwan is one of China's long-term objectives, and analysts have said Beijing is beefing up its military partly to enable it to take the island back by force if necessary.

China and Taiwan have been separated since the end of a civil war in 1949, but Beijing considers the island a renegade province.

The News.
I have to repeat what China said last week "US is a Whining Neighbor". For god sakes US spends what half the world spends on weapons, etc. US should stop supporting Taiwan which is right-fully Chinas' before they bark like dogs. As I said in another thread US isn't capable of doing anything to stop China just watch China move on.

Most of all no one has to tell US how much is being spent on weapons it's non of their business.
Whining, is a part of Geopolitics, they make hue and cry; its a part of propaganda, China is nowhere near the Russian were at Cold War vs US, US trying its best stop China from reaching there; US always needs an enemy to keep its domestic population at their government's side; and that is why they have been dominant for the past 70 years

Please dont use the usage "Bark like Dogs" which makes your post quite immature, regarding Taiwan, it is the decision of the people of Taiwan, just like in case of HongKong though there was a lease for 100 years with the British
United States has no right to warn China on anything, and it can't do a jack.
Rights are not considered while Warning someone,
Lets be fair

India and Pakistan warn each other atleast 20 times a year, Does that mean any of them have any right
China increases its defence budget and US goes crazy while no one is bothered by the Indians increasing their budget
Either that or "Not enough of a threat yet..."

Exactly we are nice people,


Do you think we are on the path for world/regional domination, do you think considering the players in our neighbourhood, do you think we are capable of breaking their shackles and moving ahead

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