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Chen: China doesn't need to learn western democracy, but eastern democracy


Jul 25, 2011
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What's Next for Chen Guangcheng? - Council on Foreign Relations

What's Next for Chen Guangcheng?

COHEN: (Through interpreter.) The Chinese leaders now always say China cannot accept the Western-style democracy, Western politics. What do you think of that?

CHEN: Well, I've heard more than once that we can't just copy Western democracy. My first sense is, they're right. It's true; we cannot just copy Western democracy. Some Western countries, they have -- they still have aristocrats and royal families. We can't do that. But we also need to learn Eastern democracy -- Japan, South Korea. And China, what's wrong with us having our own democracy? Taiwan has democracy too.

We will be happy to teach the "eastern" democracy to China, so that ordinary Chinese could live in a free society and pursue their dreams without a fear of persecution from the government.
Korea and India can teach China some democracy lessons for free. But they would most probably fail the class.
The issue is this...

Humanity progresses -- constantly. But not evenly. Never has and never will. There will always be parts of humanity that will lag behind other parts for variety of reasons but worst of all reasons is volitional, meaning a group will simply refuse to recognize the fact that humanity constantly progresses and do nothing about themselves. For those who do recognize this inevitability and are willing to change, they call this process 'modernization' and in doing so tacitly acknowledged that it is they who are behind others and that is a bad place to be.

China in history was the world's leader in progress in everything that make up a civilization: Literacy, institutions, technology, governance and government, and many other areas. But several things terrible happened to this great civilization and a great people that turned both into a 'has been' and allowed the country to be colonized by more advanced civilizations in the 19th century, then the adoption of communism in the 20th century further secured China into that 'has been' status. Just like the 19th century when China and Imperial Japan found themselves in the inferior status to the Europeans, 20th century China under communism found herself continuing that same inferior status to the notional West, which includes Japan and South Korea. 20th century China is the opposite of historical China.

Now China must change and in that modernization process a bit of national pride revealed itself in the attachment of 'Chinese characteristics' into anything that China realized she must change. State directed capitalism as once practiced by the Europeans is conveniently 'discovered' by China and quickly packaged as something unique the world never seen before. Now it is the same with democracy and the democratic process.
Your government did. :lol:

Not really. Good ridden.

The more he talks the less chance he has to return to China. You know very well a guy his age, with no language skill, can not make it anywhere in the land of free, unless Uncle Sam's going to support for life with your tax dollars.
China will learn on it's own it can take examples but even then it won't be similar to eastern or western democracies.
Not really. Good ridden.

The more he talks the less chance he has to return to China. You know very well a guy his age, with no language skill, can not make it anywhere in the land of free, unless Uncle Sam's going to support for life with your tax dollars.
Whaddaya mean 'Not really' ? :lol: If that was true, then why is he here in the US? He should have been left alone. Let him duke it out with mid-level Chinese bureaubrats. But that is the real fear, ain't it? The Chinese government is afraid of him.
Whaddaya mean 'Not really' ? :lol: If that was true, then why is he here in the US? He should have been left alone. Let him duke it out with mid-level Chinese bureaubrats. But that is the real fear, ain't it? The Chinese government is afraid of him.

Actually he is a hot potato neither China nor the US wants to deal with, however he made so much noises ahead of Clinton's visit by openly calls of going to the US and that put the US in an embarrass situation because of the 'human right champion' thing. Rather than prosecute him and attracts endless international attentions, China did Hilary a favor and in fact both won.
What's Next for Chen Guangcheng? - Council on Foreign Relations

We will be happy to teach the "eastern" democracy to China, so that ordinary Chinese could live in a free society and pursue their dreams without a fear of persecution from the government.

I'v seen election season in Korea, for the love of God do not export that to anyone!!!!!

Korean elections consists of trucks blaring children music at ungodly hours, and have a bunch of old ladies doing a happy dance.

So for the duration of the elections no one can get a good night sleep.
I heard that in China they stopped the production of "Chinese equivalent of American Idol", so that people would get a taste of voting for the winner.

Chinese American Idol Canceled by Censors | Super Girl | Mediaite

I do not know if India has any chops in teaching democracy, any person who is a supporter of democracy knows that Election is just necessary but not sufficient condition for Democracy, the real key is Institution building, of which Taiwan, Korea and Japan are probably head and shoulders above India.
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