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Nov 21, 2019
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America's biological defense guide /May 2, 2019

The American Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stopped research by the US military in the laboratories of the biological defense institute, as the institution failed to pass the audit.
August 2, 2019

Operations at Fort Detrick's USAMRIID lab to resume on limited basis / 1 hour ago

The biological military laboratory at Fort Detrick that had its high-level research shut down by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention earlier this year due to safety protocol failures announced late Friday it will resume operations on a limited scale.

The U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, one of the few laboratories in the country that can handle dangerous pathogens such as Ebola, will begin work again in its biosafety level 3 and biosafety level 4 laboratories, said Col. E. Darrin Cox, USAMRIID commander.

USAMRIID stopped its work in its biosafety level 3 and 4 laboratories in July after receiving a July 15 cease and desist letter from the CDC. The letter ordered the laboratory to stop most of its operations following lapses in its biosafety protocol, according to previous News-Post reporting.
Following the cease and desist letter, USAMRIID’s registration with the Federal Select Agent Program (FSAP), which sets regulations for laboratories handling dangerous and lethal pathogens, was suspended.
USAMRIID received a letter from the CDC and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the two agencies that oversee the FSAP, partially lifting the military laboratory’s suspension with the FSAP program on Nov. 20, Cox said.
The letter, which contained contingencies that USAMRIID still needs to meet, allows scientists to resume working on five studies. USAMRIID can also resume full operational status as part of the Laboratory Response Network, which is a network of three laboratories that can determine what an unknown material is.
Even though the CDC and USDA have partially lifted USAMRIID’s FSAP suspension, USAMRIID still needs approval from Gen. John Murray, commanding general of the Army Futures Command, before it can start work, Cox said.
Going forward, the CDC will continue to approve the studies that USAMRIID scientists wish to do. And it will continue to inspect the agency until the full suspension is lifted, Cox said.

US Air Force Research Laboratory introduces a new generation of electronic technology for biosafety. With the new generation of sensors, HIV makes it easy to detect airborne infection-causing viruses on a nano-scale. /August 26, 2019
PDF version for limited access to the main article

Los Alamos National Laboratory developed mobile laboratory technologies for the detection of chemical weapons (versions of nerve gas sarin, VX and others).

Biological weapons programs in Soviet Russia (pdf foreword true book 921 pages)

History of Biological Weapons
Turkish Naval Academy, Pusula magazine page 24 (dated 2017)
http://kutuphane.msu.edu.tr/medas/?arama=&alanSablon=&konu=Deniz Harp Okulu&tur=&gorunum=listeBuyuk&sno=1#katalog

By 2024, Americans are trying to activate facilities where they can reliably test nuclear weapons on a scale of 10-30 megajoules. (Page 40 of the Journal 2017)

Recent developments from the nuclear weapons program in the 2018 annual report of the SANDIA national laboratory affiliated to the US Department of Energy

Climate modeling for post-nuclear war between America and Russia

Technical considerations on the possible consequences of the use of nuclear weapons in civilian settlements

Penetration tests of B61 nuclear weapons in 1988

MIRV design verification data for Los Alamos laboratory 1971

Pentagon's feasibility report for the 1994 SLBM warheads Phase 2 Part-1 - 191 MB
Phase 2 Part-2 - 107 MB

IBM will sell a quantum computer with a capacity of 5000 qubit to the Los Alamos National Research laboratory, which manages R & D processes related to nuclear weapons in the United States. The company had previously sold 2000 qubit quantum computers to the laboratory. According to the news, it is said that the system is dealing with problems that cannot be solved by normal means and that the system is specially designed for this task. Therefore, it cannot be compared with IBM's 53-qubit system or Google's 72-qubit quantum computer. /September 25, 2019
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This book, dating from 2003, deals with doctrine-based approaches to the use of nuclear weapons.
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