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Cheaper, purer illegal substances suggest global war on drugs is failing


Jun 2, 2012
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Report: Global war on drugs is failing - CNN.com

Report: Cheaper, purer illegal substances suggest global war on drugs is failing
By Katie Hunt, for CNN
October 1, 2013 -- Updated 0615 GMT (1415 HKT)

Hong Kong (CNN) -- The global war on drugs is failing, new research suggests, as the price of heroin, cocaine and cannabis has fallen while their purity has increased.
Using seven sets of government drug surveillance data, a team of Canadian and U.S. researchers reviewed drug supply in the United States, Europe and Australia and drug production in regions such as Latin America, Afghanistan and Southeast Asia.

They found that illegal drugs have become cheaper while their potency has increased, indicating that efforts to control "the global illegal drug market through law enforcement are failing."
"During the past two decades, the supply of major illegal drugs has increased, as measured through a general decline in the prices and a general increase in the purity of illegal drugs in a variety of settings," said the study, which was published by BMJ Open, an open-access journal published by the British Medical Journal.

READ: Drug war demonizes people

In the U.S., the average price of heroin, cocaine and cannabis decreased by at least 80% between 1990 and 2007, while average purity increased by 60%, 11% and 161% respectively.

Similar trends were seen in Europe over the same period, while in Australia the price of cocaine, heroin and cannabis fell by 14% to 49% between 2000 and 2010.
"These findings add to the growing body of evidence that the war on drugs has failed," said Dr Evan Wood, scientific chair of the International Centre for Science in Drug Policy and research chair in Inner City Medicine at the University of British Columbia in Canada.

"We should look to implement policies that place community health and safety at the forefront of our efforts, and consider drug use a public health rather than a criminal justice issue," added Wood, who was also one of the research team that produced the study.
Prices fell despite a general increase in seizures and a fall in production of some illegal substances, the study added.

READ: War on drugs a trilion-dollar failure

Seizures of cannabis by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration increased by 465% between 1990 and 2010, heroin seizures increased by 29%, but cocaine seizures fell by 49% over the same period.
The researchers did concede their source data had limitations, with price and purity patterns a marker of drug supply that does not capture other factors that determine the availability and use of drugs.

However, the report findings demonstrated "a general global pattern of falling drugs prices and increasing drug purity and potency, alongside a relative consistent pattern of increasing seizures of illegal drugs."
Campaign groups said the study showed that drug policies needed to be grounded in science, health and human rights rather than prohibition.

"The punitive prohibitionist approach to global drug control has proven remarkably costly, ineffective and counterproductive," said Ethan Nadelmann, director of the U.S.-based Drug Policy Alliance.
"It has generated extraordinary levels of violence, crime and corruption while failing to reduce the availability and use of psychoactive drugs."

My 2cts; want to win the war on drugs once and for all? Then regulate the production, taxation and distribution of all (recreational) drugs that have proven themselves to be safe to use(1) (often with less invoking of aggression in the users than say alcohol), provide non-criminalizing addiction help for the problem case users, and educate all citizens of all ages all the time about the dangers of the truly dangerous drugs (for instance by showing how addicts to those drugs spend their days (especially to kids aged 5 to 25, at school for instance)), and finally; provide plenty of (continually advertised) easy paths for dangerous-drug addicts to switch to less destructive drugs.



3 Links to say it all . WHy should weed be illegal when Cigarettes and Alcohol are legal ??

And the change is coming

Colorado First State In U.S. To Adopt Rules For Legal, Recreational Marijuana
funny, the West used opium on China to make China weak, and the Japanese after that.

Then during the time of China's road to reclaim our crown, the West starts to legalize drugs themselves.

Oh the irony. lol
funny, the West used opium on China to make China weak, and the Japanese after that.

Then during the time of China's road to reclaim our crown, the West starts to legalize drugs themselves.

Oh the irony. lol

China's Growing Appetite for New Kinds of Luxury Goods: Illegal Drugs - Charles Zhu - The Atlantic

Cannabis growth is legal, cops look the other way when foreigners smoke weed, hard drug abuse is on the rise among domestic population, blacks deal freely in Shanghai and Beijing (Sunlitun bar area)....

I know the point you were trying to convey with your post, it's we were getting high and west rose, now west is getting high and we will rise. Well, unfortunately, you're getting high too. :smokin:
Because it can lead to psycose .
And they also can made cigarette illegal , everybody benefit from that.

Cigarettes lead to Lung Cancer , Sugar Diabetes etc .

Lets Ban Sugar and Cigarettes .
Cigarettes lead to Lung Cancer , Sugar Diabetes etc .

Lets Ban Sugar and Cigarettes .
yes as I said they must make Cigarette illegal as it not only harm you but also the people around you .

and about sugar , well does it really cause Diabetes Melitus ?

by the way your discussion technique wont work on me , that sort of discussion that something else is also harmful but we don't ban them so we must not also ban this harmful behavior. is the outdated technique that big cigaret company advertisers used against primary school children in 60 and 70 , ts so outdated that today's even wont work against kindergarten children.
yes as I said they must make Cigarette illegal as it not only harm you but also the people around you .

and about sugar , well does it really cause Diabetes Melitus ?

by the way your discussion technique wont work on me , that sort of discussion that something else is also harmful but we don't ban them so we must not also ban this harmful behavior. is the outdated technique that big cigaret company advertisers used against primary school children in 60 and 70 , ts so outdated that today's even wont work against kindergarten children.
Can too much sugar cause diabetes?

The issue is too much of anything is bad and in moderation everything is good .
Can too much sugar cause diabetes?

The issue is too much of anything is bad and in moderation everything is good .
what's too much and whats not too much
Hashish by reducing your inhibitors can result in bizarre social behavior , it can lead to the abuse of minors .

by the way Sugar is not the cause of diabetes eating sugar without burning it can cause you to have more risk for diabetes
funny, the West used opium on China to make China weak, and the Japanese after that.

Then during the time of China's road to reclaim our crown, the West starts to legalize drugs themselves.

Oh the irony. lol

And despite your capital punishment for drugs offenses, you still have addicts in your country, right?
I see recurring newspaper reports in Dutch media about how XTC ingredients are manufactured and sold by Chinese companies to criminals who put the XTC together (and sell here).

I suggest you let 'the west' experiment as I (and many others before me) had proposed in my first message in this thread.
And we in the west are surely willing to continue to let asian countries that severely punish drug use and ownership proceed as they think is wise. Every time you execute a westerners for drugs offenses in your jurisdictions, we'll put it in our newspapers so future drugs runners and dealers from our territories know what the risk is if they try to sell in your jurisdictions.

Because it can lead to psycose .
And they also can made cigarette illegal , everybody benefit from that.

Ha, well, I happen to know a thing or two about the psychotic/schizo community (in .NL), and I can tell you many schizo/psychosis sufferer gets significant benefit from the right type of wheed (stoned light wheed is best for them), if used in great moderation (which is the advice the mental health institutions here push to all their patients).
Cigarettes lead to Lung Cancer , Sugar Diabetes etc .

Lets Ban Sugar and Cigarettes .

Oh let's ban meat then too. And cars (especially in cities)..

And don't even get me started on alcohol, which I see invoke severe agression way too often. But wait, outlawing alcohol (USA, early 20th century) led to severe organized crime thriving so it was made legal again.

And I dare say you'd severely reduce current drugs crimes if you'd regulate and legalize MORE recreational drugs that people keep getting from organized crime today. Hell, even the current drugs criminals who produce that stuff now would welcome the chance to 'go legit' (with at least a part of their income stream)..
Oh let's ban meat then too. And cars (especially in cities)..

And don't even get me started on alcohol, which I see invoke severe agression way too often. But wait, outlawing alcohol (USA, early 20th century) led to severe organized crime thriving so it was made legal again.

And I dare say you'd severely reduce current drugs crimes if you'd regulate and legalize MORE recreational drugs that people keep getting from organized crime today. Hell, even the current drugs criminals who produce that stuff now would welcome the chance to 'go legit' (with at least a part of their income stream)..

I completely agree with you here . There is a Reason why there is way too less crime in Amsterdam compared to NY ;) .

And govt can tax it and earn money instead of fighting failed War on Drugs .
Another motivation to legalize the production of more types of recreational drugs (that have proven themselves (reasonably) safe to use) is the simple fact that people who have an instinctual drive towards drugs other than the ones that are legal at the moment, will try very destructive combinations of chemicals as recreational drugs.

Take this one for instance; Has Krokodil, the Flesh-Eating Russian Street Drug, Made Its Way to the UK? | VICE United States

And you'll see what I mean.
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