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Charting America’s Debt: $27 Trillion and Counting


Jul 10, 2017
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Charting America’s Debt: $27 Trillion and Counting

1 month ago
October 30, 2020
Marcus Lu


America's Debt Infographic

Why America’s Debt Doesn’t Stop Growing
Public sector debt has been a contentious topic for many years. While some believe that excessive government borrowing can be harmful over the long term, others have argued that it acts as a powerful tool for stimulating growth.
In the U.S., the latter view appears to have taken hold. Since 2008, America’s national debt has surged nearly 200%, reaching $27 trillion as of October 2020. To gain a better understanding of this ever-growing debt, this infographic takes a closer look at various U.S. budgetary datasets including the 2019 fiscal balance.
America’s Debt vs. GDP
Government debts are often represented by incredibly large numbers, making them hard to comprehend. By comparing America’s debt to its annual GDP, we can get a better grasp on the relative size of the country’s financial obligations.
YearTotal Public Debt (USD)GDP (USD)Debt as % of GDP
Showing 1 to 10 of 28 entries
Source: Federal Reserve, U.S. Treasury
In this context, U.S. debt was relatively moderate between 1994 to 2007, averaging 60% of GDP over the timeframe. This took a drastic turn during the Global Financial Crisis, with debt climbing to 95% of GDP by 2012.
Since then, America’s debt has only increased in relative size. In April 2020, with the COVID-19 pandemic in full force, it reached a record 122% of GDP. This may sound troubling at first, but there are a few caveats.
For starters, there are many other advanced economies that have also surpassed the 100% debt-to-GDP milestone. The most noteworthy is Japan, where the debt-to-GDP ratio has climbed beyond 200%. Furthermore, this is not the first time America has found itself in this situation—by the end of World War II, debt-to-GDP peaked at 106% before declining to historic lows in the 1970s.
What’s Preventing the Debt From Shrinking?
Although the U.S. continuously pays off portions of its debt, the total amount it owes has increased each year since 2001. That’s because the federal government runs consistent budget deficits, meaning it spends more than it earns. During economic crises, these deficits can become incredibly large.
Fiscal Year (Sept 30)Budget Surplus or Deficit (USD billions)
Showing 1 to 5 of 21 entries
Source: Federal Reserve
In the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis, the U.S. recorded an annual deficit of $1.4 trillion in FY2009. This was largely due to the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which provided tax rebates and other economic relief.
In the economic battle against COVID-19’s impacts, the boundaries have been pushed even further. The annual deficit for FY2020 weighs in at a staggering $3.1 trillion, the largest ever. Contributing to this historic deficit was the $2 trillion CARES Act, which provided wide-ranging support to the entire U.S. economy.
Breaking Down the 2019 Fiscal Balance
Even in the years between these two economic crises, government spending still outpaced revenues. To find out more, we’ve broken down the 2019 fiscal balance into its various components.
Federal Spending
Total spending in FY2019 was roughly $4.4 trillion, and can be broken out into three components.
The first component is Mandatory Spending, which accounted for 62% of the total. Mandatory spending is required by law, and includes funding for important programs such as social security.
CategoryAmount (USD billions)Percent of Total Federal Spending
Health programs$1,121B25.5%
Social security$1,039B23.6%
Income security$301B6.8%
Federal civilian and military retirement$164B3.7%
Total mandatory spending$2,735B62.2%
Figures may not add to 100 due to rounding. Source: Peter G. Peterson Foundation
The largest category here was Health, with $1.1 trillion in funding for programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. Social security, which provides payments to retirees, was the second largest at $1.0 trillion.
The second component is Discretionary Spending, which accounted for 30% of the total. Discretionary spending is determined on an annual basis by Congress and the President.
Discretionary SpendingAmount (USD)Share of Total Federal Spending
Veteran's benefits & services$85B1.9%
Showing 1 to 5 of 14 entries
Figures may not add to 100 due to rounding. Source: Peter G. Peterson Foundation
At $677 billion, the Defense category represents over half of total discretionary spending. These funds are spread across the five branches of the U.S. military: the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Space Force.
The third component of spending is the net interest costs on existing government debt. For FY2019, this was approximately $327 billion.
Federal Revenues
Revenues in FY2019 fell short of total spending, coming in at approximately $3.5 trillion. These inflows can be traced back to six categories.
CategoryAmount (USD billions)Percent of Total Revenues
Individual income taxes$1,732B50.0%
Payroll taxes$1,247B36.0%
Corporate income taxes$242B7.0%
Excise taxes$104B3.0%
Customs duties$69B2.0%
Total revenues$3,464B100.0%
Figures may not add to 100 due to rounding. Source: Peter G. Peterson Foundation
Revenues overwhelmingly relied on individual income and payroll taxes, which together, accounted for 86% of the total. Corporate income taxes, on the other hand, accounted for just 7%.
Is America’s Debt a Cause for Concern?
The general consensus following the events of 2008 is that large fiscal stimulus (supported by government borrowing) was effective in speeding up the consequent recovery.
Now facing a pandemic, it’s likely that many Americans would support the idea of running large deficits to boost the economy. Surveys released in July 2020, for example, found that 82% of Americans wanted federal relief measures to be extended.
Looking beyond COVID-19, however, does reveal some warning signs. One frequent criticism of the ever-growing national debt is its associated interest costs, which could cannibalize investment in other areas. In fact, the effects of this dilemma are already becoming apparent. Over the past decade, the U.S. has spent more on interest than it has on programs such as veterans benefits and education.
us federal net interest costs chart

With low interest rates expected for the foreseeable future, the federal government is likely to continue running its large annual deficits—at least until the effects of COVID-19 have fully subsided. Perhaps after this crisis is over, it will be time to assess the long-term sustainability of America’s rising national debt.
its not possible o pay debt i think end will be default and start new
How Japan can afford a debt of 200% of GDP---the reason is unique position of Japan.

Japan suffers from deflation and in deflation it is possible to print a little money without causing dangerous levels of inflation.

So Japanese Central Bank prints some money and buys government bonds (debt monetization) and a lot of Japanese governments debt is owned by the Central Bank of Japan.

According to Ray Dalio-head of the largest hedge fund in the world, USA will soon start doing the same.

According to Ray Dalio, USA is on the verge of depression....It became impossible to stimulate US economy, because:

1) Federal Reserve interest rate hit zero and can't be lowered further

2) Quantitative easing doesn't help the economy but increases the wealth gap

3) taxes can't be lowered because they are already low

4) government can't start a stimulus program because this requires borrowing a lot of money (trillions of dollars) and investors, who already have a lot of US government bonds simply don't have enough money to buy all those newly issued bonds

So according to Ray Dalio, what will happen next is US Congress allowing Federal Reserve to print money and buy newly issued US gov. bonds,---- i/e debt monetization like in Japan, which will result in devaluation of US dollar

If debt monetization and currency devaluation will result in rise of inflation, many investors will start selling US government bonds and the price of these bonds will go down and then Federal Reserve will print money and buy these bonds----the result is that Federal Reserve will take control of US debt, but dollar might lose the status of global reserve currency and inflation in US will be pretty high

A video by Ray Dalio
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