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Changing Views of Afghan Forces

hmm thts goof Afghan forces need to take their public in confidence it will be the biggest strength of afghans after 2014 hopefully, Thanks to Pakistan Army for training such lions and brave soldiers of afghanistan:)

Really? And before there ever was a Pakistani army, we Afghans were apparently delicate little doilies dancing in our Tutus? Is that why Pakistanis name their nuclear missiles after Afghan leaders such as Ghori, Ghaznawid, and Abdali?
hmm thts goof Afghan forces need to take their public in confidence it will be the biggest strength of afghans after 2014 hopefully, Thanks to Pakistan Army for training such lions and brave soldiers of afghanistan:)

Javed bhai, yeah true but since when Pakistani Army started training Afghan soldiers?
I think Afghanistan should work on making their view neutral towards other countries which right now is not the case......... because the aggressive stance towards Pakistan in the past led to war and destruction for both countries.....

There was a news but i dont think it went through

Addressing concerns: Pakistan Army to train Afghan troops – The Express Tribune

Mutual understanding is must for both countries and I am also not sure about any thing practical from that news.
I think Afghanistan should work on making their view neutral towards other countries which right now is not the case......... because the aggressive stance towards Pakistan in the past led to war and destruction for both countries.....

There was a news but i dont think it went through

Addressing concerns: Pakistan Army to train Afghan troops – The Express Tribune

last time pakistan trained afghans, the world ended up with taliban!! hopefully afghan administration won't make the same mistake again
@Loy Afghanistan

All leaders you mentioned were born in present day Pakistan.
Loy Afghanistan

All leaders you mentioned were born in present day Pakistan.

Dear Icewolf,

Precisely where do you think you’re going with this friend? Did you not know that historical Afghans had a tendency to attach the name of the province their leaders descended from at the end of their names? Hence, Muhammad e “Ghori” (from Afghanistan’s Ghor), or Sultan Mahmoud e Ghaznawi (from Afghanistan’s Ghazni)? But hey, if you’re referring to their descendants having been born among the ruled as your rulers, then try thinking about how screwed up that is. Both these rulers were brutal enough on fellow-Afghans themselves, but they are renowned for delivering the most extreme prejudice upon your ancestors in Sindh and the Punjab in particular. Are you not aware of this? When I see Pakistanis eulogize these Afghan rulers even to the extent that you actually take ownership over them, it’s suddenly as though you choose to escape the thoughts of immense humiliation they brought upon your ancestors. I suppose it’s easier to identify with your masters than to acknowledge the cowardice of your own people. If this is what they teach you in Pakistani schools, then I will tell you that your entire syllabus is based on lies, just like much of everything else in Pakistan. I still can not believe that many among your leaders insist upon telling you that the Taliban are an Afghan nationalist movement fighting for our freedoms.

As for Ahmed Shah Abdali, for starters, you are talking to a part descendant of the Durranis, which is what I am. Last I checked, no member of my family has every referred to ourselves as Punjabis, even if you are indeed referring to the heavily contentious historical argument that he was apparently born in Multan. I hope you realize that there are equally sources that claim that he was born in Herat, Afghanistan. After all, the Abdali tribes have historically been spread across from Kandahar to Herat. This is why they were recruited into the army of the Sunni Turkish Khorasani ruler, Nadir Quli Beg, given their geographic proximity to them. When Ahmed Shah Baba was crowned Amir, it all happened in Kandahar. But even still, it doesn’t matter one bit if he was indeed been born in Multan, for it would have surely been in the bosom of yet another Afghan ruler therein. However, if you really want to know how the Durranis viewed the Punjabis, try digesting the fact that Timur Shah ruled over those lands through his appointed Sikh – not Muslim – Governor, Ranjit Singh.

But if that doesn’t work for you, try going to Ghor, Ghazni or Kandahar as a Punjabi and declare those leaders as your own to the people therein and watch the reaction you’ll invite. I would tell you that the people would laugh you out of Afghanistan and no more so than the Kakos of Kandahar in particular. You people have been inflating your egos with nothing more than borrowed history from Afghanistan. Do you realize this friend?

In spite of all your leaders have done to Afghans by riding on the back of our war with the Soviets, the fact is that the more I learn about Pakistanis, the more I genuinely pity you.


Loy Afghanistan
The fact of the matter is, there is huge underreporting of Taliban insurgent attacks on NATO/Afghan Forces.

The attack a few days ago in Khost had different ISAF and Afghan accounts. According to the ISAF account, only the insurgents were killed, whereas according to an Afghan official, 7 civilians had been killed and 13 injured:

BBC News - Suicide bomber attacks Nato base in eastern Afghanistan

The ISAF/NATO Forces have denied responsibility of the killing of innocent civilians, they also underreport their casualties.

The fact of the matter is, the Taliban strike with impunity all over Afghanistan everyday, & the fact that they are able to launch such coordinated attacks in sensitive locations in Kabul is a worrying sign for the Karzai government. It doesn't matter how many Taliban the troops kill, because their recruiting power is very strong, & they have sympathizers & supporters all over Afghanistan.
Well any person who wishes the well being of Afghans would do their utmost to support the ANSF and rid the country of the Taliban menace which has brought nothing but shame and distoreted Islam and Afghanistan and Pashtuns in particular.

The NDS is also working and are getting tips from the population and making major arrest inclugin Taliban commander level arrests which shows that the population no longer is afraid of the Taliban.

Other than PAkistan, no muslim country supports the Taliban which shows that the consensus of even Muslim countries is with the central govt. and a clear signal for Taliban and Pakistan to enter into a neogtiated settlement to end the misery of the Afghan people rather than prolong it for their personal interest. Countries like Turkey and UAE are actually present as part of the ISAF forces helping Afghanistan.

It shouldn't be long before ANSF can independant tackle the remnants of the insurgents and Kharijis like the Taliban.
last time pakistan trained afghans, the world ended up with taliban!! hopefully afghan administration won't make the same mistake again

we trained mujahideen with US money..... Taliban were never trained by us..... Because they are the same Mujahideen....And now US is again training Afghans....
Well any person who wishes the well being of Afghans would do their utmost to support the ANSF and rid the country of the Taliban menace which has brought nothing but shame and distoreted Islam and Afghanistan and Pashtuns in particular.

The NDS is also working and are getting tips from the population and making major arrest inclugin Taliban commander level arrests which shows that the population no longer is afraid of the Taliban.

Other than PAkistan, no muslim country supports the Taliban which shows that the consensus of even Muslim countries is with the central govt. and a clear signal for Taliban and Pakistan to enter into a neogtiated settlement to end the misery of the Afghan people rather than prolong it for their personal interest. Countries like Turkey and UAE are actually present as part of the ISAF forces helping Afghanistan.

It shouldn't be long before ANSF can independant tackle the remnants of the insurgents and Kharijis like the Taliban.

Your basic assumption is wrong. Pakistan does not support the Taliban. Pakistan is indifferent to the Taliban, as they are the Afghan people themselves. Hence, the rest of your post is moot.
There were more than 2 dozen green on blue incidents, with standard SOP for NATO/ISAF troops to keep sentry's and loaded weapons with them, at all times even when sleeping.

According to classified field reports from Allied soldiers, they don't trust ANA/ANP, believe they are high on drugs, some are even keeping young boys in their barracks for sexual reasons, the ISAF soldiers find it disgusting, but the Afghans insist it is their cultural practice.
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