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Chandrayaan 3 - a curtain raiser by ISRO

What does "factors unfavourable" mean? Rain and high winds?

Odd statement coming from a scientist... There are millions of variables and always more unknowns. A tiny piece of space junk like a bolt left by Apollo missions can obliterate the craft while in orbit, did they plan for that? There are more chances of failure than success in this kind of thing.

The article points to few additional precautions taken by ISRO vis-à-vis Chandrayan-2. The heading is, as usual for Indian news, a bit exaggerated.
  • More robust algorithm for speed control, which was the cause for Chandrayaan-2 lander crash landing.
  • Strengthened Lander legs
  • 6 sigma bound mission design
  • Robust stress testing of the lander.
  • Additional on-board computer (2 in Chanrayaan-3 compared to single in 2) for hazard detection & search for the best landing site.

I have hardly waited for anything with such baited breath. Extremely nervous!!!
Odd statement coming from a scientist... There are millions of variables and always more unknowns. A tiny piece of space junk like a bolt left by Apollo missions can obliterate the craft while in orbit, did they plan for that? There are more chances of failure than success in this kind of thing.

New Delhi:
Chandrayaan-3's Vikram lander has an inbuilt "salvage mode" which will help it land even if every thing goes wrong, an aerospace scientist explained,

I wish I had one of these "salvage modes" when everything in my life was going wrong :laughcry:
Entire country is nervous right now

Telecast started

Any idea about the exact landing time? I'm scheduled to go out of office in 15 minutes and that's the time the lander is supposed to start its descend.

saw this on twitter, ai make good art
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