A question for you all. These prayer timings that these Mullahs give out for every year, how do you think they come across them? How did these Mullahs tell you exactly which time will your fast end for the entire month of Ramadan even before it began? And no it's not because the solar cycle is more uniform, because it's not. Once you've reached the answer, please also tell if this was the way the Prophet (S.A.W) figured out the timings of the prayers for the entire year? Or how He (S.A.W) figured out the precise time that He (S.A.W) needed to end His fast?
Do you know how prayer and azan timings were determined back then? The trickiest one was the time for Asr.
All the other examples you listed are not pre requisites of acts of worship.
Yes they are, or rather, were. Traveling by camel, brushing your teeth with miswak and reciting azan through a megphone have all had religious implications. You don't know them because people a lot smarter than your average mullah and before your time had enough sense to see through religious dogma and reach a logical conclusion allowing Muslims the most benefiting way to practice their religion and spend their lives......as is instructed by Islam. I won't provide the complete details either, that's what your local mullah is for, pun intended.
a) Moving from traveling by camel to traveling by air has completely changed our Ihram etiquette for haj. It has also introduced brand new allowances in prayer while traveling. Do you know how?
b) Miswak was just as much a part of Islam as is the sighting of the moon, i.e. indirectly associated. Miswak was strongly recommended so that the basic hygiene requirements of prayer could be met, even during fasts. You don't see any mullah asking you to miswak your teeth now do you?
c) Azan through loudspeakers,
for decades, was claimed to be not kosher by Mullahs and laypersons, such as your self. You see, it wasn't how it was done during the time of the Prophet (S.A.W). Today you'd think that even the idea is pretty stupid. But for decades, just to appease the rabid illiterate mob of mullahs, azan was recited first by voice alone and only then through a loudspeaker. It took even longer to convince them that you could lead a prayer through a mic as well.
Sighting the moon is because as I stated earlier it is required to determine the start of the month, which dictates when Ramadan starts and when hajj is.
Incorrect again. It must be clarified that the pre-requisite of Eid and Ramadan is the starting and ending of the lunar month of Ramadan, not the sighting of the new moon. The sighting of the new moon
was the best way of determining the start of a new month when people thought that the Earth was flat. Even then, it was unanimously accepted that the sighting of the moon, or lack there of, was by no means a guarantee for the start of a new month since there were a hundred different reasons why a moon, though present, could by missed by the spotters. Hence, date adjustments were performed through out history for the lunar calendar and still are in Pakistan where these illiterate mullahs have had a strangle hold on religious proceedings.
If there is a moon to be seen but cannot be seen due to whatever reason, Eid is here. So when a man comes to you and tells you that he can guarantee you the lunar calendar
years in advance, it is your religious responsibility to take him on it so as to fulfill your religious obligation of fulfilling your religious obligations as best as you can and not keep your head buried under the sand deliberately accepting the inaccuracies of your archaic system which refrain you from performing your religious duties as well as you can and should. If you don't, then you, my friend, are in contempt of religious decree. Because you know, fasting on Eid is haram and missing a fast, when you could help not to, is also haram.