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Chanakya TV Series


Feb 21, 2013
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Chanakya is a name well known to both India and Pak. A hero in India because of his crucial role in creation of the Mauryan Empire. Villanized in Pakistan by iconic community leaders (with red caps) like Sir Zaid Hamid :) :D:partay:. The good thing is that when Chandra Prakash Dwivedi set out to make a series on Chanakya he traded Bollywood style BS with a taut, realistic and well researched script. This created what I believe is the single best TV series made in India to date.

I have always regretted not being able to see the whole series and was delighted when I found the whole thing put up on Youtube. I'm putting up links to the same. I would encourage even Pak members to see it if they can since it's very interesting history and shows the life and times of the forefathers who lived in this land before. Enjoy!

Chanakya was the first person to give the concept of "Akhand Bharat" and he made it a reality within his lifetime. He was a great statesman.:-) Had he not been insulted by the Nanda Kings, he won't have found the determination.:big_boss:
Chanakya concept of Akhand Bharat and Sir Zaid Hamid concept of ghazwa-e-hind are not different, both plans basically consist of invading other kingdoms and killing millions.
Chanakya concept of Akhand Bharat and Sir Zaid Hamid concept of ghazwa-e-hind are not different, both plans basically consist of invading other kingdoms and killing millions.

Silly, Chanakya lived nearly 2400 years ago, Zaid Hamid(I have no idea why he is called Sir) lives in the present time.
Silly, Chanakya lived nearly 2400 years ago, Zaid Hamid(I have no idea why he is called Sir) lives in the present time.

We are not talking about time lines but intentions behind it. Anyone who think Chanakya had noble intentions is grade a idiot, especially when there is possibility he killed Punjabi King Porus.
We are not talking about time lines but intentions behind it. Anyone who think Chanakya had noble intentions is grade a idiot, especially when there is possibility he killed Punjabi King Porus.

Silly to judge people outside of their period. Morality can only be applied to the period that people lived in, not by today's standards. Zaid Hamid might have made a good fit 900 years ago but not now.
Chanakya concept of Akhand Bharat and Sir Zaid Hamid concept of ghazwa-e-hind are not different, both plans basically consist of invading other kingdoms and killing millions.
Chanakya played a major role in uniting people who belonged to the same culture, civilization and nation. His work called 'Arthashastra' is a jewel of history. Chanakya's views on espionage, military & administration are simply outstanding while Zaid Hamid is an idiot conspiracy theorist that wants to keep two countries belonging to the same civilization as perpetual enemies. And the chap thinks he is a defense 'analyst'. Even 5 year old have better analytical skills. And you have as much analytical skills as Zaid Hamid if you are comparing him with Chanakya.
We are not talking about time lines but intentions behind it. Anyone who think Chanakya had noble intentions is grade a idiot, especially when there is possibility he killed Punjabi King Porus.
Tecnically even the first emperor of China used brutal tactics to unite- a legacy built on and continues into the modern 'one china' idea.
Tecnically even the first emperor of China used brutal tactics to unite- a legacy built on and continues into the modern 'one china' idea.

Yes the the first emperor of China has killed many people who opposed him and also destroyed the literature and art works of various regions.
One of the reason for destroying the culture, literature and art works is he wanted to make people speak one common language throughout china.
kaisi lanat perri hui hai is ki shakal pai



imagine a brain dead mushrik who sees piety and righteousness in such horrid and evil faces.

The pics you have posted belong to Sanyasis or Aghoris, their mental state is far better than Maharaja. These guys when they have attained this state, live like GODs with out any burden of human life.

It is not easy to leave every thing in human life like Greed, sex, money, luxuries and power and become one.
We are not talking about time lines but intentions behind it. Anyone who think Chanakya had noble intentions is grade a idiot, especially when there is possibility he killed Punjabi King Porus.

Porus died fighting Alexander.

For your reference:

Thanks for Sharing. From Where I can get the complete series ? Would appreciate if you can share the links if you have handy.

Oh you can find it listed as 'episodes' dude- all on youtube

This is the second part:
If you notice it says episode 2 to the right...just search for episode 3, 4, 5 etc. as you go along, all those videos are on youtube.

Chankaya had brain and he utilized it but Zaid Hamid is a clown.He is good for nothing.

You know...I'm aghast at the accuracy of your reply...:lol::lol:
Oh you can find it listed as 'episodes' dude- all on youtube

This is the second part:
If you notice it says episode 2 to the right...just search for episode 3, 4, 5 etc. as you go along, all those videos are on youtube.


You know...I'm aghast at the accuracy of your reply...:lol::lol:
Thanks for Sharing..Why did you feel so ?

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