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Chamalang The Gold Valley-Pak Army's gift to the Nation


Mar 31, 2008
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A grand KHOON BAHA ceremony was conducted in Lora Lai on 3 Feb 09 under the patronage of Army, which was attended by the Tribal Leaders from the Luni and Marri Tribe.

The ceremony was the second one in the chain of a series of similar meetings, the first one being held in July last year.

The occasion was graced by Brig____ and was a show put up by Lt Col ____.

Now a few words about the background of this event.

Khoon Baha is a tradition being followed by the tribes of Balochistan and NWFP in order to compensate for the murder of an individual. It can be compared with the custom of “Diyaat” in Islam.
Now a few words about Chamalang, I thought it would be better to get you people a few links for the purpose:

Chamalang The Gold Valley
The largest coalmines in Asia and the 2nd largest in the world situated in Loralai District and Dukki Tehsil. The property is owned by LONI Tribe (PASHTOONS) several wars have been fought for the cause b/w Loni & Muri Tribes but always the Muri tribe had to face the defeat! now the field is under military control and coal is being mined under an estimate 30000 tons per month from the field by the Loni tribe!

Some more facts:

Chamalang mountain range is situated about 40-45 KMs north of Kohlu in tehsil Duki of Balochistan province. The reserves are spread over at an area of 7x60 KMs. The Chamalang coal mines due to fine quality of coal and its availability close to surface has the potential to generate significant economy activities in the area including employment capacity, revenue generation to the stakeholders and the government.
It is believed that the coal mining activities would benefit people of the area and would ensure peaceful/friendly environment for development, thereby enhancing the public confidence people friendly policies of the federal and provincial governments. It has been learnt that the project has generated employment for approximately 40,000 individuals. Has the production capacity of initially about 6000 tons per day once only two companies started excavation. However on its full operational sation, excavation of approximately 25,000 tons coal worth Rs. 100 million per day is expected.. The coal was being explored 500 feet below the surface in the Sorenj and Digari coalfields while the fine quality of coal would be available even from less than 20 feet depth in Chamalang coalfield.

Capacity of Chamalang coal mines -DAWN - National; March 07, 2007
Capacity of Chamalang coal mines

By Amanullah Kasi

QUETTA, March 6: Major Gen Mohammad Farooq of 12 Corps said that the Chamalang coal mines, which were now operational following the tripartite agreement between the Marri and Luni tribes and mine contractors, had the capacity to produce coal worth Rs30 billion per annum.

An official statement issued here on Tuesday said that Gen Farooq during his interaction with the people of Kohlu had invited fugitives and marginalised persons to join the path of prosperity and development instead of impairing government efforts.

He asserted that the main advantage of this project was that education facility would be provided to 300 students by the army, adding that the package included free education, books, uniforms, stationery and a Rs500-monthly stipend.

He said the army in the initial stage would bear the cost; however, later at an appropriate time, it would be managed through the Chamalang development fund.

The Chamalang mines were closed 30 years back after a dispute over ownership between the Luni and the Murri tribes.
The Luni and Marri Tribes of Balochistan have been in great dispute over the distribution of mineral extracts and the land itself since long. They have been killing each other and making use of all kind of procedure in order to harm the other tribe.
It included killing and kidnapping of individuals, planting mines, abducting animals of the other tribe and snatching of vehicles. Locals considered the re-opening of the coal mine at Chamalang impossible. Many attempts had been made by the civilian govt and many others but all the efforts were in vain.

People were being killed and the entire area was in chaos, not to mention about the loss that was being incurred by our country due to the closure of the Coal Field!

Then came the Army, a rigorous campaign was started by the Army to get both the tribes patch together and let go of their issues. Contractors were also got hold of as they were never ready to come back and work for the coal mines due to the dangerous situation that has been created.
Now as the mines are operational again, they benefits have stated reaching the local peoples. A few are mentioned below:

- Free provision of schooling to children. Currently 3000 students are getting education. The students are also provided with free books, uniforms, stationery and a Rs 500-monthly stipend, all being funded by the coal mines.

- Provision of money as Khoon Baha to the relatives of the people who were either murdered or died as a result of firing or mine plantation by the either tribes. Rs 2 Crore were distributed last year, today Rs 1.5 Crore have been distributed to the relatives, again all odf this have been funded by the coal mines.

- Construction of Labour Colonies for the 50000-men labour that works at the mines.

- Construction of roads towards the mines thus connecting to the rest of Pakistan.

All the above mentioned projects and programs are being supervised by the Army, except that NO MONEY is involved directly for the Army. The Army just instructs the contractors and the money is directly given to the individuals by the civilian administration, to include the DCO, DPO, the Dept of Mines and Minerals and local Sardars!
A pictorial view of the event:

(i am trying to get their names right-i have to get it from the guy present at the ceremony)

The Luni Tribal Sardar

The leader of Marri Tribe

Surprisingly non of the media was present during the event, despite of the fact that Rs 10 million were distributed. The Nazim, Commandant FC Training Center, CO of the organizing unit, DPO and a few civil gazetted officers were also present to attend the ceremony.

i was told by my friend at the ceremony that a reporter from Express News was supposed to be there, but he didn't turn out at the time if the ceremony!

Lora Lai don't have any ISP so internet facility is not available there.
Anywaz i am here to post about the event ;-)
These type of things are still there in pakistan..??

What do you mean by these kinda things?
If you are referring to the event, yes!

Though this event being quite old, but still it is not out dated.

It was just a way to tell the old, traditional, un-aware minds of our brothers that we (the people, the Army and the govt) are there to help them.
We also want that you people (the residents of Balochistan) should also prosper like us, and if you consider that Punjab has taken away all your resources and the Army is there killing its own people and that Punjabis and sindhis are not loyal to Balochistan etc etc, then you are on the Wrong track! We are there to take you along! Not leave you behind!:)
Here comes the snaps of the poem written by a local during the event.
It is quite impressive.
i was surprised to read the script, it really shows the feelings of those people towards the sacrifices Army has given for their uplift.

This poem talks about a soldier who is telling his own tale, but from the mouth/pen of a Marri.

And atleast i can assure you that it was a genuine effort by that guy with no Army's involvement. The dudes conducting the event don't even have time to scratch their heads what to talk about wasting their time in fabrications!
Here it is:- (download the pics and zoom in to read the text-i couldn't get the written script, as reportedly the writer was not ready to give it, but then he was requested to hand over the pages for a while so that my friend can get the thing photocopied but due to the 'adam mojodgi' of a copier it had to be photographed)
Enjoy the motivation!

Please not the Balochi accent that is even visible in the writing-strange, those people are really rigid:argh:

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great poem.... simply great:pakistan:
It really is wonderful!
i was really surprised by the text. i have heard it on the video as made by my friend during the event and the 'josh' and dedication that the speaker/writer shows is amazing.

All was coming directly from heart and he really speaks his mind out, all truth and nothing else.

i wish some media was present there, but why would the media be there, ofocurse they are not getting any story to malign the Army, the govt and the country itself by the coverage of such and important event.

BTW, did you notice the 'accent' thing in the poem!
You can also find certain grammatical mistakes in the Urdu that has been written, it actually shows that it has been typed by a local typist!
It really is wonderful!
i was really surprised by the text. i have heard it on the video as made by my friend during the event and the 'josh' and dedication that the speaker/writer shows is amazing.

All was coming directly from heart and he really speaks his mind out, all truth and nothing else.

i wish some media was present there, but why would the media be there, ofocurse they are not getting any story to malign the Army, the govt and the country itself by the coverage of such and important event.

BTW, did you notice the 'accent' thing in the poem!
You can also find certain grammatical mistakes in the Urdu that has been written, it actually shows that it has been typed by a local typist!

must be coz some of the vocabulary was gud but there we mistakes in sentence structure. must be some local baloch person. have u got the video???? if yes cant u upload it somewhere???

our media didnt even cover activities at gwadar lik it should have. it was a big news for pakistan and should have been celebrated but our media have been to busy in gettin gossips from our politicians...
must be coz some of the vocabulary was gud but there we mistakes in sentence structure. must be some local baloch person. have u got the video???? if yes cant u upload it somewhere???

our media didnt even cover activities at gwadar lik it should have. it was a big news for pakistan and should have been celebrated but our media have been to busy in gettin gossips from our politicians...

Yes i do have the video but i'll not upload it for the two reasons:

one as it has been made at random so it also contains certain 'things' which i would not like to share on the media without proper permission (this include the officers, the formation involved in organizing the event, a few ladies from the Marri/Luni tribe etc etc-ofcourse i cant upload the pics of the officers and others without the permission as ISPR is not involved in this, moreover the tribals dont like their women to be shown on media-Army got the permission to film them for record purposes and not for releasing it on net or elsewhere)
As the video is quite random so it cant also be edited precisely to just bring out what is required to be shown, but i will try to post a few more fotos after editing them, i still have to get them from the friend!

Second, its size is quite enormous and i dont have that much a bandwidth to upload it:pop:

i hope you understand!
can't believe the media actually didnt show up for such a great event!Guess it didnt have any juicy conspiracy theory related to the PA,,otherwise it would have been lapped up.Y don't the ispr make an edited copy and circulate it to the media or upload it on their site?

the poem is superb!
my fav line
apni guftar,kirdar aur morale per jam jurat kia iss peh nazan hoon mei
a touch of english,splashed with urdu in a balouchi accent!gr8!
Thnx for the appreciation!
The ISPR is probably busy somewhere else, what can i say.
As far as the video thing is concerned i can also edit it but it will screw up the quality, moreover as i said earlier it has been made randomly and the officer making the video is giving of his kinda funny commentary..lolzz and then it also shows the things like the unit monogram, formation signs, senior officers, civilian officers etc etc so it would not be quite prudish of me to upload the stuff.

i will try to post the text of the speech given by the tribal leaders and the other notables!

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