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Chamalang The Gold Valley-Pak Army's gift to the Nation

Yes i do have the video but i'll not upload it for the two reasons:

one as it has been made at random so it also contains certain 'things' which i would not like to share on the media without proper permission (this include the officers, the formation involved in organizing the event, a few ladies from the Marri/Luni tribe etc etc-ofcourse i cant upload the pics of the officers and others without the permission as ISPR is not involved in this, moreover the tribals dont like their women to be shown on media-Army got the permission to film them for record purposes and not for releasing it on net or elsewhere)
As the video is quite random so it cant also be edited precisely to just bring out what is required to be shown, but i will try to post a few more fotos after editing them, i still have to get them from the friend!

Second, its size is quite enormous and i dont have that much a bandwidth to upload it:pop:

i hope you understand!

i appreciate ur stand
Well, luckily i managed to get to the place where this Khoon Baha thing was held. i was sitting with an Officer when a local came in with a very poor guy who actually came for some work of his. The officer had to his office for some stuff and there i got the opportunity to talk with this guy, rather 'interview' him-atleast sort of a interview with only a few questions. i recorded the audio on my cell phone but when he had already spoken half of the length (my mind was somewhere else at that time as usual!!) but still i managed to get an audio with a length of 11 minutes.

i have uploaded the file, you can find the link below. Here are some of the highlights that he spoke about.

Mostly he was praising the Army and Below are the few glimpses of what he said. (i have uploaded the audio so that no one can say that it is faked!)

The guy was from the Luni Tribe and here is what he said:-

- This(Chamalang) is very guud, it is not only guud for us but for the province and the country also.

- We people were fools! We knew nothing, but now thankfully the Army has given us new life.

- i bought a piece of land that costed me Rs 30/- per feet, but now it is Rs 300/- per feet. It is only because of the Chamalnag project.

- The property around Doki and Lora lai has also increased in value.
Our children are now studying in the schools being run by the Army, how would they pick up a gun again, no they never will, why should they, they will not do it because they would be more sensible than us!

-Q:Here i asked him why were they doing it-i mean the fighting and sabotage activities? The answer was: Koi kehta ha ye zameen mera hai koi kehta hai ye mera hai(some say this land is owned by me and the other says that it is owned by me) Jirgas were held, many a times but all in vein, they just fought, everything was shut down.

-Q:What did the Army do?
-A: Army nay dono ko farig kiya.... The Army said that we have to start this Chamalang thing, we will make a pact between the Luni and Marris and other Sub-Tribes, and this will project would run in a manner that every local, each and every local will benefit from it-that's for sure. The all came, the Lunis and the Marris brought together by the Army, there was a pact and it was made clear by all and to all that anybody who will not abide by the pact and rules would be dealt with severely!

-We all sat together under the auspicious of the Army and now can you believe the childern of Marris study in our areas!!!!! Tu kaya masla hai, koi masla nahi(Then so what, this is not a problem now) We are friends now.

- Can you believe i m above 40 but i saw Islamabad for the first time in 2007!!! Living in our own country i was not able to visit our capital, juts because i was busy in fighting with our own people.

- Now i do visit Islamabad often, i also visit Lahore now beacsue of my business, i also visit Islamabad to thank Gen___ and Brig___ for what they have done foe us!

- Now can you believe, our sons and daughters, they children of "*****" people like us and the Marris are studying in Islamabad, Peshawar, Lahore and Karachi, because we are more aware now and have money, thanks to the Army!

- But before this our children had to obey the "Sardar". Obey him if God Forbidden he was a God!

- Now they are the same Sardars, we still respect them but don't follow them blindly!

- Before this we would have been carrying the gun till the Day of Judgment! but now we hold PEN! you know pen is more powerful then the gun.

You know i know a person who told me that he has placed a bomb just for Rs 1500/-!!!! can you believe it. We were so much in dark, but what could he have done, if he will not get anything to feed his children he will do it, but not now. Now we are rich, quite rich!

- Chamalang was once a center of all terror activity, they(the terrorists) used to get the training over here, but now all have been swiped by the Army!

- This place used to be hell, it impossible to get here and go out from here, but now it is one of the most peaceful areas!

- i don't know what is there in fighting, now the life is only for 55 years, may be a maximum of 60 years, then you die, so why to fight. You strive for 40-45 years to earn and then you are left with 15 years to live so why not to spend a happy life with your kids!!!

- It was outsiders who made us fought! They used to give 10000-15000 and make us fight each other, now do you believe because of Chamalang a cook who has nothing much to do earns a 1000 Rupees on daily basis!!!! i know a cook who told me this, he says that i start my work at 10 in the morning and finish it at 10 in the night and i make Rs 1000 daily!

- Here i asked him this much you don' even earn in Karachi and he replied: What Karachi, you don't even earn this much in Dubai!!!! i know people who prefer to work here rather than leaving the country for places like Dubai etc etc!!

- A person who is at the lowest grade of a job also earns a minimum of Rs 15000/- monthly what else do he need!!!

- We are very happy, very happy!

- Now the kids of ours who are studying, when we tell them that this pact is for 10 years, you know what they say? They say please make it for A THOUSAND YEARS!!! Just put two more zeros at the end to make it 1000, so that when we grow up our children can also lead a happy life!

- They are afraid that after 10 years again this big shots from the Luni or Marri Tribe will come and ruin everything!!!!

- We were so ignorant that the 'Nawab Sahid' was fooling us (Nawab Saab hum ko TEEKA laga raha tha-a very few will get this point concerning the Teeka:pop:) He was fooling us and his own children were studying in London and we were living in tents on the mountains!!!

- But now we have learned, thanks to the Army, now we know what is guud and bad for us!!!!

Here is the link:-
Supload.com - Free Image Hosting, Free Audio Hosting, Free Music Hosting, Free Video Hosting, Ringtone Hosting, Free Movie Hosting

You can verify what all i have written:)

Note: After downloading please forward the recording for 1 minute 40 second, as i have recorded it on a previous recording, as i was in a hurry and never wanted to let that guy know that i was recording him-unethical but this was the only way he could have spoken his heart out!.

You will here a women talking in English in the beginning! So ignore it, forward it and then you'll listen the guy talking in Urdu!! That's our Man!!:tup:
Wow - Thanks for the updates and sharing Enigma.

This statement by the gentleman was very touching:

"Now the kids of ours who are studying, when we tell them that this pact is for 10 years, you know what they say? They say please make it for A THOUSAND YEARS!!! Just put two more zeros at the end to make it 1000, so that when we grow up our children can also lead a happy life!"
Wow - Thanks for the updates and sharing Enigma.

This statement by the gentleman was very touching:

"Now the kids of ours who are studying, when we tell them that this pact is for 10 years, you know what they say? They say please make it for A THOUSAND YEARS!!! Just put two more zeros at the end to make it 1000, so that when we grow up our children can also lead a happy life!"

i hope that you follow this statement in the actual recording also.
It's a treat to listen it!
When i first started talking to this guy he seemed very strict and stern and rude, but when he opened i could see the glow in his eyes, when he used to say "we are so happy now", we are so happy"

Actually what i could make out from the speeches, videos that i received and this meeting is that the Luni and Marri Tribes still 'compare' each other but at the same time they also trust each other!

You would notice the Lunis talking "a bit" low about the Marris and vice versa, but they never cross the line!
You must have listened this chap saying that the Mari children are studying in OUR area, well they way he told me this showed what an enmity prevailed among these two groups that they cant even stand each others children but now they are living together!!

i wish i could have stayed there for a bit long but getting there took me alot of time! i had to come back.
Actually i went there to attend the passing out of FC (hope you are knowing about it)with some VIP, so i had to fall back according to the plan!

Well i still have a small surprise for you people!! Just wait.
Wow - Thanks for the updates and sharing Enigma.
This statement by the gentleman was very touching:
"Now the kids of ours who are studying, when we tell them that this pact is for 10 years, you know what they say? They say please make it for A THOUSAND YEARS!!! Just put two more zeros at the end to make it 1000, so that when we grow up our children can also lead a happy life!"

I second that.The man sounded so happy and optimistic.I really hope this new found prosperity and more lasts for generations!
A cook earns much more in daily wages than he would in dubai he says... since the biggest distributor of this coal is a dubal based company,this is gr8 news!
And thank God they r waking up to that oppressive 'sardar' system!
If im not mistaken,musharraf does have a hand in this.quote;
"This is all your earnings, and of the local people. So I tell you that this is your time to come forward and come along with me to make this province and Pakistan prosperous."
(Address to Public Gathering in Quetta - Dec 07, 2006)
Should give praise where its due.

thanks for the interview upload enigma!
I second that.The man sounded so happy and optimistic.I really hope this new found prosperity and more lasts for generations!
A cook earns much more in daily wages than he would in dubai he says... since the biggest distributor of this coal is a dubal based company,this is gr8 news!
And thank God they r waking up to that oppressive 'sardar' system!
If im not mistaken,musharraf does have a hand in this.quote;
"This is all your earnings, and of the local people. So I tell you that this is your time to come forward and come along with me to make this province and Pakistan prosperous."
(Address to Public Gathering in Quetta - Dec 07, 2006)
Should give praise where its due.

thanks for the interview upload enigma!

If you please listen to the recording again you will find that guy saying the names of Gen Musharraf, another Gen and a Brig, he was praising them by name as these were the people who started it all!

Sure Sir Mush has a big hand in all this!

We are lucky that we are able to get these people understand that they are no more require to obey Sardars. Yes they may be respected as the tradition says, but obeying and worshiping them like Gods is no more there.

They do listen to sardars but only that thing which they know is guud for them!
A pictorial view of the event:

(i am trying to get their names right-i have to get it from the guy present at the ceremony)

The Luni Tribal Sardar

The leader of Marri Tribe

Surprisingly non of the media was present during the event, despite of the fact that Rs 10 million were distributed. The Nazim, Commandant FC Training Center, CO of the organizing unit, DPO and a few civil gazetted officers were also present to attend the ceremony.

i was told by my friend at the ceremony that a reporter from Express News was supposed to be there, but he didn't turn out at the time if the ceremony!

Lora Lai don't have any ISP so internet facility is not available there.
Anywaz i am here to post about the event ;-)

the media doesnt care about good events
it doesnt make them enough money :disagree:
Your work is absolutely amazing enigma. Thank you very much for posting all this.

It was outsiders who made us fought! They used to give 10000-15000 and make us fight each other...

Did the guy give any indication where these people were coming from and who exactly they were?
Your work is absolutely amazing enigma. Thank you very much for posting all this.

Did the guy give any indication where these people were coming from and who exactly they were?

i cant ask him now as he is no more with me, but what i understood from his talk and also what others and the locals say about the situation is that they were made to fight each other 'as usaul'. They have been fighting since their grand parents were kids due to domestic issues,but this time it was different. It was depicted that any two groups are fighting due to local issues but no one at that time knew that these "domestic issues" were being created by 'others'
You must have heard that guy saying in the recording that: kuch ANASIR thay jo masla paida karty thay,ab wo chala gyaha Army k anay tu maslay b khatum
Now this is a clear indication that outsiders were there and they have been making use of the locals.

Now what i want to make clear is that there elements that were outsiders BUT at the same time they were not outsiders too!!! i hope you are getting me.

What i want to say is that the problem creators were locals. They were locals in the sense that they were like the locals, they were from within, they dressed,eat and lived like the locals. They followed the same traditions, ofcourse as they belonged to the surroundings, BUT they were 'sent' in by some others!!

In short the locals were being manupilated!!
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There are vids on Youtube of the previous meeting between these two sardaars and the role of PA in their rapprochement. They seemed artificially happy, I mean too happy to be true.
There are vids on Youtube of the previous meeting between these two sardaars and the role of PA in their rapprochement. They seemed artificially happy, I mean too happy to be true.

Can you please quote the link!
If you please listen to the recording again you will find that guy saying the names of Gen Musharraf, another Gen and a Brig, he was praising them by name as these were the people who started it all!
Sure Sir Mush has a big hand in all this!

opps...i missed that!:oops:
guess was too startled abt finding out that gen musharraf was involved in the project in a big way.
Sir BelligerentPacifist:

Well if you are living like an animal and someone shows you light you sure would be too happy to be true.

If you get water for drinking and washing within your homes as opposed to walking a minimum of 7 miles to get a bucket, you definitely would be too happy to be true

If you can reach back to your home from your work place in half an hour due to the road infrastructure you sure would be happy. Especially when initially you had to walk for a day to reach the neighboring village!

If your children are being schooled free of cost and provided with all the facilities a kid can get when your ancestors never had ever held a pen in their hands, you sure would be happy like hell!

Now if many can afford sending their kids 'away' from home without fear to the 'better' school and colleges of this country they sure would be quite happy!

P.S BTW thanx for the links...it had given more projection to what i was trying to here!
i never knew this has already been on the net :-)
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