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Challenges and potentials: from a worker recruitment advetisment

Sure, I can provide you some detailed information in pay rates pertaining to my field in Japan. As you may know, there is a substantial pay difference from Japan and the United States. One of the reasons why I moved to the United States was because of the higher income threshold here, and greater work opportunities. I have attained my Master's and Doctorate here in the United States of America. I am licensed and practicing as a Psychologist through the APA (American Psychological Association) and through SIOP (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychologists).

A Risk Analyst in Japan will have a base salary of ¥ 8.5 million per year = $65,000 (USD)

Average Risk Analyst in Japan will make around ¥ 11 million per year = $90,000 (USD)

I can't complain. I have very expensive tastes so having a good income helps me maintain it. lol.


I would say the average income of a Japanese worker (educated professional) would be over $36-$37k (USD) a year. If both husband and wife work, then typical household income would be $60-70k (USD).

BUT to be honest, buddy, an income of $35k (USD) in Japan is borderline to poverty range. That is really low paying range , IMHO. Perhaps this amount can be typical for blue collar workers. But educated white collar professions such as say Medicine , Law, Accountants, Engineers, Research Analysts --- will make , of course, substantially more.

Doctor in Japan can make ¥ 10-15 million a year = $80,000 - $120,000 USD a year.

Chemical Engineer (with Graduate Degree) in Japan can make ¥ 9 million a year = $70,000 (USD) a year

Thanks for your detailed information! So the income you mentioned is after tax or pre tax? How is the living cost like housing in Japan? Wow I have so many questions. :)

In China, especially state owned company, they usually provide employees invisible welfare or non-monetary benefits, which can be excluded from tax computation or counted as personal exemptions.
Thanks for your detailed information! So the income you mentioned is after tax or pre tax? How is the living cost like housing in Japan? Wow I have so many questions. :)

In China, especially state owned company, they usually provide employees invisible welfare or non-monetary benefits, which can be excluded from tax computation or counted as personal exemptions.

That is before taxes. Here's the shocker: Tax rates in Japan is high. :)

If I were to work in Japan (something that I am now hesitant in doing) they would tax me more and pay me less (than what I'm making here in the USA), LOL.

PS. How much is Risk Analyst salary in China? :)
Doctors (general practitioner) in Canada is a turn based business. Example, a patient comes in you swipe their health card and our government pay them $30 per visit. But you are limited to what you can make per year so veteran doctors will not take in new patients. Plus you inconvenience the patients. If a patient require refills for meds, they would need to go see their doctor swipe the card so doctors get pay than they give you a note to get refills. Quite a messed up system. Some doctors allow you only to discuss two problems you have and save more for future visit!

In the US I do know a med student on last year of residency in the US. She was offered $350k/year to work in the US. Also know a surgeon who make $400,000 in Canada. However GP in US in a large city make more than that after five years of experience.

To all Chinese who plan to become accountants in Canada---one word DON'T! A certification does not guarantee you good pay like doctors, engineers, etc . Typically accountants with CGA/CMA/CA (now combined into one--CPA) have a wide range of salaries from 60,000 + . If you are certified, work in a public accountant firm if you want money. Stay away from industries, as the pay is not good. Other fields make more money than accountants.

All amounts are gross income (before tax). Canadian income tax rate is ridiculously high.

Canadian income tax rates for Individuals - current and previous years
Doctors (general practitioner) in Canada is a turn based business. Example, a patient comes in you swipe their health card and our government pay them $30 per visit. But you are limited to what you can make per year so veteran doctors will not take in new patients. Plus you inconvenience the patients. If a patient require refills for meds, they would need to go see their doctor swipe the card so doctors get pay than they give you a note to get refills. Quite a messed up system. Some doctors allow you only to discuss two problems you have and save more for future visit!

In the US I do know a med student on last year of residency in the US. She was offered $350k/year to work in the US. Also know a surgeon who make $400,000 in Canada. However GP in US in a large city make more than that after five years of experience.

To all Chinese who plan to become accountants in Canada---one word DON'T! A certification does not guarantee you good pay like doctors, engineers, etc . Typically accountants with CGA/CMA/CA (now combined into one--CPA) have a wide range of salaries from 60,000 + . If you are certified, work in a public accountant firm if you want money. Stay away from industries, as the pay is not good. Other fields make more money than accountants.

All amounts are gross income (before tax). Canadian income tax rate is ridiculously high.

Canadian income tax rates for Individuals - current and previous years

Physicians, indeed, are one of the highest paid professionals here in the United States. I've some friends who are physicians --- and yes they bring in big, big dough , lol.

Here's a graph for our friends who consider medicine and working in the USA or Canada:

That is before taxes. Here's the shocker: Tax rates in Japan is high. :)

If I were to work in Japan (something that I am now hesitant in doing) they would tax me more and pay me less (than what I'm making here in the USA), LOL.

PS. How much is Risk Analyst salary in China? :)

I can't really relate this position to the same positions in China theoretically, but there is risk control & management position in my company or similar ones, the payment is like $50,000 on average with 3-5 years experience. This position belongs to support line, which means they don't directly connect to customers. So they pay is less than employees from marketing line, who directly brings customers to the company.
To all Chinese who plan to become accountants in Canada---one word DON'T! A certification does not guarantee you good pay like doctors, engineers, etc . Typically accountants with CGA/CMA/CA (now combined into one--CPA) have a wide range of salaries from 60,000 + . If you are certified, work in a public accountant firm if you want money. Stay away from industries, as the pay is not good. Other fields make more money than accountants.

I'm sure its not that bad as a CPA in Canada. Tax season, for example, CPA who own their own practices can easily bank $200k if their client base is large enough. :)

Mind you this is just during "tax season". ;)

I can't really relate this position to the same positions in China theoretically, but there is risk control & management position in my company or similar ones, the payment is like $50,000 on average with 3-5 years experience. This position belongs to support line, which means they don't directly connect to customers. So they pay is less than employees from marketing line, who directly brings customers to the company.

Thanks Ed, well, $50,000 in China is quite substantial. Marketing is more substantial then, eh? Btw, what area in industry are you at?

PS. I'm an Analyst for a large pharmaceutical corporation based in New Jersey. :)
To all Chinese who plan to become accountants in Canada---one word DON'T! A certification does not guarantee you good pay like doctors, engineers, etc . Typically accountants with CGA/CMA/CA (now combined into one--CPA) have a wide range of salaries from 60,000 + . If you are certified, work in a public accountant firm if you want money. Stay away from industries, as the pay is not good. Other fields make more money than accountants.

All amounts are gross income (before tax). Canadian income tax rate is ridiculously high.

In China, big four employees earn the most among all the accounting firms, the new recruiter earns ¥7,400 per month, with a steady growth of ¥1000-¥2,000 per year, after 5 years, the increase will be an exponential rise. Some partners earn ¥2,500,000, that is $400k, advanced managers earn more than ¥700,000, that is more than $100k.

Thanks Ed, well, $50,000 in China is quite substantial. Marketing is more substantial then, eh? Btw, what area in industry are you at?

PS. I'm an Analyst for a large pharmaceutical corporation based in New Jersey. :)

China is during the stage of expansion, unlike the west where the market is full and new comers are difficult to enter, China is different. As long as you have good ideas, great products and strong social networking with government, you will probably seize a spot in this field, and if you keep doing well, you will have a stable base of customers.

I worked in the U.S. before as an auditor, now I returned China working in a fortune 500 commercial bank, planning and finance department. My job is pricing, I and my team formulate and adjust interest rate for the bank according to PBOC regulation.
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I worked in the U.S. before as an auditor, now I returned China working in a fortune 500 commercial bank, planning and finance department. My job is pricing, I and my team formulate and adjust interest rate for the bank according to PBOC regulation.

Thank You, Edison. The reason I ask is that so I may know to whom I'm talking to and communicating with -- as you may know there is , indeed, a variance in intellectual capability with some of the people here in PDF, with many who come here have little to no understanding in matters pertaining to international finance , regulation, reform, or for that matter business management. I try to 'dumb' down my level of speech when I do communicate with some members here so as to not overwhelm their comprehension abilities, but there are a substantial number of folks here who have impressive intellect and caliber. I like to know their background first so I may know how to --- engage --- them. I will engage you accordingly from now on.

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