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Chahbahar inauguration today

Tokhme khar

Feb 25, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran inaugurates port key to intl. trade corridor
Sun Dec 3, 2017 07:06AM
Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani on Sunday inaugurated the first phase of a strategic port in southeastern Iran. (Photo by IRNA)

Iran has launched the first phase of a strategic southeastern port which it expects to open a multi-modal trade corridor connecting India to Central Asia.

The first phase of Shahid Beheshti International Port in Chabahar, Sistan-Baluchestan Province, was inaugurated by President Hassan Rouhani during a ceremony also attended by officials and dignitaries from 17 countries.

President Rouhani said during the ceremony that the inauguration of the project marked a historic day for Iran – particularly for the people of Chabahar.

He emphasized that the project was specifically important given that it connected the trade corridors that pass through Iran to the ocean.

“This port is also significant from the political point of view given that it connects Iran with its eastern and northern neighbors and at a later stage to European states,” Rouhani said.

The project to develop Shahid Beheshti Port started in 2007 through an investment that officials previously said already amounted to $1 billion.

The annual cargo tonnage of Shahid Beheshti Port – Iran’s only oceanic port – has now almost tripled to reach as high as 8.5 million tonnes.

It can also accommodate 100,000-tonne ships – what officials say can help promote the country’s international trade activities.

The overall development project is planned in four phases and is expected to bring the port's total annual cargo capacity to 82 million tonnes.

Tehran plans to use Chabahar for transhipment to Afghanistan and Central Asia.

India, Iran and Afghanistan have signed an agreement to give Indian goods, heading toward Central Asia and Afghanistan, preferential treatment and tariff reductions at Chabahar.

Chabahar provides India with an easier land-sea route to Afghanistan. The Indian government has committed $500 million to Chabahar, with an aim to join an increasingly important transport corridor to resource-rich regional countries.

Massive investment plans are already on the cards, with the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi offering to build a sprawling artery of roads and railways which is estimated to cost $15 billion.

India has finalized a plan to build a 900km railroad from the Afghan province of Bamiyan to Chabahar Port. It has also already spent $100 million on building a 220km road in the Afghan province of Nimruz, which will be extended to Chabahar.

Once the development project is complete, Chabahar will be linked with the International North-South Transportation Corridor (INSTC), which currently stretches from the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas in the Persian Gulf to Russia, Eurasia and Europe.

ایران افتتاح رسمی فاز نخست بندر شهید بهشتی چابهار
ایران هندوستان افغانستان عمان
Iran official opening of the first phase of Shahid Beheshti Foreign-Trade Zone, Chabahar sea port
Iran India Afghanistan Oman
Iran inaugurates port key to intl. trade corridor
Sun Dec 3, 2017 07:06AM
Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani on Sunday inaugurated the first phase of a strategic port in southeastern Iran. (Photo by IRNA)

Iran has launched the first phase of a strategic southeastern port which it expects to open a multi-modal trade corridor connecting India to Central Asia.

The first phase of Shahid Beheshti International Port in Chabahar, Sistan-Baluchestan Province, was inaugurated by President Hassan Rouhani during a ceremony also attended by officials and dignitaries from 17 countries.

President Rouhani said during the ceremony that the inauguration of the project marked a historic day for Iran – particularly for the people of Chabahar.

He emphasized that the project was specifically important given that it connected the trade corridors that pass through Iran to the ocean.

“This port is also significant from the political point of view given that it connects Iran with its eastern and northern neighbors and at a later stage to European states,” Rouhani said.

The project to develop Shahid Beheshti Port started in 2007 through an investment that officials previously said already amounted to $1 billion.

The annual cargo tonnage of Shahid Beheshti Port – Iran’s only oceanic port – has now almost tripled to reach as high as 8.5 million tonnes.

It can also accommodate 100,000-tonne ships – what officials say can help promote the country’s international trade activities.

The overall development project is planned in four phases and is expected to bring the port's total annual cargo capacity to 82 million tonnes.

Tehran plans to use Chabahar for transhipment to Afghanistan and Central Asia.

India, Iran and Afghanistan have signed an agreement to give Indian goods, heading toward Central Asia and Afghanistan, preferential treatment and tariff reductions at Chabahar.

Chabahar provides India with an easier land-sea route to Afghanistan. The Indian government has committed $500 million to Chabahar, with an aim to join an increasingly important transport corridor to resource-rich regional countries.

Massive investment plans are already on the cards, with the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi offering to build a sprawling artery of roads and railways which is estimated to cost $15 billion.

India has finalized a plan to build a 900km railroad from the Afghan province of Bamiyan to Chabahar Port. It has also already spent $100 million on building a 220km road in the Afghan province of Nimruz, which will be extended to Chabahar.

Once the development project is complete, Chabahar will be linked with the International North-South Transportation Corridor (INSTC), which currently stretches from the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas in the Persian Gulf to Russia, Eurasia and Europe.


Why you choose wired ID?
Congragulations Iran India and any other country who will benifit from chahbar!
This is great for Sistan-Balochistan province. It will provide job opportunities to the rather disenfranchised Sunni population. This will allow them to view the Iranian government in a more positive light and will detract them from becoming Saudi-US funded sectarian puppets against IRI.
Here is few points to the Chabahar Port In Iran:
  1. The first phase of the Chabahar Port -- located in the southeastern province of Sistan-Balochistan in Iran -- aims to connect with Iran, Afghanistan and Central Asian countries. It can be easily accessed from India's western coast, bypassing Pakistan.

  2. Under the trilateral transit and transport agreement during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Tehran in May 2016, the Chabahar port will the gateway to a Transit and Transport Corridor between India, Iran and Afghanistan and allow for multi-modal transport of goods and passengers.
  3. New Delhi has already completed the Zaranj-Delaram road in Afghanistan that connects the Iranian border with all four major Afghan cities
  4. India will also help build a $1.6 billion rail line to Zahedan in Iran, which will eventually connect with Mashad in north and provide access to Turkmenistan as well as northern Afghanistan through the Bafq-Mashad route.
  5. The agreement between India and Iran was signed in May last year. India will develop and operate two berths in the first phase of the port.
@PAKISTANFOREVER @somebozo @Iqbal Ali @Areesh @PakSword @Muhammad Omar @Thorough Pro @AmirPatriot @yavar @Stryker1982 @Madali @SOHEIL @mohsen @Skywalker

Weeks before today's inauguration, a top afghan leader said his country would no longer depends pakistan for transit trade."Afghanistan used to rely only on one transit road, which was through Karachi. That is not the case anymore. (Now) it's (also) through Chabahar," Afghan Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah said.


60 officials from 17 countries.

Is any representative from pakistan? Indian,Japanese and korean flags are present and chinese flag is missing !
Here is few points to the Chabahar Port In Iran:
  1. The first phase of the Chabahar Port -- located in the southeastern province of Sistan-Balochistan in Iran -- aims to connect with Iran, Afghanistan and Central Asian countries. It can be easily accessed from India's western coast, bypassing Pakistan.

  2. Under the trilateral transit and transport agreement during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Tehran in May 2016, the Chabahar port will the gateway to a Transit and Transport Corridor between India, Iran and Afghanistan and allow for multi-modal transport of goods and passengers.
  3. New Delhi has already completed the Zaranj-Delaram road in Afghanistan that connects the Iranian border with all four major Afghan cities
  4. India will also help build a $1.6 billion rail line to Zahedan in Iran, which will eventually connect with Mashad in north and provide access to Turkmenistan as well as northern Afghanistan through the Bafq-Mashad route.
  5. The agreement between India and Iran was signed in May last year. India will develop and operate two berths in the first phase of the port.
@PAKISTANFOREVER @somebozo @Iqbal Ali @Areesh @PakSword @Muhammad Omar @Thorough Pro @AmirPatriot @yavar @Stryker1982 @Madali @SOHEIL @mohsen @Skywalker

Weeks before today's inauguration, a top afghan leader said his country would no longer depends pakistan for transit trade."Afghanistan used to rely only on one transit road, which was through Karachi. That is not the case anymore. (Now) it's (also) through Chabahar," Afghan Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah said.


Is any representative from pakistan? Indian,Japanese and korean flags are present and chinese flag is missing !

Wow what a Big Achievement LOL


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