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Ch Fawad meets US ambassador

Some understanding is being developing between PTI and US establishment, now PTI will send its plan to US, and after approval of that program from US, than US backed elections are round the corner


The journey from America overthrowing our government to America helping us. Shameful Confession of Asking US Ambassador for Help in Domestic Politics.

U.S. use blasphemy law to undermine Pakistan, same is being parroting by chanters of Madinah state. The truth is that they may actually go to the extent of dropping atomic bombs on Pakistan.
Well you have to negotiate with the masters of the PuppetDM.
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Man I've been living in this country for LAST 3 months
I think THESE AWAAM of PAkistan no matter who they are
THEY F****** DESERVE THIs treatment
They NEVER NEVER LIFT THEMSELVES TO FIX anything or any govt ????

They all sit back & watch the show while other person getting hammered.

They need constant danda in their rear end. Maybe that will work.
dk what to say, if PDM/establishment wasn't brutally cracking down on PTI, Id be pissed at PTI
but they literally have no breathing space, unfortunately they'll have no choice but to humiliate themselves and the people of Pakistan by looking at the Americans to solve our internal issues
Imran Khan himself admitted that COAS Bajwa was Super-King and he was just a Puppet
if there is a god and heaven and hell this lying fornicator is gonna burn for eternity alongside deezal, sayyad ghaddari and the fat chor.

now he is saying that he thwarted Gen. Bajwa’s attempts to force an anti-Russia stance over the war.

“When I came back from Russia visit, Bajwa asked me to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,” Khan said. “I told him that India, which is a strategic ally of the US, is staying neutral. So, Pakistan should stay neutral.”
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