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Centre mulls $3 billion fund for Muslims' education

the level of transparency will increase as we mature.
This is not a phony scheme, if govt does something you call it populist, and if it does not you say govt does not take care of marginalized people
Sacchar commission report clearly says muslims are poor and vulnerable, just like tribals or backward caste people.
Should not govt spend some money to lift them out of poverty? Poverty/ ignorance/illeteracy is vicious cycle, some can come out of it due to hard work, most need some sort of help.
That help can be in form of NGO or govt schemes. I dont mind who does it.
There will be some corruption, but large number of people will benefit.
Totally agree with this, but looking at the overall view, what I (in my humble insignificant POV) see is scams of Congress spread all over the past 8-9 years and now when it's election time, they are coming with populist schemes to take underprivileged people for another ride along with the whole nation.
Totally agree with this, but looking at the overall view, what I (in my humble insignificant POV) see is scams of Congress spread all over the past 8-9 years and now when it's election time, they are coming with populist schemes to take underprivileged people for another ride along with the whole nation.
this is not a populist scheme. Giving free water and promising 50 percent tariff for electricity is.
I would rather have parties fight for such schemes. What stops bjp from announcing such scheme.

BTW, the amount is not insane, nor is the idea (unlike free water or electricity, which is completely crazy)

I am not saying its not politically motivated, it surely is. Everything a party does is politically motivated. Be it BJP or congress. The issue is, does it make sense?
Who stopped them for sending their kids to the schools earlier man? Is this new proposal going to usher in a new beacon of light?
I am a Jaat and I am dead against for reservations for Jaats in the center. Let there be competition on the equal footing. Heck during games I don't hear about giving reservations.

There is no denying the fact that in India there are many segments that are backward. Now blaming them for not sending their kids to schools won't solve anything. Leaving them to their fate is a grave loss to the country. A proactive approach has to be adopted, those segments have to be brought up to the levels of the educated class so that they can compete at equal footing.
this is not a populist scheme. Giving free water and promising 50 percent tariff for electricity is.
I would rather have parties fight for such schemes. What stops bjp from announcing such scheme.

BTW, the amount is not insane, nor is the idea (unlike free water or electricity, which is completely crazy)

I am not saying its not politically motivated, it surely is. Everything a party does is politically motivated. Be it BJP or congress. The issue is, does it make sense?
In the purest sense I also advocate for subsidies to be provided for the downtrodden people. But if you want to put across this scheme (irrespective of how good intentions of congress are behind this) but it comes across as a populist scheme. I would also love each and every party fighting for such schemes but Congress being in the power for the last 10 years haven't done sh!t for the muslims. Moreover the mujaffarnagar riots put a dent in its armor. Do you know since the 1850s there hasn't been such animosity among the jaats and the muslims in western UP? Even during partition Jaats stood along shoulder by shoulder with their muslims brothers. But their vote bank politics has screwed up the balance.

There is no denying the fact that in India there are many segments that are backward. Now blaming them for not sending their kids to schools won't solve anything. Leaving them to their fate is a grave loss to the country. A proactive approach has to be adopted, those segments have to be brought up to the levels of the educated class so that they can compete at equal footing.
Yes I agree with that ...... but how can we trust a govt who has been in the power for the past 10 years, and has nothing except the scams to show as a measurement of performance?
Yes I agree with that ...... but how can we trust a govt who has been in the power for the past 10 years, and has nothing except the scams to show as a measurement of performance?

I am not talking from partisan perspective, however in any case I will always advocate spending money to educate less fortunate than reservations.
I am not talking from partisan perspective, however in any case I will always advocate spending money to educate less fortunate than reservations.
same here @ranjeet .. I dont mind who brings which scheme.. if it makes sense why not support it.
jatt are not backward caste, I dont know why they should be included in that list.
A good move as far as I can see.

Majority of the literate Muslims have contributed immensely to the development of India, whereas the ones who are poor are the most vulnerable and prone to religious brainwashing - goes for every religion, some more than others
same here @ranjeet .. I dont mind who brings which scheme.. if it makes sense why not support it.
jatt are not backward caste, I dont know why they should be included in that list.
Not jatts but jaats, they are mentally handicap. All they do is get drunk and talk non-sense. :p:
Ok you and @Jade convinced as you got me a bit sober during our discussion. :hitwall:
I would be more happier more and more people from the rural areas get the benefit of the education, to further their careers and inch towards prosperity
Why only Muslims?

If you read the news, the funds will be created by contributions from other muslims - similar to what Sachar committee has suggested in making use of the WAQF boards' properties which today generates less than 1% revenue every year.

If the funds are coming out of Center's coffers then it is a violation of secular principles of India and I am doubtful courts will allow it.
"We need infrastructure. Indian Muslims need education and for that we need infrastructure. Currently we lack in infrastructure," Union minister for minority affairs K Rahman Khan said here.

Infrastructure meant for ordinary Indians are not good enough for Muslims then? So what's going to happen then? Are we going to have separate schools, separate roads, buildings, airports & all that specially for Muslims?
Instead of bridging the gap...Congress is hell bent on widening the gap between the community. Sooner this grand old corrupt party is thrown into history's dustbin, is better for India & it's future.
Somehow I support this move.
Though the reason Congress is doing it is just for minority votebank, but it will actually benefit the nation.

1. They would join the new economy and get a better life for the individuals who will also bring their families out of ghettos.
2. More focus on education of Muslims will mean lesser number of idiotic Arab bowing by the Muslims. Less jihadis and rioters.
3. Empowerment of Muslim women who rarely join the work force.

All in all, there is a need to recognize that Muslims are most backward..from work force participation to education. Now we can blame the Muslims for regressive thinking or anyone/anything else, but the fact on the ground is that they need to be pushed towards education.

The only question is whether Congress is able to deliver this without making it overtly communal - though that I believe will be their agenda.
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If you read the news, the funds will be created by contributions from other muslims - similar to what Sachar committee has suggested in making use of the WAQF boards' properties which today generates less than 1% revenue every year.

If the funds are coming out of Center's coffers then it is a violation of secular principles of India and I am doubtful courts will allow it.
Mate, all this goes out of he window when it comes to funds generated by the hindu community, just to give you one example the revenues earned from Shabarimalla is spent on Hajj subsidy. My point here is when a person from the govt is making a statement he cannot and should not address a perticular community even if he is the minister of minorities, let him address it to all the minorities.
Why discrimination in creating a fund for some religious group. Why not for all educationally backward groups and areas? What did they do in last 60 years?
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