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Çay Bahçesi

Hi all I want to use the oportunity to introduce myself here Im new and the most of the time I will not be very active I am not an expert and I mostly want to learn from you guys because Im very interested in every kind of security and defence technologies strategies and tactics from the world and especialy from my beloved Turkey here in the same time I want to say that I read PDF Turkish section from like 3 months and I want to say to you guys to stop fighting each other and put your energy in something more creative because this is international forum watched by many around the globe and in that way you are doing nothing but throwing dirt over our nations honor and our great flag and throwing dirt on our pakistani brothers by solving personal conflicts in a primitive way and decreasing the quality of this section and this forum Im very sorry that some 18 years old "boy" must tell that to older members who even have children Its a shame With all my respect but I and the most of the users are here to learn not to watch fights and insults if I want to watch this kind of shit I will watch some UFC sport stuff I am talking as a usual user and Im calling the moderators to give some warnings or whatever must be done to stop this kind of useless pages of browsing trough fights and nothing usefull Im sorry for my english with respect

I am really holding myself back to trash your post but the message is whats important i suppose. Welcome to the forum :)
Hi all I want to use the oportunity to introduce myself here Im new and the most of the time I will not be very active I am not an expert and I mostly want to learn from you guys because Im very interested in every kind of security and defence technologies strategies and tactics from the world and especialy from my beloved Turkey here in the same time I want to say that I read PDF Turkish section from like 3 months and I want to say to you guys to stop fighting each other and put your energy in something more creative because this is international forum watched by many around the globe and in that way you are doing nothing but throwing dirt over our nations honor and our great flag and throwing dirt on our pakistani brothers by solving personal conflicts in a primitive way and decreasing the quality of this section and this forum Im very sorry that some 18 years old "boy" must tell that to older members who even have children Its a shame With all my respect but I and the most of the users are here to learn not to watch fights and insults if I want to watch this kind of shit I will watch some UFC sport stuff I am talking as a usual user and Im calling the moderators to give some warnings or whatever must be done to stop this kind of useless pages of browsing trough fights and nothing usefull Im sorry for my english with respect
Willkommen, good to see you back
İyi akşamlar

Haftalardır bir çok eski ve yeni üye banlanıyor.

Kendiniz ile barışık olursanız toplum ile de barışık olursunuz.

Ortada uçan seviyesiz mesajlar foruma yakışmadığı gibi ülkemizin parçalanmışlığının aynası ve çaresizliğinin de göstergesidir. Bunu Türkiye haketmiyor.

Siyasi sapkınlıkları bir tarafa bırakırsanız , birbirinizle saygın ve seviyeli yazışırsanız başarılı olursunuz.

Kuralların da sınırı var, sanat ve fikri hürriyet adı altında tüm medeni dünyada istediğinizi söyleyebilirsiniz.

Ancak kurallar, bir sistemin yürümesini engellemedikce, sadece birilerin egosunu tatmin etmek için ceza aracı ve abartılı

olarak kullanılırsa büyük kaos doğar.

Bu sivil ve askeri hayat da temel prensiptir. Başarılı çalışmalar.


Tuhaf kokular alıyorum yine.
Hadi hayırlısı !

Benden de bir tavsiye: Aman sen de dikkatli ol "abartılı kuralları uygulayan" elemanların "egolarını tatmin etmelerine" müsaade etme sakın yoksa "büyük kaosun" bir parçası olursun tmm ? Yenisin daha dikkat et böyle inceden inceden, ruh hastasınınkilere benzer mesajlar vererek günün anlam ve önemini ifade etmeye çalışma derim ben sana. Yoksa Allah korusun birileri seni dünyanın en rezil ithamı olabilecek bir kişilik olan "Hurshit" gibi algılar ve de multi-account'u gerekçe göstererek yol verebilir. Bunun önüne geçebilmek için ince eleyip sık dokuyorum elbette ama bu ithamlar bende Hurshitinkilere benzer izlenimler oluşturuyor. Nasıl olsa bu tip eninde sonunda kendini ortaya çıkarıyo diye acele etmeye de pek gerek görmüyorum...
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Iki dili ana dilin gibi konusuyorsun, bu donanimla cok iyi bir ise sahip oman gerekir. Zamanini neden bu foruma harciyorsun. Isin basindan askin olmali, ailende varsa vaktini ailene coluguna cocuguna ayir.

Ben foruma ingilizcemi ilerletmek icin uye olmustum ama Cay Bahcesindeki Turkce tartismalardan oteye gidemedim.
Neyse artik aklim basima geldi.
Sen bu donanimlarini yerinde kullan, vaktini heba etme. Ailene yonel. Sanal dostlukta olmaz, dusmanlikta olmaz.
Adam pek bi hiperaktif.. Belli ki aşırı zeki.. Ama bazı şeylerin fazlası zarar..
Herkese selamlar. Yerli forumlarda yazıp uluslararası forumlarda yazmamak olmaz dedim. Dolanan mühimmat konusunda soru varsa alabilirim ;)
I am freaking out. Seriously there have been quite a lot of "new" members in this forum and suddenly Hurshid stopped creating his troll accounts. Damn moron got me all paranoid.
I am freaking out. Seriously there have been quite a lot of "new" members in this forum and suddenly Hurshid stopped creating his troll accounts. Damn moron got me all paranoid.

Freaking out as a walking dead? :)


XQ-06 "Fi" salutes your efforts about promoting Turkish Defence Industry
Freaking out as a walking dead? :)


XQ-06 "Fi" salutes your efforts about promoting Turkish Defence Industry

I remember this, loitering munition by a Turkish company. So, what is it's targeting system ? Does it have a small on-board camera or do you control it like a RC plane ?
Herkese selamlar. Yerli forumlarda yazıp uluslararası forumlarda yazmamak olmaz dedim. Dolanan mühimmat konusunda soru varsa alabilirim ;)

How I imagine loitering munition/suicide uav;

- man portable ''mortar'' launched, for SF/SOF/Commando's.
- Crew-served bigger version for teams (Commando/infantry) and at border outposts
- Mobile vehicle version launched from weapon carrier/tank platform
- New weapon carrier platform with room for Cirit/XQ-06/Mizrak etc

Please make it happen ;).

Seriously though, Ermenistan ve Azerbaycan arasinda yasanilan catismalari nasil degerlendiriyorsunuz? Radar, top bataryalari ve IHAlar cok onemli oldu. Bir nevi yeni nesil savas turu gosterildi bence.
It will have a near infrared camera. "What you see is what is going to be destroyed" concept.

2 basic versions at first. One is for metropolitan area usage with minimal collateral damage. Other one is the opposite, maximum collateral damage. Both man-portable. Once it is ready we will consider land vehicle integration.

Our airspace becomes less and less secure everyday. At some point we will no longer be able to use manned aircrafts. There will be huge need for unmanned systems.

Azerbaijan Army used an IAI Harop for an opportunity target. It was successful and did a devastating psychological blow to Armenian Army.

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