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Çay Bahçesi


Where is the joke ? German Spy or the nick of the user "Scherz" ? Or that I have sympathy to Nuclear Deterrence ? Or what ? What means long time ago ?

In the 1980's we had perfect relations to Pakistan,

"Quote Staff of Planning German Defence Ministry :

Hans Rühle war von 1982 bis 1988 Leiter des Planungsstabes im Verteidigungsministerium.

Im August 2011 erklärte der türkische Botschafter in den USA, Namik Tan: "Wir können nicht zulassen, dass der Iran über Nuklearwaffen verfügt." Zwei Jahre später präzisierte der damalige türkische Präsident Abdullah Gül diese Position in einem Interview mit der Zeitschrift "Foreign Affairs": "Die Türkei wird nicht zulassen, dass ein Nachbarland Waffen hat, über die die Türkei nicht verfügt."

Die Türkei hatte schließlich schon beim Aufbau des pakistanischen Nuklearwaffenprogramms in den 80er-Jahren geholfen. Damals wurden viele Komponenten, die nicht offen beschafft werden konnten, über die Türkei nach Pakistan geliefert. Darum überrascht es auch nicht, wenn Geheimdienste melden, dass bis heute ein reger nuklearwissenschaftlicher Austausch zwischen beiden Ländern stattfindet.

Die Elektronik aller pakistanischen Anlagen stammte von türkischen Partnern.

In the 1990's Saudi Arabia got ICBMs from China,

it is said that also Ecevit Government got at least 12 ICBM's from Kazachstan, SU collapsed and Balkan war was going on; Türkiye had the chance to make a UNION with Azerbeycan- but Özal blocked it. Military preparations were completed !

Saudi ICBM and MRBM assets :


Siyasi ve ideolojik amacli olarak ATATÜRK adinin, bu hayati milli meselede, bile kullanilmasini dün Türk kisim modlarina sikayet ettim ve kinadim.

Arseni Jarzenuk is also Jewish Religion. Only for Info

You are realy a disgrace for your poor Country. claiming Turkey to have helped questionable Regimes to achieve nuclear weapons when in fact the turkish government in that time opposed such weapons of mass destruction and did not help Pakistan.

you must be a german spy. you can´t be turk. It is just idiotic. all your Claims and warmongering.

Bismarck did laugh at your funny attempts of WARMONGERING
You are realy a disgrace for your poor Country. claiming Turkey to have helped questionable Regimes to achieve nuclear weapons when in fact the turkish government in that time opposed such weapons of mass destruction and did not help Pakistan.

you must be a german spy. you can´t be turk. It is just idiotic. all your Claims and warmongering.

Bismarck did laugh at your funny attempts of WARMONGERING

Poor country ? Take care your words. Pakistan, questioning Regime.? You poor guy will be not able to destroy Pakistan-Turkish relations.
Go back on in Google archives and get all those informations !


Go on supplying Nuclear SUB capability to Israel. We have our own DETERRENCE

I Quoted Hans Rühe you own retired Staff of German Defence Ministry.

Send your RECCE TORNADOS to UK airbases in CYPRUS not to TURKEY

@Sinan @[TR]AHMET

Answer please that guy with fake account whom we all know who he is
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İşte budur... ülkemize putinin yaptığı suçlamaları layık görenlere söyleyecek laf bulamıyorum, umarım bu yanlış düşüncelerinden cayıp kendi ülkelerine yabancı olmaktan vaz geçerler.
budur ya... mahkemeye felan gerek yok... erdoğan suçsuzum diyo tamam işte :D


Bu ülkenin en büyük sorunu bu işte, kimsenin oy verdiği partiyi sorgulamaması, AKP nin veya CHP nin lideri ne diyorsa ona körü körüne inanması. Bu yüzden AKP onlarca yolsuzluğa rağmen hala %40 larda, CHP pkk ya yardım ve yataklıktan hüküm giymiş milletvekili adayları göstermesine rağmen %20 lerde MHP aptalca politikalarına rağmen %10 larda oy alabiliyor.

Siyasi otoriteyi sorgulamak her vatandaşın vatandaşlık görevidir beyler! Kendinize gelin.
IŞID petrollerinin Türkiye'den geçip geçmediğini sorguladım diye utanmasanız vatan haini ilan ediceksiniz beni burada.
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. . . .
@Hurshid Celebi and @Sinan are the most pathetic guys on PDF. always full of chit and lies.

China is now also in the game. They will Sponsor Russians to kill more turkmens in syria, iraq, crimea, Iran, east Turkestan etc.

Look at Putin. he is foaming and wants to drink your blood. NATO grinning behind the curtain for turks sacrifice themselfs for USA interests.



you are in big Trouble now! i am serious, your decision makers are a joke.
Rus güçleri İdlib'de sivilleri vurdu: 5 ölü, 6 yaralı
Kasım 26, Perşembe

Rus Hava Kuvvetleri'nin İdlib'in güneyindeki muhaliflerin kontrolünde olan Maaret el-Numan ilçesine saldırması sonucu 5 sivilin yaşamını yitirdiği 6 kişinin de yaralandığı bildirildi.

AA muhabirinin Maaret el-Numan ilçesindeki sivil savunma yetkililerinden aldığı bilgiye göre, Rus ordusuna ait savaş uçaklarının İdlib kentinin güneyinde yer alan yönetim karşıtlarının kontrolündeki Maaret el-Numan ilçesinde sivil yerleşim yerine saldırdı.

Saldırıda 5 sivilin yaşamını kaybettiğini 6 kişinin de yaralandığını ifade eden yetkililer, ''Ruslar, ilçe merkezindeki ana yolla saldırdı. Saldırıda bölgede büyük maddi hasar meydana geldi.'' dedi.

Rusya sivilleri vurmaya devam ediyor
Rus Hava Kuvvetleri, terör örgütü DAEŞ'in kontrol alanı dışında bulunan Humus, Halep, Hama ve İdlib'te sivil yerleşim yerine saldırmaya devam ediyor. Söz konusu hava saldırılarında bugüne kadar 263 sivil yaşamını yitirdi.

Rus uçakları dün Halep'in Azez ilçesinde insani yardım taşıyan TIR'ları hedef almıştı. Saldırıda 7 kişi ölmüş, 10 kişi de yaralanmıştı.
Muhabir: Halit Süleyman
@Hurshid Celebi and @Sinan are the most pathetic guys on PDF. always full of chit and lies.

China is now also in the game. They will Sponsor Russians to kill more turkmens in syria, iraq, crimea, Iran, east Turkestan etc.

Look at Putin. he is foaming and wants to drink your blood. NATO grinning behind the curtain for turks sacrifice themselfs for USA interests.



you are in big Trouble now! i am serious, your decision makers are a joke.
@Sinan please inform mods about that paid troll. Who dares threatening us

Hr joined yesterday and is a paid troll and possible agent for provocation
@Sinan please inform mods about that paid troll. Who dares threatening us

Hr joined yesterday and is a paid troll and possible agent for provocation

That doesn't work like that... :)

They have to break certain rules like racism, swearing, posting dead bodies, etc.... Then i report them. After 1 week ban they came back and continue until they got banned again... uğraşmaktan bıraktım ben, sırf vakit kaybı.....

Though, i noticed @NUCLEAR_WINTER made a bad decision to troll in Turkish section... :lol: @cabatli_53 will take care of him. :)
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Penis lenght and troll characters have inverse ratio.
if someone is more troll : there is poor lenght of penis:)
Who has got full lenght penis, they are very cool:)
Some nations due-to genetic charachters have a bad fate.
Especially East Asian:)
My friends i could not care less about your future. Zion will be build upon your ruins.

have a nice day.
. .

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