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Can you guys give your opinions and pov on the alleged Armenian Genocide? and possibly in English...thanks in advance and sorry for any inconvenience. Just researching for more knowledge and perspective.

Armenians started to slaugter our people with support of russians and other while our weakest time to gain land and establish an armanian state. But when we fought back and defeat them they cried like a little baby and made up a genocide story. Long story short: genocide never happened
The funniest to me in this whole thing is how they claim that Turks killed more than 1,5 million Armenians in Eastern Anatolia when the Ottoman census of just a year or something before the beginning of the war shows them at not more than 1,4 million in the WHOLE Empire- that includes the European part and the Middle Eastern territories too.

So we didn’t only manage to kill 1,5 million Armenians out of 1,4 but they also managed to escape alive and create huge Armenian diasporas all around the Balkans, Syria, Lebanon, France, America and etc that is nowadays numbering like 2-3 million. :D

Another funny fact is that many times throughout the years Turkey wanted both countries to open their archives to a joint commission of historians and scientists from Turkey, Armenia and other countries so that they can see what happened but Armenians refuse every time. What are they afraid of?

Of course that many Armenians were killed but many many Turks were killed by their gangs too. A fact many people want to ignore.

It was a war and people died in it yet you will only hear them crying and complaining like little b*tches. Their whole existence is based on hating and fearing the Turks.
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Fucking greek animal still butthurt about 1453 like all the bastard christfags.

I hope those 1,200 greeks in Istanbul **** off for good.

Turkish citizenship means jack shit. What matters is blood and culture not citizenship those greeks in istanbul could be citizens but it means nothing compared to blood and culture.

Somebody make a comment to this greek dog if you ever visit istanbul the plane tickets will say other wise.

Can you guys give your opinions and pov on the alleged Armenian Genocide? and possibly in English...thanks in advance and sorry for any inconvenience. Just researching for more knowledge and perspective.

If the armenians want another fight I hope Turkey annilates them for good.

After what has happened in Karabag to our Azerbaijani brothers and sisters I hope no mercy is shown at all.
Can you guys give your opinions and pov on the alleged Armenian Genocide? and possibly in English...thanks in advance and sorry for any inconvenience. Just researching for more knowledge and perspective.
This is a very important bit of information that you should know regarding this matter. Taner Akcam is a traitorous CUNT weaseling his way through life in the US. He thrives off getting his bald noggin pat and his self worth affirmed by white Christians who reward his loyalty to the anti-Turkish cause by branding him a leading expert on the topic. He’ll suddenly come across a smoking gun - a long lost note, found in some imperial German officer’s wife’s 100yo knickers that states Enver hated the Armenians and bang, an international symposium will be held where he debunks the Turkish position, proves that 1.5M Armenians were murdered by the barbaric Ottomans and the Turkish Republic and people are liars and should be universally shamed and made to pay! Meanwhile, his white Christian overlords give him an audience and make him feel just a tad more like one of them for all his hard work... The guy is trying to make a name for himself as the reasonable Turk who can accept a dark past whereas the vast majority of us inhumane Turks can’t... Piece of shit.
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Taner Akcam has been debunked numerous times from Justin Mcarthy, Halil Inalcik, Ilber Ortayli and other historians who specialise in Ottoman and Turkish history.

Professor Justin Mcarthy is something to really look at as he specialises in the late Ottoman Period mainly the decline and collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the consequences of it. His work basically exposes the armenians and their lies. Armenians are doing this genocide bullshit not just for an apology or reparations but to pull off a huge chunk of land from Turkey by resorting to political oppresion in the form of lobbying, crying as the victim along with terrorism which claimed the lives of many Turkish diplomats and civilians.
Taner Akcam has been debunked numerous times from Justin Mcarthy, Halil Inalcik, Ilber Ortayli and other historians who specialise in Ottoman and Turkish history.

Professor Justin Mcarthy is something to really look at as he specialises in the late Ottoman Period mainly the decline and collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the consequences of it. His work basically exposes the armenians and their lies. Armenians are doing this genocide bullshit not just for an apology or reparations but to pull off a huge chunk of land from Turkey by resorting to political oppresion in the form of lobbying, crying as the victim along with terrorism which claimed the lives of many Turkish diplomats and civilians.
Agreed. But, Unfortunately the pig still gets plenty of attention...
This is a very important bit of information that you should know regarding this matter. Taner Akcam is a traitorous CUNT weaseling his way through life in the US. He thrives off getting his bald noggin pat and his self worth affirmed by white Christians who reward his loyalty to the anti-Turkish cause by branding him a leading expert on the topic. He’ll suddenly come across a smoking gun - a long lost note, found in some imperial German officer’s wife’s 100yo knickers that states Enver hated the Armenians and bang, an international symposium will be held where he debunks the Turkish position, proves that 1.5M Armenians were murdered by the barbaric Ottomans and the Turkish Republic and people are liars and should be universally shamed and made to pay! Meanwhile, his white Christian overlords give him an audience and make him feel just a tad more like one of them for all his hard work... The guy is trying to make a name for himself as the reasonable Turk who can accept a dark past whereas the vast majority of us inhumane Turks can’t... Piece of shit.


Taner the Dog yet again lmaoooo
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