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Nope not at all many Australians dont even know it properly lol

In my talks, they have still really accused Ottoman Turks of the ''attack'', but when asked the evidences, got a fabrication of stories about the evidences.

Btw, Impossible they do not know it since it literally built their national awarness and identity, sure?
@Nein @GlobalMillitary96

Hi, Ever talked to Australians about the The Battle of Broken Hill? If yes, how do they describe it?

If you asked a hundred Australians about the Battle of Broken Hill I would be surprised if even one of them knows about it.

Australians do commemorate the battle of Galipolli every year yet they know very little about it, especially the younger generation. A lot of young Australians think that Australia won at Galipolli and that It was just Anzacs against the Turks.. so I don't expect them to know anything about a small incident like the Battle of Broken Hill.
Nope not at all many Australians dont even know it properly lol

Typical Ango Mutliculturalism at work disregard your history for diversity

If you asked a hundred Australians about the Battle of Broken Hill I would be surprised if even one of them knows about it.

Australians do commemorate the battle of Galipolli every year yet they know very little about it, especially the younger generation. A lot of young Australians think that Australia won at Galipolli and that It was just Anzacs against the Turks.. so I don't expect them to know anything about a small incident like the Battle of Broken Hill.

Americans and other Anglos be it the Canadians,Australians or NZers barley know about WW1 which is kinda sad even if they know it will be one of twisted form as usual they won blah blah however Erdogan revisionism in recent years is kinda bad also
In my talks, they have still really accused Ottoman Turks of the ''attack'', but when asked the evidences, got a fabrication of stories about the evidences.

Btw, Impossible they do not know it since it literally built their national awarness and identity, sure?

It was two Afghans that attacked you gotta remember this is no different than Greeks, Arabs, armenians and assyrians attacking Turkish civilians when the Allies called upon them to attack the Ottoman Empire.

It was a war funny thing is the British and the Australians blamed it on Germans for causing the attack as they believed German spies started it.
It was two Afghans that attacked you gotta remember this is no different than Greeks, Arabs, armenians and assyrians attacking Turkish civilians when the Allies called upon them to attack the Ottoman Empire.

It was a war funny thing is the British and the Australians blamed it on Germans for causing the attack as they believed German spies started it.

Nowadays, Some people tell that after realizing the original story cheap with cheap ''evidences'' in absent today; but the rest still think in the same way as in my previous post to you.

Regardless, i wonder if any words of the New Zelland mosque attacker expressed or implied about the ''attack''.
Typical Ango Mutliculturalism at work disregard your history for diversity

Americans and other Anglos be it the Canadians,Australians or NZers barley know about WW1 which is kinda sad even if they know it will be one of twisted form as usual they won blah blah however Erdogan revisionism in recent years is kinda bad also

A lot of people dont even learn ww1 properly in school we barely touched upon ww1.

All we learnt was the causes of ww1, western front and gallipoli nothing else.

Also we learnt Australias role. Lets be honest Australias role in ww1 was minisucle compared to the Ottomans, Germans, Austro-Hungarians, Russians, British, French and the Italians. Australian casualties were like 60,000. While the rest lost like a million.

Ottoman casualties reach up to 700 k to million lets also include civilian casualties which to some estimates reached 2 million after ww1 we had the independance war which further drained the numbers.
A lot of people dont even learn ww1 properly in school we barely touched upon ww1.

All we learnt was the causes off ww1, western front and gallipoli nothing else.

Also we learnt Australias role. Lets be honest Australias role in ww1 was minisucle compared to the Ottomans, Germans, Austro-Hungarians, Russians, British, French and the Italians. Australian casualties were like 60,000. While the rest lost like a million.

Ottoman casualties reach up to 700 k to million lets also include civilian casualties which to some estimates reached 2 million after ww1 we had the independance war which further drained the numbers.

Still hella lot more than we had here we never learned about the Galipoli battles only about Imperial Germany we barely touched the Balkans mostly about Arch Duke being killed by a gunmen and How Austria Hungary fell
Nowadays, Some people tell that after realizing the original story cheap with cheap ''evidences'' in absent today; but the rest still think in the same way as in my previous post to you.

Regardless, i wonder if any words of the New Zelland mosque attacker expressed or implied about the ''attack''.

Broken hill battle has become a legend among some Turks actually as they believed 2 Turks took on Australia.

Its overlooked because ww1 had much more devastating events like Verdun, Somme, Brusilov, Sarikarmish and Gallipoli.

Aftermath of the Sarikarmish battle our soldiers froze to death. What a terrible war thousands of our martyrs perished.

I posted this because many parts of ww1 gets overlooked like the Caucasus front.
Şu mübarek Ramazan ayında bu haberi okudum ve kahroldum. Malesef bu ve benzeri haberleri sık göreceğimiz bir döneme girdik.

Afyonkarahisar'da Mehmet S. (52) pazar parası olmadığı gerekçesiyle tartıştığı eşi Sultan S.'yi (49) bıçaklayıp, öldürdü. Daha sonra polise teslim olan Mehmet S., gözaltına alındı.
Afyonkarahisar merkeze bağlı Ali İhsan Mahallesi’nde saat 11.30 sıralarında meydana gelen olayda, Mehmet S., iddiaya göre evde, pazara gitmek isteyen eşi Sultan S. ile para olmadığı gerekçesiyle tartıştı. Büyüyen tartışmanın ardından Mehmet S. ekmek bıçağıyla Sultan S.’yi göğüs ve karın bölgesinden 3 kez bıçakladı. Sultan S. ağır yaralanırken, evden çıkan Mehmet S. ise bir süre sonra polis merkezine giderek teslim oldu.

Mehmet S.’nin cinayeti itiraf etmesi üzerine sağlık ekipleriyle birlikte eve giden polis, Sultan S.’nin cansız bedeniyle karşılaştı. Yapılan incelemenin ardından Sultan S.’nin cenazesi, Afyonkarahisar Devlet Hastanesi morguna konuldu. Mehmet S. ise polis tarafından gözaltına alındı.

Yaklaşık 20 yıllık evli olan çiftin 2 çocuğu olduğu belirtilirken, olay sırasında çocukların evde bulunmadığı kaydedildi. Mehmet S.’nin psikolojik sorunları olduğu öne sürüldü.
Broken hill battle has become a legend among some Turks actually as they believed 2 Turks took on Australia.

Its overlooked because ww1 had much more devastating events like Verdun, Somme, Brusilov, Sarikarmish and Gallipoli.

Interesting, never seen such people believing in so.

It is important Australia as it built the national identity among them, and hereby took part in WW1; however, as the story itself in reality is humiliating for them, it is understandable some regular people unaware of it, but some educated ones still believe and accuse.
Broken hill battle has become a legend among some Turks actually as they believed 2 Turks took on Australia.

Its overlooked because ww1 had much more devastating events like Verdun, Somme, Brusilov, Sarikarmish and Gallipoli.

Aftermath of the Sarikarmish battle our soldiers froze to death. What a terrible war thousands of our martyrs perished.

I posted this because many parts of ww1 gets overlooked like the Caucasus front.

WW1 was pretty disgusting sight to see probably the first time the mass media desensitized entire populations to war fare and destruction
WW1 was pretty disgusting sight to see probably the first time the mass media desensitized entire populations to war fare and destruction

The weapons and millions of soldiers used it was basically the start of modern total war.

Where everybody was the target. Advamced weapons meant destruction and to win a war you have to take evert chance to win even if it means taking the whole world to hell.
The weapons and millions of soldiers used it was basically the start of modern total war.

Where everybody was the target. Advamced weapons meant destruction and to win a war you have to take evert chance to win even if it means taking the whole world to hell.

True also the use of Chemical Warfare made the conflict even worse there was a Serbian song about WW1 it's called Tamo Dalenko the images of pure disgust and melancholy
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