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Cay Bahcesi

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It's a good question.. I guess they can track phone records and stuff like that... you know, things they could do to catch terrorists :)

Bir ara mit tarafından fişleme olayı vardı. Bahsi geçen fişlenenler cemaat mensupları değil miydi?
Zaten basin özgürlügü konusunda son yillarda baliklama daldik, suan 200 ülke arasinda 140 lardayiz.

Bana kalırsa Freedom of house iltimas bile geçmekte; basın özgür değil, adalet değil, kişisel özgürlük ve güvenlik garanti altında değil, seçimlerin olması bir ülkeyi demokratik yapmaz, aksini düşünen zaten demokrasiyi binip inilen bir otobüse benzetir.

İlk önce neyin ne olduğunu anlatmak sonra da bu insanlardan ona göre muhakeme etmelerini beklemek gerek, aksi halde durum ortada.
Out of nowhere I remembered the tv series "Yabancı Damat", I think it was a fine tv series :)
Nothing much ! :(

What about you ?

Hey which City in the States are you in ?

Nothing much here, too. I just get rid of final exams in the previous week. I wanna have partying this week. :yay::victory:
I don't wanna disclose it. :smokin::azn:
What about you? did not you got freeze in the Kashmir mountains in this winter?
Nothing much here, too. I just get rid of final exams in the previous week. I wanna have partying this week. :yay::victory:
I don't wanna disclose it. :smokin::azn:
What about you? did not you got freeze in the Kashmir mountains in this winter?

I haven't been near Kashmir since my Great-Grandpa immigrated to the lands that about 30 years later became Pakistan ! :lol:

Then Pakistan and India came into existence and no more free-movement for the People; so I haven't visited my ancestral homeland in Indian Occupied Kashmir ever ! :(
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