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Causes of Flood~ your opinion~


May 11, 2010
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United Arab Emirates
Asalam O alikum,
Dear member's of respected forum,
plz discuss causes of flood, their damage, future prevantations and solution.
I would appriciate it if this thread have some quality input frm every member specialy senior member's,
i m in process to generate a report on that topic , which will submited to A semi-govt organization.
Please refer to the link below:

Unfortunately, the thread did not comply to (some) forum rules and was closed for discussion.

Any how if you go to the source, links are given from news paper reports. It is a very good research work and worth reading.
Such truthful articles don't survive long and are usually taken away from web or search engine itself (lik google) corrupt the link it self and no search options will bring it up.
Cause of flood -

Unprecedented monsoon rain.
Freezing of the jet stream, a phenomenon that reportedly also caused an unprecedented heat wave and wildfires in Russia as well as the 2007 UK floods.

Causes of damage -

Pakistani government's sluggish and disorganized response to the floods.
FLOODS are natural and damage is huge due to poor infrastructure and where its excellent then there is lack of maintainenc
Natural Causes of Floods:

1.High rainfall

Heavy rainfall raises the water level. When the water level is higher than the river bank or the dams, the water comes out from the river,there will be flooding.


Because of global warming, the temperature of this year is higher than the temperature of many years ago.The ice caps melt in spring, and the water goes into the sea. The water raises the sea level, and makes the river level rise. When river level rises, flooding may occur.


Flooding often occurs in lowlands. This is because rivers flow more slowly in low-lying areas. If the water volume increases suddenly, floods occur.

4.Coastal flooding

Flooding always occurs in coastal areas. High tides or storms cause the water level to rise. If the water level is higher than the level of the coastal lowland, flooding will occur.

Human Causes of Floods


Large areas of forests near the rivers have been cleared. The lands are used to make room for settlement, roads and farmland. Less vegetation protects the soil, the soil is quickly lost to rivers and the sea.This raises the river bed, so the river overflows its banks easily.

2.Poor farming

Some farming practices can damage the vegetation cover, so the soil will be washed into the river easily.

People want more food and money. They graze too many animals on the land and the pasture is eaten away quickly. Less vegetation cover results in soil washed into the rivers easily.

When a piece of land has been used for farming for a long period of time, the soil may became so infertile that no vegetation can grow on it. The land is less fertile than before so the soil washed into the rivers more easily

3.Poor water management

When the dams are poorly constructed or maintained ,they can easily collapse and this results in flooding. In China, many lakes along the major rivers have been heavily silted and reclaimed,.

4.Population pressure

Because of large amounts of people, everything needs more, like wood, land and food……
Soil erosion happens more often and increases the risk of flooding.
Large numbers of people live in areas with high risk of flooding in China. They cause the problems of overgrazing and overcultivation.
Pakistan Floods Caused Due to Water Release by India

Reject India's flood aid: Pak newspaper

Dams being built by India on River Indus pose danger to N Areas, Basha Dam, KKH

The water war between India/Pakistan


India and Pakistan Feud Over Indus Waters

The collapse of Pakistan has been planned years in advance

Inter-Dominion Agreement Between the Government of India and the Government of Pakistan, on the Canal Water Dispute Between East and West Punjab

165 dead in India flooding

he devastating flood from cloudburst in Leh, Ladakh a chinese experiment of weather bomb or an effect of the undergroud UFO bases in the Himalayas?

Cloudburst in Leh


India releases 18000 cusec water in Ravi: Flood warning issued

Bhakra dam floodgates opened

India’s water stealing policy and Stealing of Chenab

Water flows in Chenab declined by 40 per cent to about 6,000 cusecs on Wednesday from a 10-year average

BTW.... these water stealing articles and stats. appeared before the floods, while India was storing the water to maximum like never did before and preparing for clouds to burst.
Indian storing of water also caused drought in India but the master plan was already agreed upon.
Munda dam in Afghanistan was completed and handed over to RAW to achieve best synchronization and co-ordination in the second phase of grand operation.

I posted the link of Indian claims of water bomb on China to highlight that even Indian regions faced unusual heavy rains
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FLOODS are natural and damage is huge due to poor infrastructure and where its excellent then there is lack of maintainenc
floods are naturel we all belive it, but aren't wadera's and jageer dar's made them wrost more then naturel?
Causes were as described by earlier posts but we need more dams both in the north and possibly south of the country . Imagine so much water has been lost to the Arabian Sea. I might sound very ambitious but can we split river Indus into two one going into Balochistan and other going into Sindh . this would not only provide irrigation prospects for Balochistan but also would lessen the might of any flood . Pakistan will always be prone to Floods and Earthquakes .While Earthquakes are unpredictable we can certainly predict Flood timings (moonsoon season) .
Floods in Kp are Naturel, becoz india can't be involved there. Their might be an indian hand in punjab and sindh flooding..
Causes were as described by earlier posts but we need more dams both in the north and possibly south of the country . Imagine so much water has been lost to the Arabian Sea. I might sound very ambitious but can we split river Indus into two one going into Balochistan and other going into Sindh . this would not only provide irrigation prospects for Balochistan but also would lessen the might of any flood . Pakistan will always be prone to Floods and Earthquakes .While Earthquakes are unpredictable we can certainly predict Flood timings (moonsoon season) .

tayyb, can u plz more elobrate the division of indus river?
floods are naturel we all belive it, but aren't wadera's and jageer dar's made them wrost more then naturel?

Yes that is also a worst part but again the issue is that we need to have a good infrastructure to divert the water.

You can understand the release of water from a dam but other diversions are due to bad infra
Reject India's flood aid: Pak newspaper

The collapse of Pakistan has been planned years in advance

he devastating flood from cloudburst in Leh, Ladakh a chinese experiment of weather bomb or an effect of the undergroud UFO bases in the Himalayas?

Cloudburst in Leh


Bhakra dam floodgates opened

India’s water stealing policy and Stealing of Chenab

Water flows in Chenab declined by 40 per cent to about 6,000 cusecs on Wednesday from a 10-year average

BTW.... these water stealing articles and stats. appeared before the floods, while India was storing the water to maximum like never did before and preparing for clouds to burst.
Indian storing of water also caused drought in India but the master plan was already agreed upon.
Munda dam in Afghanistan was completed and handed over to RAW to achieve best synchronization and co-ordination in the second phase of grand operation.

I posted the link of Indian claims of water bomb on China to highlight that even Indian regions faced unusual heavy rains

I liked these links..

It talks about water stealing and also Chinese experiments.

Hey wait maybe we didnt steal much during the flood times.
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