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Catholic Nun Forcibly Removed From Plane for Wearing "Muslim Garb"

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Just goes to show that all people (journalists included) need to research (i.e. ask questions) before passing stories around.
That bit about Cora Ann= Koran really took the cake!!
Thanks, Jana for posting a funny story.
I got suspicious when a lady said her name sounds like Koran. Then I looked up, it is in comedy section. Please check the comments given by people in that site, if you still have doubt.
Anyway, people have posted Onion news here, with all its seriousness.

lolzz i dont have any doubt. i was telling him that satire is not called an article. the genuine or not genuine point arise about news not satire. satire is in itself an imagination based thing
Jana -- i mean no disrespect (not intended any), when i was typing my post you had posted (and others had as well) a few times. Having now read those posts I am glad we are all on the same page.

:) You are welcomed. Dr Jaleel had written a good satire that even his American readers were confused and failed to pick up what it was. i was laughing loud at the beef part and the last one where the Muslim character is quoted as saying its fun to see other de-boarded lolzzzzzzzzzzzz
lolzz i dont have any doubt. i was telling him that satire is not called an article. the genuine or not genuine point arise about news not satire. satire is in itself an imagination based thing

Like the "article" by Nusrat Mirza ( a journalist of 25 years standing) on how the Japanese earthquake was caused by USA.
Is that a "satire" or an (journalistic) "article"?
Jana Check this one also -

“Arabs Don’t Brush Their Teeth”

I’m going to call this lady Helen. She is well into her 60′s I’d guess. German. She’s the kind of colleague whose name I remember because she’s terribly nice as a person, but terribly annoying as a workmate. She is simply so….(cliché) “German”. Everything must be done her way, which is “according to policy”, even if it is trivial and nonsensical for the situation. (And as any F/A can tell you, what is by-the-book is not always what works or makes sense when it comes to service.) She’s also sometimes rather, um, dense. (In case the policy obsession didn’t tell you.)

We were on our homebound flight from Europe last week. She was standing at the boarding door, directing pax to their cabin. She motioned me over emphatically. “Sarah, I need to speak to you privately.” Ok, that’s dramatic, but sure. (She was neither quiet nor subtle.) “An Arab man just went into the bathroom…,” she looks around cautiously, “and then peeked his head out, asking me for…a toothbrush.”

She nodded with wide, serious eyes as if this were some red-hand evidence. I said, “I don’t understand.”

“Sarah…Arabs don’t brush their teeth! This is wrong. Oh…this is all wrong. I have a pit in my stomach. It’s very suspicious.”

I am certainly all for being vigilant. But seriously? I scanned her face to see if she was joking, but Helen doesn’t joke. And she was seriously disconcerted. But there were so many things wrong with what she’d just said that I didn’t even know where to begin! I couldn’t make up something so ludicrous! So offensive! So dumb!

“Well, I’m not really concerned. I mean, if he asked you for a toothbrush, that means he was hoping for one from you. Which means it would be a perfectly normal toothbrush. No missiles inside, no ninja stars.” She didn’t smile.

“But Arabs do not brush their teeth. It’s not right. Somethings fishy. This man is completely suspicious. Now he’s staring at me. I told you!”

“Helen, you do realize that you just claimed that people with a certain color of skin around the world do not brush their teeth? I mean…maybe he’s Hispanic. Maybe he’s American of Arab descent. Maybe he is from an Arab country but is a foreign diplomat. Even if what you say were true – which it’s not – there are still so many reasons why it might not apply to him.”

Helen left me there while she went into the airport to double check his name. Ok fine. I will admit that while she was gone, the dude looked at me hard, like he were a dog and I was dangling a treat in front of him. It was uncomfortable, but I watched him only peripherally, suspecting it was because Helen was so obvious. Sure enough, after about 3 minutes of not looking at him, he completely relaxed. (And he turned out to be a noticeably nice guy on top of it. I wished I could apologize for what he obviously knew was going on.)

Helen came back, said he checked out to her satisfaction and I posited that it was her suspicion that caused the staring. And – sweet Helen – she was all, “Oh my goodness. I bet you’re right. Such a thing never occurred to me. Sarah, I’m so glad I talked to you.”

See? She’s really a sincere person. She’s just a little…howdoyousayit? I’m glad she’s being vigilant, but I’m also glad that I’m not depending on her judgement to keep us safe! Or whomever taught her that about Arabs. We’d all be doomed.
Just look the names:
Frodo Baggins from Lord of the Rings.

Elizabeth Bennet :The protagonist in Pride and Prejudice.

Blanche DuBois : Another famous character in an award winning play named "Streetcar Named Desire".

Damien Thorn : The central character in the movie series "Omen".

Also, have a look at what I found.The same story is in a blog based on wordpress, which says:

"I like the Catholic news aggregation Pewsitter alot. I grab stories from there semi-regularly. But, today, they got punked, badly. They post a link as a straight up news story to a comedy piece written on HuffPost, the piece being a paean to left type views of ‘tolerance’ and a general approbation of mythical “backlash” against Muslims. Pewsitter seems to think this is a straight up news story, but it’s not – it’s a poorly done, obvious satire.

The piece involves a mythical flight where a Catholic nun in habit boards and starts reciting prayers out loud in Latin. The passengers mistake her habit for a burqa (fat chance – once again, a liberal reveals his disdain for the intelligence of the average American) and the Latin for some “taliban-i” language, and hilarity ensues. Not really, but anyways:"

people spoiled the fun so early. we could have get some expert analysis on this news.
Jana and Pukthoon have been officially owned.:D

Damn, even I was about to fall for it before I saw the eveeel Joo's (ipakman) post.
Jana and Pukthoon have been officially owned.:D

Damn, even I was about to fall for it before I saw the eveeel Joo's (ipakman) post.
I imagine we might have gotten more amusing comments from people if i didn`t. :lol:
I imagine we might have gotten more amusing comments from people if i didn`t. :lol:

Nah the Indian tally or tall boy whatever his id is became suicidal :P :P dahhhh i asked him already before jumping he should have read the entire stuff

---------- Post added at 12:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 AM ----------

Like the "article" by Nusrat Mirza ( a journalist of 25 years standing) on how the Japanese earthquake was caused by USA.
Is that a "satire" or an (journalistic) "article"?

WHo is Nusrat Mirza??? i never heard of him lolzzzzzz
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