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Catholic Church demands Israel act to stop hate attacks


Jun 1, 2012
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Catholic Church demands Israel act to stop hate attacks - Yahoo News


Jerusalem (AFP) - The Roman Catholic church demanded Israeli action Wednesday after suspected Jewish extremists daubed hate graffiti on Vatican-owned offices in annexed Arab east Jerusalem just two weeks before a papal visit.

Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch said the government planned to use detention without trial against the suspected extremists as it comes under mounting pressure over its failure to secure a single prosecution in an intensifying wave of hate crime.

Hebrew-language graffiti reading "Death to Arabs and Christians and those who hate Israel" was daubed over offices of the Assembly of Bishops at the Notre Dame centre, a Vatican-owned complex opposite the walls of Jerusalem's Old City, on Monday, the Roman Catholic church said.

"The Notre Dame centre is the property of the Holy See and this provocation comes two weeks before Pope Francis’s visit to the Holy Land and Jerusalem," the Latin patriarchate said on its website.

"Heads of the Churches in the Holy Land are preparing a series of actions aimed at informing local and international public opinion, and to make the authorities and law officials aware of their responsibilities."

Police confirmed there had also been fresh hate attacks on Muslim targets in northern Israel on Wednesday, the latest in a spate of such attacks mainly targeting Palestinian or Arab-Israeli property but also targeting churches and mosques.

Police caught a man as he punctured the tyres of Arab-owned vehicles in the town of Yokneam, spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told AFP.

Investigators were seeking to establish if he was also responsible for vandalising a Druze dentist's practice earlier in the day.

"Death to Arabs" and "Price Tag" were sprayed on his clinic windows, media said.

"Price tag" is a euphemism for the hate attacks by Jewish extremists.

The internal security minister said the government was preparing to allow the use of detention without charge against those suspected of such crimes, powers previously used almost exclusively against Palestinians suspected of security-related offences.

"It is the government's intention to use administrative detention against those carrying out so-called 'price tag' attacks," Aharonovitch told army radio.

Administrative detention allows for suspects to be held without trial for up to six months. Such orders can be renewed indefinitely by court decision.

Although police have made scores of arrests, there have been no successful prosecutions for price tag attacks and the government has come up under mounting pressure to authorise the Shin Bet internal security agency to step in.

Justice Minister Tzipi Livni said on Sunday she would back the idea of defining such crimes as "terrorism" after the US State Department for the first time included mention of price tag attacks in its global report on terror.

I've heard it all now. The CATHOLIC church accusing Jews of hate attacks.

The same church that was and still is the driving force behind global anti-semitism.

The same church that accused Jews of every evil doing under the sun. From killing Jesus to grinding up Christian kids for their blood.

The Catholic church is one of the most evil organisations in the world and can go take a running jump.

Oh and by the way, these "attacks" are a bit of graffiti and nothing more.

Half of it probably done by Arabs.

I've heard it all now. The CATHOLIC church accusing Jews of hate attacks.

The same church that was and still is the driving force behind global anti-semitism.

The same church that accused Jews of every evil doing under the sun. From killing Jesus to grinding up Christian kids for their blood.

The Catholic church is one of the most evil organisations in the world and can go take a running jump.

Oh and by the way, these "attacks" are a bit of graffiti and nothing more.

Half of it probably done by Arabs.
What about now?

Why JEWS have synagogues in Europe and not christians in Israel?
Typical AFP story. Israel catches the perpetrators and throws them into jail and vows to keep them there but there's no mention of it in the headline; rather, the headline trumpets a "demand" that, if you read the article, the Catholic Church never made at all.

Why JEWS have synagogues in Europe and not christians in Israel?
I think that's because most Christians refer to their houses of worship as churches. It's like asking why no Christians have mosques!
I've heard it all now. The CATHOLIC church accusing Jews of hate attacks.
The same church that was and still is the driving force behind global anti-semitism.
The same church that accused Jews of every evil doing under the sun. From killing Jesus to grinding up Christian kids for their blood.
The Catholic church is one of the most evil organisations in the world and can go take a running jump.
Oh and by the way, these "attacks" are a bit of graffiti and nothing more.

Whining about the distant past is all that these fucks have to justify the crap they do today.

Don't forget many of your kind still live in Christian lands - more of you are in Europe and the Americas than in Israel.

If you don't think you have any obligation to tolerate minorities in your midst, know that two can play this game.

Half of it probably done by Arabs.
You know that isn't true and no Arab has ever been caught doing such thing, and that is telling, having in mind the Israeli police's racial biases against non-Jews. Just because the Jews have employed false flag attacks to gain sympathy, that doesn't mean the noble Arab people would resort to the same pathetic tactic. But then again, just like crying anti-Semitism, crying blood libel when you're caught underhand is the one of the few tools you have left[/quote][/quote]

Typical AFP story.

Wah wah, why do the Jews control only 99% of the narrative churned out in the Western press rather than 100%?:(

Israel catches the perpetrators and throws them into jail and vows to keep them there
I already knew reading isn't your forte, Solomon, so I'm going to help you out.

What you say - that Israel has been throwing Jewish terrorists in jail - is a falsehood that the text refutes:

Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch said the government planned to use detention without trial against the suspected extremists as it comes under mounting pressure over its failure to secure a single prosecution in an intensifying wave of hate crime.

Won't bother to read the rest of your claptrap if not even the basic facts laid out in the beginning of the article you can get right.
Wah wah, why do the Jews control only 99% of the narrative churned out in the Western press rather than 100%?:(
Think about what you just did: you're defending the right to proclaim a fib in the headline by claiming that Jews have a monopoly on truth. That's crazy!

...that Israel has been throwing Jewish terrorists in jail - is a falsehood -
The article notes Jews caught in the act (or maybe even just suspected) are being jailed without trial.
Typical AFP story. Israel catches the perpetrators and throws them into jail and vows to keep them there but there's no mention of it in the headline; rather, the headline trumpets a "demand" that, if you read the article, the Catholic Church never made at all.

I think that's because most Christians refer to their houses of worship as churches. It's like asking why no Christians have mosques!
I meant why the christians are oppressed in Israel?
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