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Catalonia has 'won right to statehood'

So Barcelona is going to become the capital of the new country? I like Barcelona...A beautiful city.
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I think only a few of them understand that in fact their standard of living will not grow, but will decrease, in case of independence. Spain, most likely, will try to break all economic connections with Catalonia. A lot of businesses will close. Tourism will decline, as tourists do not like to travel to dangerous regions. Unemployment will grow.
Catalonia will very long try to reach the level of economic development it had in 2017.
I think that illegal migrants will take advantage of anarchy and Catalonia become a vulnerable place on the Mediterranean coast, a kind of a staging post for them.
Lovers of independence will be very disappointed.
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I think only a few of them understand that in fact their standard of living will not grow, but will decrease, in case of independence. Spain, most likely, will try to break all economic connections with Catalonia. A lot of businesses will close. Tourism will decline, as tourists do not like to travel to dangerous regions. Unemployment will grow.
Catalonia will very long try to reach the level of economic development it had in 2017.
I think that illegal migrants will take advantage of anarchy and Catalonia become a vulnerable place on the Mediterranean coast, a kind of a staging post for them.
Lovers of independence will be very disappointed.
I have been to Barcelona, Tarragona, Sale etc etc quite a few times. Catalonia's living standard and income is higher than rest of the Spain. Catalonia has a much higher level of human rights and they have banned all inhuman activities like bull fighting and converted all the bullrings into auditoriums and theatres.
I have been to Barcelona, Tarragona, Sale etc etc quite a few times. Catalonia's living standard and income is higher than rest of the Spain. Catalonia has a much higher level of human rights and they have banned all inhuman activities like bull fighting and converted all the bullrings into auditoriums and theatres.
Yes. It is all true while Catalonia is part of Spain. But all will change after independence.
If they want to be independent, then I don't see why the government should be against. Every region/state should have the right to seek independence if the majority of the people are actively seeking for self rule to the point of using violence. Government should give them their referendum to choose their destiny. Using force never solved such demands. So the Spanish government should stop denying Catalans their right to hold a referendum. They should follow our example with the way our government granted Scots referendum for independence.
Yes. It is all true while Catalonia is part of Spain. But all will change after independence.
Sir, I beg to differ based on my little experience and first hand knowledge. Catalonia has great tourism industry. If they become separate, they will still be part of EU and both countries will have friendly relations. Catalonians have no issues with common Spaniards, their only issue is with the central govt that is corrupt and mismanages the budget. Also if you check the history most of the small countries separated from large countries are fairing better than before for example Singapore. Furthermore separations inside EU are not hard separations. Since borders are soft, same currency, similar laws etc.. so
Sir, I beg to differ based on my little experience and first hand knowledge. Catalonia has great tourism industry. If they become separate, they will still be part of EU and both countries will have friendly relations. Catalonians have no issues with common Spaniards, their only issue is with the central govt that is corrupt and mismanages the budget. Also if you check the history most of the small countries separated from large countries are fairing better than before for example Singapore. Furthermore separations inside EU are not hard separations. Since borders are soft, same currency, similar laws etc.. so
I'm not sure about membership of the European Union, it is unlikely that Spain will agree. I think that Catalonia has much more economic ties with Spain than with France or other European countries. The destruction of these ties (and Spain is likely to take a tough scenario to prevent the separatism of other regions) will lead to a sharp decrease in the standard of living. Unemployment will increase, the Catalans will have to migrate to the EU or Spain for job. The deterioration of the internal situation, the fall in the standard of living will lead to expose of xenophobia within the country - the Catalans will blame the local Spaniards for their economic troubles. Local Spaniards will begin to emigrate to Spain, which will lead to even greater deterioration of the situation. Poverty will lead to the flourishing of crime. What is the most profitable criminal business now? Slave trade. Catalonia will turn into a transit point for immigrants from Africa, as well as for terrorists - Kosovo is a living example.
This is not a 100% forecast, but it's a very, very possible scenario.
they will still be part of EU and both countries will have friendly relations

They will not be a part of EU they will need to apply, and to join they need Spain approval...
And the question is what will happen with euro there?
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They will not be a part of EU they will need to apply, and to join they need Spain approval...
And the question is what will happen with euro there?
I think Spain will vote because otherwise it will make the EU unstable and cracks will start to appear and thus other countries like Germany, France and others will pressure Spain to agree.
I think Spain will vote because otherwise it will make the EU unstable and cracks will start to appear and thus other countries like Germany, France and others will pressure Spain to agree.

Nah this way they will show what will happen when you leave ... And looking how the EU reacting right now Catalonia will have a problem. Anyway we will wait we will see.
Spain is already unstable, with Catalonia gone a quarter of the Spanish GDP will be slashed off. No surprise the Spanish government is nervous and told the police cracking down on the voters. Catalonia is capable of managing things on her own, it's the rest of Spain that is dragging her down.
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