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Car Manufacturing Mafia Fleecing the Ordinary Pakistani

What is stopping PMIK from changing them even now, nearly fifty years later?
Same people who brought in Bhutto the champion of democracy and incompetency. Dictator Musharaf tried to privatize Steel Mills. Look how judiciary punished him for that.
Buy a cart drawn by 39 horses. It's much more dignified option than Mehran

That's a good idea, get a car's body with seats and wheels from scrapyard and install two horses in front of it.

Same people who brought in Bhutto the champion of democracy and incompetency. Dictator Musharaf tried to privatize Steel Mills. Look how judiciary punished him for that.

All of the characters you mention were Pakistanis doing what is best for Pakistan, in their views. And look where we are, and continuing down the same path even now.
All the successive Govts have missed out on putting the car manufacturing mafia at bay in Pakistan. The cars in Pakistan cost near to the poor man's dwellings. What a shame below is just one regional example compared to the neighbour.
View attachment 782704

The issue is “investors” who buy these cars in bulk only to charge “ own”

manufactures in general discourage this as it masks actual demand… they need to know actual demand to plan their production cycle
The only mafia in this case is govt (past & present) who allow substandard cars in Pakistan.
During the pandemic last year, when few quarters they were in loss, their parent company in Japan and their subsidies in Vietnam / Thailand were still in PROFIT because the IMPORTED parts are bought from their parent / subsidiary companies, so they make a profit by selling us those parts which can easily be manufactured locally provided the government steps in in joint public private partnership, like 60 - 40 ratio, fully localize parts of the car ASAP.
Without government involvement, they will call it a risky investment.
The government can later divest from the partnership a decade later.
Indian Suzuki is manufactured within India A to Z. Govt should force manufacturers to increase domestic input considering ever increasing price of dollar.
The country of Pakistan have severe craze for "imported maal" even if it is junk.
Cars have reached out of the hands of commoners. Now Bike Mafia has adopted same pattern. Decent motorbikes in the class 150 or 125 cc are getting out of reach for the ordinary Pakistanis. One cannot find new 125cc bikes without paying extra own money even in Rawalpindi-Islamabad.
Cars have reached out of the hands of commoners. Now Bike Mafia has adopted same pattern. Decent motorbikes in the class 150 or 125 cc are getting out of reach for the ordinary Pakistanis. One cannot find new 125cc bikes without paying extra own money even in Rawalpindi-Islamabad.

May I ask a question: Just where does this expectation that cars should be affordable for the common Pakistani arise?
i just build small go kart car with birggs generator engine, it still get me everywhere.
All the successive Govts have missed out on putting the car manufacturing mafia at bay in Pakistan. The cars in Pakistan cost near to the poor man's dwellings. What a shame below is just one regional example compared to the neighbour.
View attachment 782704

That is because the transportation ministry has failed to regulate the business.
May I ask a question: Just where does this expectation that cars should be affordable for the common Pakistani arise?

Through addition of more game players in the market, through increased foreign investment and competition in the automobile sector. Renault was about to enter into the Pakistani market back in Musharraf's era. Volkswagen was pretty much interested to invest in Pakistan 5 years back but the sad inconsistent economic state of affairs have led us down many times.

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