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Captured, 21 R&AW agents operated undercover as 'imams'.

what's new in that ? ? dont you know this before ? that RA&W , CIA , MOSSAD are penetrated deep in our society , even in masjid , who are taliban ? indian funded terrorist fighting the war of Afghans in Pakistan, bastards . our retard judges have time to take action against army General but not for those kind of internationally funded peoples, Geo , and some other channels , Political parties and religious parties , Shakeel afraidi caught as Doc of Polio , and he was CIA agent , so this shows that how much they are in our neighborhood , our ISI is working hard to stop them and trying to defend our Nuclear Assests at all cost , defending national interest , I salute them for their work and May Allah Protect them all where they are , whenever i rise my hand for Pray i always pray for them ... inshallah soon one great leader will come and kick out all those undercover agents from Pakistan
woooooooo . . . impressive !!!:sarcastic:



Video in urdu, do watch it. Same thing happened in East Pakistan too.

Also, how this 'free' media is wreaking havoc in our country. An indirect reference to Geo and its Indian and foreign funding.

I heard it my self form a Prisoner of war of Pak army on tv 2/3 years ago that when he was in jail an Indian captor brag to him that he was imam masjid in Bangladesh ar that time in east Pakistan and spread hatred
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Did any of the trolls here even saw the video? :hitwall:

Those 21 agents got CAUGHT!!! :guns:

Don't just comment based on what is written in the title. :rofl:

Stupid people. :crazy:
how did they find out? did they tell them to drop their pants?
well I thought it was Saudi funded Imams like Molama Aunty of red mosque doing such things but never new RAW was so Islamic...
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