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Can't ban Kashmir 'Million March', UK tells India

Eggs, bottles and tomatoes: Crowd heckles Bilawal Bhutto at Kashmir rally in London - Firstpost

A protest march by a UK-based pro-Pakistan group on the Kashmir issue in the heart of London fizzled out as barely a few hundred protesters gathered to wave placards and flags.

The so-called 'Million March' from Trafalgar Square to Downing Street descended into chaos as Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) chairperson Bilawal Bhutto Zardari stepped on to the makeshift stage to speak.

The crowd began booing and throwing empty plastic bottles and refused to let Bilawal Bhutto speak. Bhutto was also hit with eggs and tomatoes. He was later led away under protection. The police stepped in and ended the rally.

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. Reuters Image

"This march was to be about Kashmir and for the welfare of Kashmiris. Bilawal has no business being here," said a group of angry protesters who had travelled from Derby in the East Midlands region of England.

Pakistan's efforts to stage a march against Indian human rights violations, with a million people on the streets of London proved to be a monumental failure. Far from a seven figure, the march's attendance did not even reach five figures.

One of the organisers claimed the march was "to protest against human rights violations by Indian troops in occupied Kashmir". They planned to submit a petition asking the British government "to impress upon India to resolve the Kashmir dispute".

A few thousand men, women in hijabs and even children waved Pakistani flags behind police barricades at the British capital's Trafalgar Square. Barely a few days ago, the save place packed with audiences to watch on-stage entertainment in celebration of Diwali.

Only some of them assembled there walked down the thoroughfare of Whitehall towards Downing Street -- the official residence of the British prime minister -- for presenting a petition.

"Unfortunately we do not provide crowd figures," said London's Metropolitan Police Service, popularly known as Scotland Yard.

Unofficial Indian estimates put the gathering at no more than 2,000.

The websites of Pakistan's three leading daily newspapers, the Dawn, the News and the Express Tribune, until well after the march had concluded carried no story at all on the event.

LOL, photos of baby bhutto with egg of face please !
We live in a democracy here in the United Kingdom unlike India. If India believes that kashmir wants to be part of "Democratic" India, Step aside and let the International community/Third Party carry out a referendum.

Be brave and believe in your fellow Kashmiri Citizens. One day or another Kashmiri people will have their say, Borders are not made forever. India should know that, better than anyone else.

do not worry ! lot many marches will be held for ISIS as well.
A few thousand men, women in hijabs and even children waved Pakistani flags behind police barricades at the British capital's Trafalgar Square.

Unofficial Indian estimates put the gathering at no more than 2,000.

The websites of Pakistan's three leading daily newspapers, the Dawn, the News and the Express Tribune, until well after the march had concluded carried no story at all on the event.

Million men march fizzled out?
The million strong crowd...



Let me show you more people than aka Million march
that too where it matters the most .
British PM and Wife Celebrate Diwali at Hindu Temple | Hindu Human Rights Online News Magazine
Diwali 2014: David Cameron's message - News stories - GOV.UK
BBC News - The Camerons mark Diwali in London's Neasden temple


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He also inaugurated an encyclopedia on Hinduism. That guy is pretty pro Hindu.
On a side note, the leaders of Pakistan should take note of the image of Pakistani people in UK. Even if not all Pakistani are involved in "grooming young girls" and cousin marriage, they should make some kind of statement and inspire people to go towards the right track. The involvement of Pakistani origin people in terrorism in UK has been a big blot on their image too. If they first lead for that, then maybe more people may eventually support you.
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