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Cancer on Earth - The Zionist State of Israel.

Religious discussions are against the forum rules

@waz please warn him
It directly links in with the topic?

The entire notion of anti-zionism mainly stems from Islam and the relationship between Zionism and islamic nations and Muslims, so it is necessary to bring religious stances into the equation to properly understand the situation.
Yes for sure ... says one of the worst and most biased propagandist in this forum!
Come on ... why always provoking, insulting, negative threads, negative intention and provoking arguments?

Find a job, a girlfriend, look for something meaningful, constructive in life.

God knows I'm not a friend of Zionism, and every religion in its excessive way is an abomination, that applies to Judaism, Christianity and Islam, but what you spread in all your topics and contributions is nothing other than dispute, resentment, negativism and hatred.

Knowing where Islam stands in this day and age a lot of Christian’s Jews and atheists believe very strongly that Islam is better than a lot. Set aside from the apartheid regime of Israel and what they do to provoke Palestinians. The heinous acts of aggression and the very approach that they use to deal with innocent civilians is provoking enough for me to be on the side of the oppressed. But on a side note PDF always pushed for dialog, argument, or arguments
and thought provoking conversation. Clearly you have a soft spots for the Israel because In some twisted way you believe what they do is justified. To each their own I guess. But I may add calling yourself a dinosaur also will make me think that you your are outdated or just fossilized to point of no absorption of reality.
@waz @WebMaster @PDF

Will you stop this bastard @Deino from bullying members of forum or should i talk to that shit in his own language?

Stop it right now!
I did nothing, I posted no offence, no insult, nothing in smear language ... all I did was to warn, this thread is turning into a flame war! While in return you and some others are constantly aggressive, personally insulting and why this constant use of smear language? Why is anyone who follows not your and @Mohsin A's aggression "a LGBTQ sissy", "shit" or a "bastard"?
Is this what you parents told you how to act in the public? Insulting offending foreigners whenever you don't agree with them?

Also, I'm not acting as a moderator, but as a regular member, I posted in a civilised and decent way and you??
And even more with no word I supported Israel; I only said, that all religious extremes are evil and I stand to this since noted by the thread starter "This is an open forum" and anyone can reply in a civilised manner and you should do that too.

@waz @WebMaster
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Stop it ring now!
I did nothing, I posted no offence, no insult, nothing in smear language ... all I did was to warn, this thread is turning into a flame war! While in return you and some others are constantly aggressive, personally insulting and why this constant use of smear language? Why is anyone who follows not your and @Mohsin A's aggression "a LGBTQ sissy", "shit" or a "bastard"?
Is this what you parents told you how to act in the public? Insulting offending foreigners whenever you don't agree with them?

Also, I'm not acting as a moderator, but as a regular member, I posted in a civilised and decent way and you??
And even more with no word I supported Israel; I only said, that all religious extremes are evil and I stand to this since noted by the thread starter "This is an open forum" and anyone can reply in a civilised manner and you should do that too.

@waz @WebMaster
@waz Tell us why a Western has the right to stop us from posting and discussing relevant matters. This thread is relevant to PDF in all senses and this ''negative rating'' button happy person keeps pressing the button even in his sleep.
@Deino You should refrain from indulging yourself and commenting in such threads and I am sure no one will come after you.
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He's literally just given me another negative rating on this thread for no reason whatsoever :sarcastic:
Sitting there crying in his basement dwelling over a topic that doesn't align with his agenda.
Deino - if you can't stomach the content then just refrain from entering the chat. You'll hopefully find inner peace by doing that.
Like someone on Greek TV said many years ago:

"The Jews are doing what's good for their interests. What are we doing?"

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