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Cancer on Earth - The Zionist State of Israel.

Unfortunately this is Pakistani forum but much of the time it is controlled by some trigger happy western moderates who keep pressing "negative rating" button s for anything that goes against their idealogy or have personal grudges against certain pdf members.
Real Admins should reconsider their choices of handing over moderator rights to random people in pdf.
I personally testify above thread is 110% facts and not any propaganda.
Whole world knows the reality of illegal and apartheid state of IsraHell committing genocide and ethnic cleansing of local Palestinian people and it's a daily routine to bomb and kill civilians, murder children, raid Masjid Aqsa, torture, abduction, jail, harassment, expanding illegal settlements, uprooting trees and crops and many more.
Now give me two negative ratings instead of one. I will be more than happy to get those.

who care about Negative ratings? @Deino have riddled me to negative ratings everytime that I say the word Germany in vain in the Russia/Ukraine thread or I suggest that war can end in a total nuclear war and kill us all (like if it was my wish :lol:)

I tried to ignore the evil @Deino, but forum can't allow ignore mods, I dont want that nutjob read my posts.

Oops! We ran into some problems.​

Staff members may not be ignored.

The negative ratings don't phase me one bit. It's a badge of honor. What's more important to me is posting facts to reorient the forum towards real issues. So of it means some mods a$$ burns, so be it.
Inshallah, the illegal state of Israels time of comeuppance is close. They'll fall like a house of cards when the time comes 👍
If God exists, do you think is more important a tiny 10mn country that the country who hold world power when the world has become globalised? (USA).

If God exists, USA must appear in those prophecies you talk about.
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The US empire is collapsing and they'll take the world down with them. It's been prophesied and is known as the Malhama (The Great War)

who care about Negative ratings? @Deino have riddled me to negative ratings everytime that I say the word Germany in vain in the Russia/Ukraine thread or I suggest that war can end in a total nuclear war and kill us all (like if it was my wish :lol:)

I tried to ignore the evil @Deino, but forum can't allow ignore mods, I dont want that nutjob read my posts.


If God exists, do you think is more important a tiny 10mn country that the country who hold world power when the world has become globalised? (USA).

If God exists, USA must appear in those prophecies you talk about.

The US empire is indirectly mentioned depending on how you interpret the scripture. The world of Zionism is also indirectly mentioned as well as dajjal (false messiah). Look up the narrators lectures. He has some quality material.
What is with all this anti Israel these days? Freaking hell as a Muslim im fed up with this headache. Can't we just deport all Palestinians to the Golan heights? So much blood shed for a few brick of stones. Their blood is worth more than any holy site. And enough is enough, they should stop poking with their sticks. As for Israel/Zionists a war will be waged upon them once their promised Messiah arrives. Then we will both find out what was promised to them and to us Muslims untill then any kind of terrorism, war and innocent bloodshedding should be forbidden. So much BS for Aqsa.
The end of the US empire means the end of the world.

WWIII will be nuclear.
To your first, not necessarily.

Israel defeted the Arabs fair and square , the Arabs were being supported by USSR and Israel by US during the war.
No. The support of the USSR was conditional. The support of the US was unconditional.

This is why Sadat cancelled the treaty with the USSR about a year before the war.
To your first, not necessarily.

No. The support of the USSR was conditional. The support of the US was unconditional.

This is why Sadat cancelled the treaty with the USSR about a year before the war.
better safe than sorry.

better think in WWIII as a real possibility, and that it never happens.

That think it never happens and surprise you someday.

Yes, and the alternatives are not enough yet.

So WWIII is kept in the horizon
Foreseeable future its not on the horizon oil reserves will remain 80-100 years ahead so we are not hurry for developing alternative fuels

WW-3 would be on water not on oil
The US empire is collapsing and they'll take the world down with them. It's been prophesied and is known as the Malhama (The Great War)

The US empire is indirectly mentioned depending on how you interpret the scripture. The world of Zionism is also indirectly mentioned as well as dajjal (false messiah). Look up the narrators lectures. He has some quality material.

You got any links for those lectures by any chance?

I'd love to listen to them, this topic interests me quite a bit.
You got any links for those lectures by any chance?

I'd love to listen to them, this topic interests me quite a bit.

Certainly brother. Keep in mind this lecture was delivered over 10 years ago....and much of what he said is coming to pass. Really is eye opening eschatology.
If you're short on time, just watch part 2/2...second video below.

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Religious discussions is prohibited in the forum and against the forum rules brother

With all due respect brother, we are discussing the Zionist state of Israel and it being the architect of the great war to come. All backed up by Religious texts of course which is the guide for not only Muslims but the rest of humanity.

P.S. Zionism isn't a religion. It is a poisonous cult out to dominate all. Even true Jews are against this movement.

Foreseeable future its not on the horizon oil reserves will remain 80-100 years ahead so we are not hurry for developing alternative fuels

WW-3 would be on water not on oil

It will be on oil. Specifically, the mountain of gold they have recently discovered in the river Euphrates which is why we have unrest in Syria. The US tried to pull a fast one in conjunction with Israel to gain a foothold, but Russia came to the rescue of the Assad government. Why do you think control over the black sea is so important? All the dots connect together if you think deep enough.
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