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can turkey send a satellite into space in near future ?

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Many people don't know **** about the NATO. Nato has satelites and will share them with Turkey, Turkey will get the technology from NATO. WTF are you talking about no one is sharing technology with anyone. There is intelligence sharing under the umbrella of the NATO, yes but no technology. We have to pay for everything or develop it ourselfs. We get no presents. We do get weapons other countries dont get (we still pay for them) because we're a trustworthy ally. You guys are either really suffering from the censorship in your countries or you are ignorant.
Mate, your understanding of independency is: isolate yourself from the world.
No thanks, keep your advices to yourself. We are fine like this.

it a step in indecency long path .... for example west and soviet sanction china when he begin to have his own dependency policy in world ....
Are you think China , Russia , USA become superpower because of nothing !? no in some of their history , their people endurance other power pleasure but they didn't give up and continue their hard work and now , they become super power .....


these the missile prototype

that missile gonna be used for the satellite and that yang man the one leading the project

Its three stage SLV !?
it a step in indecency long path .... for example west and soviet sanction china when he begin to have his own dependency policy in world ....
Are you think China , Russia , USA become superpower because of nothing !? no in some of their history , their people endurance other power pleasure but they didn't give up and continue their hard work and now , they become super power .....

Do you thik China who survive thanks to US/EU markets is indepent? Or US who needs loans from KSA and China and own them +1 trillion dollar is independent?

There is no independence in modern world, I may not like it but it is the truth.

Indeed, Sending 400m resolution satellite on space with a ballistic missile which is able to have a carriage capacity of totally 40-50kg. Congradulations...

About Turkey as a country which is designing/developing;

-Cruise Missile
-AT Missiles
-AG Missiles
-AA Missiles
-Many electronics, avionics, radars
-Covettes, Frigates, Destroyers
-Trainer/fighter aircrafts
-Every type wheeled vehicles

require impressive brain power indeed. It is way different than producing 1960 Soviet/USA designed systems under the name of reverse engineering, Even if most of them don't have any place in 21. century battlefield but introduced just propaganda shows on TV's.

so While you are talking about other's brainpower, Check yours firstly.

once you become truly independent and saying your own words in world , all of them will treat you just like Iran .... all of 5 great power don't want share anything with new powers unless they have no another choice ....

Honestly Which power you have but Great powers don't ? Which area you are independant? You are a country whose economy is depend on just petrol incomes. Neither you have a proper defence industry, nor a game challenger war toy, industry. Neither you have a satisfactory airforce, nor technology to be on par with others in region. All you are doing is producing old designed USA/Soviet missiles, overrating your capabilities with 2000dwt Destroyers, Tank without E/O, Light attack helo with nonrotating gun, Attack heloes with English stickers on avionics...etc and developing ballistic missiles and introducing them on TV...
Do you thik China who survive thanks to US/EU markets is indepent? Or US who needs loans from KSA and China and own them +1 trillion dollar is independent?

There is no independence in modern world, I may not like it but it is the truth.

Yes but whereas in the English Language the antonym of 'independence' might be 'dependence', in international relations such is not the case. China is not dependent on 'US/EU markets' but the other way around; China's economic model is the best example of what we in accounting call 'Target Costing' and with the dynamism of their industry coupled with considerably lower costs of production they can bring something to the table with a 'value-for-money' that few others can and so its not dependence, milady, its opportunism at its best ! They bidded their time well, all the while being low-key, developing themselves. increasing their soft-power exponentially so and now in many ways the world is dependent on them ! The US and the EU can't put higher tariffs on Chinese goods let alone ban them because of WTO and other such trade treaties and so they don't really have any other alternative then to go and buy Chinese products ! And to be honest depending upon how much you'd be willing to pay up they can gives some really...really nice stuff ! Case in point : the Scientific Calculator that I've been crunching numbers on for the last week or so is a device that I bought 5 years ago for around $4 ! The Texas Instruments one that my Dad uses with similar functions, cost him around $50 when he bought it alongside mine ! See the difference....they are not dependent ! They bring a product at a mind-boggling price and if you're willing to pay a little more you can end up with a pretty robust version of it ! How do you beat something like that in a 'Free Market Economy' ?
Yes but whereas in the English Language the antonym of 'independence' might be 'dependence', in international relations such is not the case. China is not dependent on 'US/EU markets' but the other way around; China's economic model is the best example of what we in accounting call 'Target Costing' and with the dynamism of their industry coupled with considerably lower costs of production they can bring something to the table with a 'value-for-money' that few others can and so its not dependence, milady, its opportunism at its best ! They bidded their time well, all the while being low-key, developing themselves. increasing their soft-power exponentially so and now in many ways the world is dependent on them ! The US and the EU can't put higher tariffs on Chinese goods let alone ban them because of WTO and other such trade treaties and so they don't really have any other alternative then to go and buy Chinese products ! And to be honest depending upon how much you'd be willing to pay up they can gives some really...really nice stuff ! Case in point : the Scientific Calculator that I've been crunching numbers on for the last week or so is a device that I bought 5 years ago for around $4 ! The Texas Instruments one that my Dad uses with similar functions, cost him around $50 when he bought it alongside mine ! See the difference....they are not dependent ! They bring a product at a mind-boggling price and if you're willing to pay a little more you can end up with a pretty robust version of it ! How do you beat something like that in a 'Free Market Economy' ?

US and EU can easily sanction China with no trouble by China's human right violations in Xinjiang and Tibet and occupation of Tibet... They don't do that because of their damaged democracies. Most of the largest companies in US and EU use Chinese cheap products to lower their production costs.

For example Foxconn is a great example. Only reason Foxconn is +100 billion dollas worth company because Apple use it to reduce their production cost. When US and EU sees China as a major threat, they can easily work their propaganda machine against China for one or two years then make public demand justice against them like they did against Pakistan and Iran. This would give them the ''right'' to stop Chinese imports.

And that would be the end of China. This would also hurt Eu and US economies because by rasing prices bt they would be wounded at best and Chinese economy would be dead.
US and EU can easily sanction China with no trouble by China's human right violations in Xinjiang and Tibet and occupation of Tibet... They don't do that because of their damaged democracies. Most of the largest companies in US and EU use Chinese cheap products to lower their production costs.

For example Foxconn is a great example. Only reason Foxconn is +100 billion dollas worth company because Apple use it to reduce their production cost. When US and EU sees China as a major threat, they can easily work their propaganda machine against China for one or two years then make public demand justice against them like they did against Pakistan and Iran. This would give them the ''right'' to stop Chinese imports.

And that would be the end of China. This would also hurt Eu and US economies because by rasing prices bt they would be wounded at best and Chinese economy would be dead.

Don't be so sure ! They don't buy from China because its the cute thing to do...they buy from them because they need to, because otherwise their already exponentially high cost of production relative to the rest of the world will spiral out of control. And you can only sell so much high-tech stuff whereas the necessities and many of the luxuries are going to come from elsewhere because no one is willing to pay $15 for a shirt when they can get the same from China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc. at perhaps 1/4 the price ! And China is making massive inroads in the technical stuff as well, for example in my country, most of the Sugar Mills used to import a certain kind of equipment for the boilers (I dunno what it was but I do know the guy who manages one and so I know what I'm talking about) from Germany and last year the shifted to China because the were getting the same quality for 1/4th the price ! And this is not an isolated example...my friend who works as an engineer for a 'local tractor' producer says that most of their heavy machinery is coming from China now because they get the same quality at exponentially lower costs and if your willing to pay more you can get much better quality for even less then what it would cost to import the same stuff from elsewhere ! China has been working hard....really hard thats why there are many in the US and Europe who are genuinely worried about China's continued growth, diversification and with respect to technology, a marked upward movement ! Heck...my Dad's hospital has been looking into Chinese Medical Machinery because they come at very affordable prices and still have the quality to last quite a bit of time !

So milady I'm not sure if the propaganda is going to succeed because if you've already in credit card debt and you've got to pay astronomical prices for even the most basic of things...no one gives a frig about China's alleged human rights abuses ! And by the way all of this comes with the assumption that China isn't a shrewd world-player which she is ! And this comes ignoring the fact that whereas China is the world's largest exporter she is also the world's second largest importer so the US and the EU will sanction China at their own peril ! Judging by the Euro crisis and the US debt crisis they can't really afford another blow to their economy and one must also understand that China controls more US debt than any other country and a demand to redeem them as a proportionate response would sink the US economy for inflation would skyrocket and the $ would be reduced to nothing !
this is why i speak about brain !

i didn't say you can't made missile's ...

your missiles range Limited on 300Km ! Do you know why ???

Firstly, Learn the meaning/aim of MTCR and talk about missile ranges, Troll. It is realliy interesting to see the word of "brain" with this member...

I really wonder the answer of the question this troll's asked. Please tell us Why our missile's range are limited on 300km ?
Indeed, Sending 400m resolution satellite on space with a ballistic missile which is able to have a carriage capacity of totally 40-50kg. Congradulations...

About Turkey as a country which is designing/developing;

-Cruise Missile
-AT Missiles
-AG Missiles
-AA Missiles
-Many electronics, avionics, radars
-Covettes, Frigates, Destroyers
-Trainer/fighter aircrafts
-Every type wheeled vehicles

require impressive brain power indeed. It is way different than producing 1960 Soviet/USA designed systems under the name of reverse engineering, Even if most of them don't have any place in 21. century battlefield but introduced just propaganda shows on TV's.

so While you are talking about other's brainpower, Check yours firstly.

Honestly Which power you have but Great powers don't ? Which area you are independant? You are a country whose economy is depend on just petrol incomes. Neither you have a proper defence industry, nor a game challenger war toy, industry. Neither you have a satisfactory airforce, nor technology to be on par with others in region. All you are doing is producing old designed USA/Soviet missiles, overrating your capabilities with 2000dwt Destroyers, Tank without E/O, Light attack helo with nonrotating gun, Attack heloes with English stickers on avionics...etc and developing ballistic missiles and introducing them on TV...

HiiiM ! wait Boy ! wait ...

just 10 years :drag:
If you have some itching related with Turkish defence industry related threads, (I know You have some periodically) Just tell us instead of provocating all members, threads and PDF. I will clearly introduce your stupidy, brain power, Your countries' background in 21. century defence technology step by step (When I found time enough).
Firstly, Learn the meaning/aim of MTCR and talk about missile ranges, Troll. It is realliy interesting to see the word of "brain" with this member...

I really wonder the answer of the question this troll's asked. Please tell us Why our missile's range are limited on 300km ?

America's nuclear umbrella :coffee:

Who is Troll ??? :lol:
HiiiM ! wait Boy ! wait ...

just 10 years :drag:

Don't worry about Turkey. Care about yourself whose economy just depends of %75 petrol incomes without any sufficient industrial production rate but introduce himself as independant at every area (When It comes to saying)...

America's nuclear umbrella :coffee:

Who is Troll ??? :lol:

Troll, Go and learn the meaning of MTCR and come here to talk about official truths, brainpower instead of conspicious theories you/your mollahs' composed.
If you have some itching related with Turkish defence industry related threads, (I know You have some periodically) Just tell us instead of provocating all members, threads and PDF. I will clearly introduce your stupidy, brain power, Your countries' background in 21. century defence technology step by step (When I found time enough).

Really sorry for you ! :disagree:

i am close to military Kid , Go & ask your Prime Minister why he comes into iran & beg for ICBM tech

HUH ! :coffee:
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