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can turkey send a satellite into space in near future ?

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once you become truly independent and saying your own words in world , all of them will treat you just like Iran .... all of 5 great power don't want share anything with new powers unless they have no another choice ....

a merely turkie who is under USA control isn't any big deal for Russia and China because you are under control of one of five great power ... but if you try to doing your independent policy , all of them will treat you just like Iran ....

well ,I know that you turk won't accept my words ... so let finish it here ...

Mate, your understanding of independency is: isolate yourself from the world.
No thanks, keep your advices to yourself. We are fine like this.
Yet,they are much more prosperous nations than Iran.:lol:

If you were under the same sanctions as Iran then you would be eating your own faeces kid, so don't compare us to those countries. back in 70s our economy was growing better than the south Korean and you and the sanctions came.
Brains? just look at difference one looks like a paper tank with no proper electronics etc the other very modern looking tank



Feel free to compare yourself

the zulfiqar tank looks like 1950 tanks with no proper armor
Turkey gets all it's tech from NATO and other countries like how your attack heli is from south Korea.
Iran can protect it self, like we killed the pjack and you are still trying to kill PKK.
If you were under the same sanctions as Iran then you would be eating your own faeces kid, so don't compare us to those countries. back in 70s our economy was growing better than the south Korean and you and the sanctions came.

Well, then why are you blaming us. go and ask it your cracky mullahs
Turkey is far more advanced (economy wise) then Iran but you have to hand it to Iranians that despite all the sanctions they have done quite well.Iranians are really hard working people.If such crippling sanctions were placed on any other nation it would collapse but Iranians are determined.
Tech is not something unique to someone, lesser more everybody influenced from each other, we're doing the most logical thing, cpmbine the experiences of others with our new experiences.
It is not necessary for Turkey to develop satellite which NATO already have, ask them for images and data.


Turkey gets all it's tech from NATO and other countries like how your attack heli is from south Korea.
Iran can protect it self, like we killed the pjack and you are still trying to kill PKK.

Turkey is far more advanced (economy wise) then Iran but you have to hand it to Iranians that despite all the sanctions they have done quite well.Iranians are really hard working people.If such crippling sanctions were placed on any other nation it would collapse but Iranians are determined.

Sanctions are procedures that which usually works in long term.
helis from south korea ? what the hell you on about

Turkey gets all it's tech from NATO and other countries like how your attack heli is from south Korea.
Iran can protect it self, like we killed the pjack and you are still trying to kill PKK.
So}{eil asks the question and he answers his own question..Funny dude :D
Well, then why are you blaming us. go and ask it your cracky mullahs

I am happy that were are self sufficient, and I want us to become more self sufficient. so if the relation with the west gets better in the future then our economy will get good very very fast and we would not have to rely on the outside for anything technological.
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