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can turkey send a satellite into space in near future ?

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ahhaah omg is this their attack heli , seriously omg this looks like a toy helicopter its unbelievable , haha

Iranian Super, hyper, supra Cobra! Iranian Shaheed, the pilot is a martyr !!!


There is no comparison!
so , we can wait & looking at the future

i wish you can ... ;)

Keep looking for future. While %75 of your total incomes only depend on petrol exports and industrial gears in total figures are swimming in the deep of ocean, I hope You will be a place regarding technology (by 2050) which today's Turkey locating at present. It is really wierd to see those figures for a country like Iran that declare itself fully (so called) self sufficient and independant country in defence and civilian technology and introduces itself as an example for others. What a pathetic...
as you mention , we can make satellite by other countries help , but lunching it is problem , first step is making proper SLV and second step is making heavy satellite and we already begine to reaserch for it and our goal is making an sending a sattelite with 1 ton weight before 1404 ( 2024 )

Those sentences prove How Iranian mind works adverse to make favour of What they acvieved (Even If It is so cheap and incapable move regarding technology) to use them against other countries as show of strength...

Firstly, Sending a satellite is vital but It is just a TOOL. Turkey sends own satellites from foreign bases without meeting any problem. It doesn't mean that Turkey don't have such a program to send own satellites with own launchers but The main aim of space activities related with Earth is development of a high capable satellite which deserves to be carried into orbit to take high resolution images, arrange communication, SAR images, early warning...etc. Even If you have one of the biggest SVL which has a thrust power around 100000lbs, Without a high capable satellite (I don't mention about Iranian 50 kg 400m resolution satellites), SVL is just a tincan.
The Missile Technology Control Regime

The Missile Technology Control Regime is an informal and voluntary association of countries which share the goals of non-proliferation of unmanned delivery systems capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction, and which seek to coordinate national export licensing efforts aimed at preventing their proliferation. The MTCR was originally established in 1987 by Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. Since that time, the number of MTCR partners has increased to a total of thirty-four countries, all of which have equal standing within the Regime.

The MTCR was initiated partly in response to the increasing proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), i.e., nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. The risk of proliferation of WMD is well recognized as a threat to international peace and security, including by the UN Security Council in its Summit Meeting Declaration of January 31, 1992. While concern has traditionally focussed on state proliferators, after the tragic events of 11 September 2001, it became evident that more also has to be done to decrease the risk of WMD delivery systems falling into the hands of terrorist groups and individuals. One way to counter this threat is to maintain vigilance over the transfer of missile equipment, material, and related technologies usable for systems capable of delivering WMD.

The MTCR rests on adherence to common export policy guidelines (the MTCR Guidelines) applied to an integral common list of controlled items (the MTCR Equipment, Software and Technology Annex). All MTCR decisions are taken by consensus, and MTCR partners regularly exchange information about relevant national export licensing issues.

National export licensing measures on these technologies make the task of countries seeking to achieve capability to acquire and produce unmanned means of WMD delivery much more difficult. As a result, many countries, including all MTCR partners, have chosen voluntarily to introduce export licensing measures on rocket and other unmanned air vehicle delivery systems or related equipment, material and technology.

Argentina (1993)
Australia (1990)
Austria (1991)
Belgium (1990)
Bulgaria (2004)
Brazil (1995)
Canada (1987)
Czech Republic (1998)
Denmark (1990)
Finland (1991)
France (1987)
Germany (1987)
Greece (1992)
Hungary (1993)
Iceland (1993)
Ireland (1992)
Italy (1987)
Japan (1987)
Luxembourg (1990)
New Zealand (1991)
Norway (1990)
Poland (1998)
Portugal (1992)
Republic of Korea (2001)
Russian Federation (1995)
South Africa (1995)
Spain (1990)
Sweden (1991)
Switzerland (1992)
Turkey (1997)
Ukraine (1998)
United Kingdom (1987)
United States of America (1987)

Yes, It seems that You scratchy stuided your lessons. You posted dozen of articles about MTCR but Did you get What's written in there ? While you are reading those sentences, Did you ask yourself If It is issued a limitation up to 300km range regarding missiles for countries signed MTCR, Why S. Korean industry developed/developing 1000km+ cruise missiles and some ballistic missiles with having a range of 3000km are under development phase ?

Turkey as a country that signed MTCR tested 300km air launchable cruise missile in this year and 500km trials will be placed until the end of this year. By 2014-2015, 1500 and 2500km missiles' trials will be placed in Sinop. Where is your so called claims about Turkey ? Why you as an Iranian like talking nonsense/BS so much ?

Before talking about a subject, Learn what is the real matter of thread intead of spreading the propaganda with a troll mouth and care about your country suffering with fear of others and spread lie propagandas to keep alive in 21. century intelligence age. Turkey is on right track that you can't even imagine... Don't worry !!!

Now, Go and study more about MTCR and Ask yourself Why Turkey and S. Korean as a member of MTCR is developing the missiles having a range more than 300km... as a glue, Your article always mentions " export licence ", While telling the aim of MTCR... :no:

France (1987)

Scalp Naval : 1000km +

Germany (1987)

Taurus KEPD Range: 500km+

this is why i speak about brain !

your missiles range Limited on 300Km ! Do you know why ???

:meeting: It is really interesting to hear the word of "brain" with this member.
this image show the quality of the wood you used in the t129

:what: To talk about T-129 Atak helicopter quality, You have to grow up more years. You are just fooling yourself with just stupid statements at present... Atak is way advanced and always remains as a dream for persons like you which like deluding themselvesself with propaganda copters that never take a place in 21. century battlefield...
It’s better to use the wheel than trying to invent it again. The rocket technology of the USA, Russia and France comes the knowledge of Germany during World War II. Yes, South Korean slowly but surely becoming an expert in this field. It possesses both all the technological and industrial capabilities for this (such as Turkey).

Sixteen South Korean companies are involved in this program, which Doowon Heavy Industrial CO. (Present in sounding rockets from the early space program in 1992 South Korean), Hankuk Fiber Co. et Hanwha (seventh in the global business of chemistry in 2008), not counting subcontractors.

The launcher can reach an altitude of 170 km and launch a satellite of 100 kg on a low Earth orbit elliptical with a perigee of 300 km and an apogee of 1500 km.

Russia now refuses any transfer of space technologies to further South Korea under the pretext Control Regime Missile Technology fearing military use of these systems. But South Korea on the contrary accelerates its space program even alone anyway.

The KSLV-2 (capable of carrying 1,5 to 2 tons payload) is a version of the space launcher based entirely on technologies that South Korea plans to build. A budget of 22 billion won (approximately 12.5 million Euros) be allocated for the development of new propulsion system. The construction of this new launcher started in August 2009, with the first launch in 2021.

1,5 to 2 tons payload in 2021 :rofl: !!! Acceleration !!! :lol:
HA HA HA ! :lol:

i love turkish experts !

they are really Genius !

Hey Expert ! Do you know what is the meaning of IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) ? :coffee:

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is an international organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons. The IAEA was established as an autonomous organization on 29 July 1957. Though established independently of the United Nations through its own international treaty, the IAEA Statute,[1] the IAEA reports to both the UN General Assembly and Security Council.
The IAEA has its headquarters in Vienna, Austria. The IAEA has two "Regional Safeguards Offices" which are located in Toronto, Canada, and in Tokyo, Japan. The IAEA also has two liaison offices which are located in New York City, United States, and in Geneva, Switzerland. In addition, the IAEA has three laboratories located in Vienna and Seibersdorf, Austria, and in Monaco.
The IAEA serves as an intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear technology and nuclear power worldwide !!! The programs of the IAEA encourage the development of the peaceful applications of nuclear technology, provide international safeguards against misuse of nuclear technology and nuclear materials, and promote nuclear safety (including radiation protection) and nuclear security standards and their implementation.


IRAN > member of IAEA > sanctioned for peaceful nuclear program

Israel > member of IAEA ? NO > Free for making nuclear BOMB !!!

so ! what you think ? :rolleyes:
So}{eil my dear khardaşım that thread is about IRAN AND TURKİYE'S SPACE TECHNOLOGY ITS NOT NUCLEAR/ATOMİC İSSUES
you are real troll expert, im trolling to this thread as well


Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK) opens first particle accelerator(The proton accelerator facility)

This facility will serve as the hub of nuclear technology as we are preparing to generate nuclear energy,” Prime Ministyer Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said during the facility’s opening ceremony.

Research on nuclear physics, electronics and even space studies will be carried out in the facility, according to Erdoğan. Turkey is committed to build two nuclear plants by 2023, in a move to lessen its dependence on carbon fuels and generate cheaper electricity, he said. “In 10 years, the consumption of electricity will be doubled. Unfortunately, parallel to the increase of our energy consumption, energy prices are rising. That’s why we prefer nuclear plants.”

The proton accelerator facility will mainly serve in producing equipment needed in nuclear medicine, such as magnetic resonance imaging and tomography, which Turkey spends $10 million annually to import. “Hereafter, we will be able to produce these equipments in our own facility,” Erdoğan said.
The accelerator technology is one of the significant generic technologies and has a leading role in scientific studies ranging from biology to hmetallurgy.

In further remarks, Erdoğan criticized the international community for singling out Iran on nuclear issues. “We raise this issue [to] almost all international platforms. We urge them to take the necessary safety measures. But those who have nuclear facilities, who see nuclear as a right to them, do not hesitate in criticizing Iran,” he said, recalling Armenia’s very old nuclear plant, located only from 16 kilometers from the Turkish border, which posed a danger to its immediate neighborhood.

According to Erdoğan, every country has the right to have nuclear energy facilities. “You have to be fair. You will overlook the insecure plants in Armenia, Israel’s nuclear activities but you will spark crisis over Iran. This is not fair.”
I am Really Sorry For you !

Enjoy yourself But remember this :

Year 2015 or 2016

International Space technology Agency start !

Target :

Avoid entering a new country in space club :coffee:

Facts :

if you launch your SLV before this time ! congratz :meeting:

if NOT ! Cry for ever :coffee:

Confirmed orbital launch

Unconfirmed (claimed) orbital launch

Future (planned) orbital launch

I am Really Sorry For you !

Enjoy yourself But remember this :

Year 2015 or 2016

International Space technology Agency start !

Target :

Avoid entering a new country in space club :coffee:

Facts :

if you launch your SLV before this time ! congratz :meeting:

if NOT ! Cry for ever :coffee:

well iran is not our enemy , dont worry we dont cry :wave:
1,5 to 2 tons payload in 2021 :rofl: !!! Acceleration !!! :lol:

This is the normal course of things to succeed in launching many more. Succeed in achieving the point of 2 tons means being able to launch very easily 5 tons then 10 tons. This is the point of breakthrough technology.

It's a absolute fact. Observe.

See old links:




It’s a real space launcher. This, is the best technology of 22 century. And not just a tin can as other.
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