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Can Russia and Pakistan form an alliance?

Can Russia and Pakistan form an alliance?

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What is the definition of the term "alliance"

Military Alliance? or Better Economic/Political ties?
Just check a parallel thread on INDO ISRAEL strategic and economic co operation which got derailed by Pakistani members .That mess is still lying there.
And nothing of sort of any action is taken..

Report the post, email the administration or ask the mod squad. I am not the mod so I cannot delete those posts.
Moreover, I did not derail that thread so why are you asking me?

You committed a gross mistake by questioning the ability of mod squad and administration. As a premium member, you should know the right platform to raise the issue.
What is the definition of the term "alliance"

Military Alliance? or Better Economic/Political ties?

No, military alliance cannot be build overnight nor the political or economic alliance.

It will take time, decades, to understand each other. I am not saying that we should abandon the U.S. rather we should not solely rely on the U.S. every time...

Afghan issue is a great one to start with...If both states help each other---it will be a great start..

IF we are able to solve our ISSUES, the U.S. proxies will be greatly isolated who are taking part to destabilize the region.
Report the post, email the administration or ask the mod squad. I am not a mod so I cannot delete those posts.
Moreover, I did not derail that thread so why are you asking me?

You committed a gross mistake by questioning the ability of mod quad and administration. As a premium member, you should know the right platform to raise the issue.

Tried it didnt work. Anyway i appreciate your view for a discussion and i hate threads getting derailed.

Since you requested Indians to stay away , i would agree to that too .

Also i would like to request my fellow Indians to keep away from this thread and dont bring India to it as the Thread starter has specifically asked for the opinion of Pakistani members only. Let them have a nice talk.. Lets just enjoy the thread.
So, what do you guys (Pakistanis) think?

Should we increase our ties with Russia as we share same region?

Perhaps, we need less reliance on the daddy, Amrika.

look brother, no Pakistani member even bothered to answer your thread. So we are here to give you company in your loneliness :yahoo:
Tried it didnt work. Anyway i appreciate your view for a discussion and i hate threads getting derailed.

Since you requested Indians to stay away , i would agree to that too .

Also i would like to request my fellow Indians to keep away from this thread and dont bring India to it as the Thread starter has specifically asked for the opinion of Pakistani members only. Let them have a nice talk.. Lets just enjoy the thread.

Indian-Russian relationship is also very important but before that, in my opinion, we have to check the metal beneath Pakistan-Russia relationship. Afterwards, we will talk about India-Russian relationship in Pakistani context.
Indian-Russian relationship is also very important but before that, in my opinion, we have to check the metal beneath Pakistan-Russia relationship. Afterwards, we will talk about India-Russian relationship in Pakistani context.

I am fine with anything. To be honest i will be more than happy to participate in that one. I am a regular in Russian cultural house in trivandrum, which was early called Gorky bhavan and can provide info about the decades long strong relationship and on the future cultural and other relationships.

You guys continue the discussion.
Tried it didnt work. Anyway i appreciate your view for a discussion and i hate threads getting derailed.

Since you requested Indians to stay away , i would agree to that too .

Also i would like to request my fellow Indians to keep away from this thread and dont bring India to it as the Thread starter has specifically asked for the opinion of Pakistani members only. Let them have a nice talk.. Lets just enjoy the thread.

yes let them talk but it should be only between respective countries. Dont mention INDIA name in your discussion or will be back to bang bang.
Pakistan-Russia relations — A new beginning
By Tayyab Siddiqui

Published: November 30, 2010

The writer served as ambassador in Zimbabwe (1986-1990), Egypt (1997-1999) and Switzerland (1999-2003) tayyab.siddiqui@tribune.com.pk

“Without any condition here we are your allies in the full sense of the word” was how Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin conveyed his warm feelings to his Pakistani counterpart Yousaf Raza Gilani when the two met on November 25, 2010 on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Dushanbe.

Both reiterated their belief that there are vast opportunities for mutually beneficial relations and complementarities that must be utilised optimally for mutual advantage. Putin told Gilani that Russian companies were interested in investing in various sectors in Pakistan, speaking in response to Gilani’s desire “to seek comprehensive partnership with Russia” and his proposal for a bilateral dialogue on matters relating to peace and stability in Afghanistan.

The desire to augment bilateral relations between Moscow and Islamabad should be explored for a new beginning by building a strong edifice of interactions aimed at strategic, political and economic convergence through consultations on the “evolving new security architecture in the Asia pacific region as well Greater Eurasian Region”.

Relations between Pakistan and the former USSR have historically been cool, even antagonistic, during the decade of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan and earlier due to Indo-Soviet friendship. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the emergence of the Russian Federation, relations have steadily improved, particularly in the economic field. A debt-rescheduling agreement of $127 million was signed in March 2005. Russia also supported Pakistan’s request for observer status at the SCO and Pakistani leaders have since met their Russian counterparts at SCO meetings in different capitals.

However, relations between the two countries lacked depth and dimension despite strong possibilities for mutual cooperation. The spell was broken in April 2007 when then prime minister Mekhail Fredkov visited Pakistan, the first visit by a Soviet leader in almost four decades. Fredkov termed his visit an ‘important step’ for strengthening bilateral relations between Pakistan and Russia with special focus on cementing economic ties.

Since Fredkov’s visit, relations have been steady but with below par progress. Prospects for joint collaboration in the oil sector were explored with the signing of an MoU on November 19, 2007 during Pakistan’s petroleum minister’s visit to Moscow. Economic interaction has till now lacked behind the strong political desire to forge close relations. The annual trade turnover is a pitiful $700 million.

Defence relations between Moscow and Islamabad have also been non-existent except one maverick helicopter deal in 1969 during then president Yahya’s visited to Moscow. Pakistan has now expressed interest in the purchase of a MI-35 attack helicopter to fight terrorism. An MoU is also under consideration on defence collaboration to intensify overall cooperation.

Pakistan has an important place in Russia’s foreign policy, being one of the major influential Muslim countries. Pakistan’s foreign policy is now rightly gravitating towards Central Asia and close relations with Russia would pay us a rich dividend. Pakistan should institute a high-level dialogue on strategic and political issues and build up a mechanism to focus on economic cooperation through increased market access to Pakistani products in Russia and building connectivity in trade and energy sectors. Friendly and cooperative relations with Moscow will also assist us in securing full membership of the SCO and open the door for significant economic activity with all Central Asian States, rich in oil and energy resources.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 30th, 2010.
If you want an unbiased opinion, i would tell you that it is not within the realm of probability. Russians will be inclined to consider india first and foremost. If i recall correctly they have recently issued a statement which declared an unconditional support to india. Unless pakistan reconciles with india i doubt russia-pakistan relations will ever see a breakthrough.
No. The alliance makes no sense either historically, economically or politically/strategically for Russia to ally with Pakistan. Reasons below:
1) Russians haven't forgotten what you did to them in the 90s. History is very bitter
2) Russians will not antagonize a customer which buys 10s of billions of dollar worth of arms from them. So economically makes no sense
3) Unlike China Russia doesn't need a strategic ally in Pakistan to contain India. In fact they need India as a counter weight to China considering they have such a long border with China. So makes no Political/Strategic Sense

Its good to think positive but a sense of realism should not be lost :cheers:
A question for serious Pakistani readers, What kinds of things are Pakistan willing to do to build a relationship with Russia?
A question for serious Pakistani readers, What kinds of things are Pakistan willing to do to build a relationship with Russia?

I think the starting point would be to collaborate in Afghanistan. A national government, which will represent every segment of Afghan society--To form that national government, Russia does not have power and same goes with Pakistan. If we are able to help each other in Afghanistan, I think that will be a great start.

Moreover, Pakistan is facing energy shortages and with the help of CARs, Iran and Russia, we can overcome that problem. In return, Pakistan can invite CARs, Russia and China to use Gwadar Port...

There are a lot of things to talk about.

I am not saying that Pakistan should isolate herself from the West rather she should decrease the dependency on them.
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