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Can Pakistan Sustain the war????

What if after 1 week of war Indian retreats ????? what is the cost 10's of billions....... how Pakistan plans to arrange for the recovery??????
will it be second USSR??????? is this Indias plan all along??????
I don't think there is any recovery after nuclear exchange. India will survive but with very high price I mentioned above. And I don't think we will use only 1 nuclear weapon and wait india for response.
No. We must get our house in order. There won't even be a war if we keep ruining our country, and it will break apart by it self. Macho idiots busy talking about war when real enemy is within Pakistan.
Pakistan cannot afford this war, but Pakistani army can.....:whistle:

Indian politicians are delusional about Pakistan and its PA strength, so are the common Indian masses fed by the media controlled by the political parties. Indian Army, IAF, the Indian establishment knew the reality, saner elements here.

From the horse mouth...

Pakistan defence industrial base better than ours: Indian Army vice chief

Lt. Gen. Sarath Chand, Vice Chief of Army Staff (VCOAS), said the ordnance factories have not been able to keep pace with changing technology while "there is no competition whatsoever" and it is "an unsuccessful method of supporting our defence requirements".

A top Army general on Tuesday said Pakistan has a better military industrial base and exports more defence equipment than India, as he came down heavily on ordnance factories which manufacture weapons for the forces. Lt. Gen. Sarath Chand, Vice Chief of Army Staff (VCOAS), said the ordnance factories have not been able to keep pace with changing technology while “there is no competition whatsoever” and it is “an unsuccessful method of supporting our defence requirements”.

“I would even go to the extent of saying that Pakistan probably has a better industrial base, as far as defence production is concerned, than our country. In fact they export defence equipment abroad, definitely more than what we are doing,” he said.

Sir, someone might roger this Captain if they see his pic on pdf.

This picture was all over the social media last month.

No country can afford a war.

However, if war is thrust upon us, we will fight till the end.

If we feel that our territorial integrity is at stake and we will not be able to protect it, we will use all means available with us to defend ourselves.
What if after 1 week of war Indian retreats ????? what is the cost 10's of billions....... how Pakistan plans to arrange for the recovery??????
will it be second USSR??????? is this Indias plan all along??????

The scenario, you are proposing, or imagining, is far from probable. A low-intensity conflict, of the the kind, that happened on February 26 and 27, even if extended to a week, would not be able to harm Pakistan much, in economic or military terms. On the other hand, a full-scale war is not possible; since global powers, who have a very strong leverage on both the countries, would not allow it to happen. Another similar small-scale armed conflict is however possible, in the coming days; but it would not mean much.
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Indian politicians are delusional about Pakistan and its PA strength, so are the common Indian masses fed by the media controlled by the political parties. Indian Army, IAF, the Indian establishment knew the reality, saner elements here.

From the horse mouth...

Pakistan defence industrial base better than ours: Indian Army vice chief

Lt. Gen. Sarath Chand, Vice Chief of Army Staff (VCOAS), said the ordnance factories have not been able to keep pace with changing technology while "there is no competition whatsoever" and it is "an unsuccessful method of supporting our defence requirements".

A top Army general on Tuesday said Pakistan has a better military industrial base and exports more defence equipment than India, as he came down heavily on ordnance factories which manufacture weapons for the forces. Lt. Gen. Sarath Chand, Vice Chief of Army Staff (VCOAS), said the ordnance factories have not been able to keep pace with changing technology while “there is no competition whatsoever” and it is “an unsuccessful method of supporting our defence requirements”.

“I would even go to the extent of saying that Pakistan probably has a better industrial base, as far as defence production is concerned, than our country. In fact they export defence equipment abroad, definitely more than what we are doing,” he said.

Where are your research centers? design facilities??? China?? stop Fooling around, Pakistan is used as a stick by the army in order to get hard cash from khusat bhuddi govt....:p:
Where are your research centers? design facilities??? China?? stop Fooling around, Pakistan is used as a stick by the army in order to get hard cash from khusat bhuddi govt....:p:
Atleast it didn't take us 40 years to make a rickshaw called Tejas... Chal nikal bharti
Atleast it didn't take us 40 years to make a rickshaw called Tejas... Chal nikal bharti
It was not the plane we were building it was the technology we were building, we have an aerospace industry now...
Where are your research centers? design facilities??? China?? stop Fooling around, Pakistan is used as a stick by the army in order to get hard cash from khusat bhuddi govt....:p:

It is not your fault, malnourishment leads to stunted growth both brain and body stunting, and India has a third of stunted children(now grown ups) in the world. The reason for their lowest IQ in the world, much lower than Pakistanis.

Check here.


It is not your fault, malnourishment leads to stunted growth both brain and body stunting, and India has a third of stunted children(now grown ups) in the world. The reason for their lowest IQ in the world, much lower than Pakistanis.

Check here.


Read my name and you will get where Iam from, we share nothing with rest of India in terms of Physique and appearance, saare Rajput Pakistan mein nahi hai:rofl:, as usual Pakistani being Pakistani resorts to low level trolling....
Read my name and you will get where Iam from, we share nothing with rest of India in terms of Physique and appearance, saare Rajput Pakistan mein nahi hai:rofl:, as usual Pakistani being Pakistani resorts to low level trolling....
Are you a mountain troll?
The finance Minister should Brief the Parliament about the Budget of this sustained imposed war for glorification of false illusion of peace.
The dollar has sustained a massive dip ever since start of the year with no intention of slowing down.
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