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Can Pakistan survive without US aid?

We've talked about it so many times, why don't we make a sticky?

First of all, what is US Aid? Who gets it? Whats the use?
US Government has been giving billions to Pakistan in the name of Military and Economic aid. This is basically used for development and stability. With the number of loans taken from IMF, Pakistan has to pay them back over long terms, and this is a huge setback. The millions taken from IMF are going into Swiss banks, just a minimal part of it is actually put into use. In short, IMF loans is a way of getting large capital into your bank, which would be paid by taxpayers and government's fund over a long period. Hence it is a loan which you take, but someone else pays it back. Disastrous for economy.

Military has proved it that they are mature and can now stand on their own feet and raise their own finance, hence all types of military aids are cut. And they have proved it quite well. But the economic sector is different. Though not all the aid goes into its desired use, it still has given some stability to government. These aids are used to pay for imports and payback of loans. The military showed it to the government, and now the government should reject all aids (and loans unless they are put into proper use) and learn to stand on it's feet. This would make Pakistan independent on foreign aids and learn to stand on it's own in this cruel world.

But again, we are forgetting that 80% of the governmental departments are filled with worst of all Pakistanis and this is highly impossible till their position isn't replace by someone capable. Conclusion is simple. Pakistan is now spoiled on foreign aids and its high time we must learn to stand on our own feet. Any sudden cut in the aid would result in short-term crisis where all the crooks would leave the government and go back to where they belong, West, taking away anything and everything they can. Now that's the turn where everything starts to settle as new comers try to clean the mess and within few years, finally get back on track with much better efficiency. It is just this aid and large amount of money they have laid their hands onto which have saved them the seats.
If doing what Pakistan does for America is such a loss making proposition, why has Pakistan being doing this stupidity since last 10 years.. Are your leaders fools that they cant see what anonymous forum members can.? Pakistan is not a baby that big bad America conned into doing something it did not want to do.. The victim mentality really sucks..

Try not to be partisan and see Pakistan from a prism that is tainted with Indian Pakistani animosity. You are well aware that we come from countries that have been cursed with poor leadership.
yes Pakistan will survive but zardari and co wont survive, and whose gonna save usa's @ss in afghanistan.
Well then how can we have cross cultural interaction Sir? How will the people understand each other and iron out the differences.
I think we should interact more and more.
i dont know why indian people put their nose in the websites of other countries.please indians limit yourselves only to indian websites.
Well then how can we have cross cultural interaction Sir? How will the people understand each other and iron out the differences.
I think we should interact more and more.

He is a Spammer...He has posting same comments in other threads to..............REPORT HIM................
Can any country live with US aid or trade, US aid is nothing more than US trade.
look at india in 1980 and look at India today, whats the difference...US trade, and what trade Software and back office
US Aid only helps the waders, sardar fedual and 1% elite mafia get rich and powerful. The service which wadera and sardar mafia has failed to provide completely are covered under international aid and the credit goes to completely unrelated persons. Without aid a lot of corrupt elite would have their power fractured and collapse.

End American Aid now!
yes Pakistan can survive without US aid but only if this aid is stopped in a systematic manner.

I mean a sudden stoppage of aid from US & west will put masive strain on Pak's economy which already facing problems in foreign debt repayment' increasing domestic debt n decreasing forex reserves.

Besides FDI investments in Pak r running all time low n even local manufacturers r shifting their production units to other countries due to load sheding....:undecided:
Height of stupidity & ret@rdness, i wonder what is stopping Mods to delete this troll thread. Seriously is this even a question "Can Pakistan Survive without US aid", these kindda thread lowers the quality of Forum.
Well then how can we have cross cultural interaction Sir? How will the people understand each other and iron out the differences.
I think we should interact more and more.

there r many other forum for that like FB, Orkut,yahoo etc.
What "systematic" manner would you suggest?

By systematic i meant like
1.The countries n FIs giving aid to Pak should provide aid installments rather than lumpsum n demand regular reports with regards to level of completion of projects n release accordingly in such manner that it doesn't distrub flow of work at the same time check corruption n misuse of funds.

2. Thereafter gradually as the economy progresses reduce the aid amount.

As a sudden stoppage of aid will shoot up the infliation dramtically at the same time result in bockage of current developmental projects...

Just my thought i know WB n IMF works on similar ideology but if other countries also follow similar method n ask for more transparency with regard to actual allocation of aid amount then this aid amount might serve its intented purpose...:undecided:
By systematic i meant like
1.The countries n FIs giving aid to Pak should provide aid installments rather than lumpsum n demand regular reports with regards to level of completion of projects n release accordingly in such manner that it doesn't distrub flow of work at the same time check corruption n misuse of funds.

2. Thereafter gradually as the economy progresses reduce the aid amount.

As a sudden stoppage of aid will shoot up the infliation dramtically at the same time result in bockage of current developmental projects...

Just my thought i know WB n IMF works on similar ideology but if other countries also follow similar method n ask for more transparency with regard to actual allocation of aid amount then this aid amount might serve its intented purpose...:undecided:

Attempts to do #1 are already there, but the hope expressed #2 is the problem.
Attempts to do #1 are already there, but the hope expressed #2 is the problem.

Those attempts have not had the intended affect for reasons I, myself, struggle to understand. Billions in aid have disappeared into thin air, with little infrastructural or economic development to show for it. Time and again aid agencies have given Pakistan ultimatums and neither have we shown any urgency to comply, nor have the agencies enforced any effective penalties. It goes back to aid often being more a political tool than anything. Nations will continue to dangle it in front of weak governments that lack the foresight to realize how crippling dependency on foreign money can be. Pakistan is a prime example; based on the complete failure of everything from law and order to basic food production, we continue our onward march towards even greater mediocrity and infamy.

The only way Pakistan can survive without aid is: if those who provide the funds keep close watch on the distribution of the money and can reply with crippling sanctions if they are not used effectively. Not only is IMF and the like not the sort of organizations that can follow through with something of this sort, they rely on the continued failure of nations to justify their own existence. The concept of investing these free funds into revenue generation units is totally overlooked, since long term and, decidedly, slow paced grass roots development is not preferred by politicians who require laurels in the here and now.

This problem isn't unique to Pakistan, but the curse of the entire underdeveloped world. Unfortunately for us, there have been some obvious solutions that allowed nations such as India and China to break these shackles; solutions we have not yet understood. We can talk all we want of economic reforms, but those same measures would ring hollow in a nation where the basic safety of the citizen isn't guaranteed and where population isn't qualified to take advantage of large scale joint ventures. India, China, and South Korea and others like them succeeded because the economic cycle required a new generation of educated labour at diminished costs. We had labour, but not the education nor the visionaries to take advantage of this opening. We have millions of young men and women that languish in dead end industrial and agricultural jobs; but we have never provided them with the skills the modern world requires. In the end, even if we succeeded in this endeavor, we don't have the law and order that is an implicit necessity in any foreign investment. The problem has so many layers that aid is the only glue that can hold this mess together.
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