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Can Pakistan learn from economic imperialism?


Jun 28, 2008
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This may sound laughable, but I think that Pakistan should learn a thing or two from economic imperialism. If we, the people of the subcontinent, did not learn from the East India Company experience, then indeed we are fools beyond measure. Most countries of the world patronize some key corporations in key industries from their country and do as much as possible to project these organizations throughout the world. The world economic system has been structured in such a way as to make large multinational corporations an essential tool in the survival and competitiveness of nations. For us to disregard this fact of life is to live in peril and to remain at the mercy of the markets, which as all can see plainly these days, will do us no favors.

Countries these days are represented in part on the economic front by a legion of private corporations. The United States is an imperial power today because of the might of its economy which rests on its multinational corporations that dominate the scene. Banks, media, mining firms, oil corporations, military contractors, and various other industries are promoted and expanded abroad as a vital part of American interests. Europeans do the same, as do Chinese, Russians, and now even the Indians. The UAE has turned its tiny parcel of desert land into a shining economic powerhouse of Asia because of smart policy and economic imperialism. Their Emaars, Nakheels, DPWs and other entities are expanding throughout the world and in the process are strengthening the "motherland".

Our policy in Pakistan is quite the opposite and our policy-makers have totally ignored the painful lessons of recent history. Our policy involves giving concessions to these foreign corporations and attracting them to set up and dominate Pakistan's economy. Rather than us expand outwards, not only have we not even built such institutions, we are consciously imploding our nation's economy through the opposite of economic imperialism….we are actively seeking to be hosts to the imperial corporations of the world and to adopt a subservient role. Why do we not try to build another BCCI to be expanded throughout the world? Why do we not try to build an Emaar of our own and expand that throughout the region at least? Why not try to build the capacity to manage these ports ourselves rather than sell them to foreigners?…..that way we can at least start working towards establishing a DPW of our own.

Why not force these big broker mafias that use their money-men status in Pakistan to buy everything in this country, rather than expand outwards? Aref Habib is into virtually every industry in a big way, as is Jehangir Siddiqi, the other Habibs, AKD, KASB, and all of these money-mafia people. They have been facilitated by our leaders in concentrating their hold on Pakistan rather than expand outside so we can start owning productive assets outside Pakistan that can then send regular profits back to Pakistan. Rather than making the capital markets of Pakistan more accessible to Pakistanis with ideas and the ability to execute them, the managers of our capital markets have formed a small club that only trades with itself and those that have been invited to play a junior role.

The only time our government has considered the economic imperialism policy as it would apply to Pakistan was when creating army owned companies such as NLC that were then to monopolize the industry within Pakistan. They totally screwed up the lesson….they are supposed to do the imperialism thing to others…not us…that’s how its supposed to benefit the country you morons!!! If they gave this kind of support to private corporations across a broad spectrum, we could be getting somewhere. If Pakistanis in the business of construction want a concession from our government, then they have to have a Pakistan based entity that owns all the foreign entities….and this company has to provide expansion plans abroad that will benefit the Pakistani nation in the long run. Thereafter, this company should be given projects such as the one given to Emaar at throw-away rates…..instead of giving it to a foreign corporation. If you want dollars coming into the country…..think a little more long term and then you won't have to be on your knees begging all the time. Build large Pakistani corporations with operations abroad that regularly send profits back to Pakistan….that is common sense.

Why not give these corporations some tax incentives to bring those foreign profits (that never would have showed up in Pakistan) into Pakistan by treating them like national assets. Let's support one or two of these media corporations to expand and compete with Al Jazeera or eventually CNN. We have the people and the ability….why is it not possible?

How about forcing some of our financial brokers to set up abroad in other major capital markets with the same brand…and then helping them in whatever way possible…by for example giving them a piece of our international bond issuances, or even requiring private corporations in Pakistan to give them a piece of their foreign business, i.e. GDRs, consulting, etc.

How about going into Africa with an agreement with one of these countries to allow private (state backed) companies from Pakistan to exploit African resources the way Chinese, Americans, and pretty much everyone else is doing.

There is so much we can do if we simply choose to think. Our foreign policy should be less about the Great Game between the US and the rest of the world, and more about promoting our economic interests throughout the world through our own instruments. This is the only way for us to get out from our current state economic slavery.
No it is not funny at all, infect it is very serious point.
Non other than me and you have to tackel all such attempts.
Pakistan is our country and we should not let it hijacked by a foreign sponsored political minority, getting rich every day by selling Pakistani interests to foreign corporations.

I have noticed that Zardari from day one is very keen to replace China with India if not completely than in those products which india manufacture.
We all know what ever india manufactures is mere junk.
Govt. is only focusing on how to increase imports from india and inventing reasons to do so.
Strengthening indian economy means strengthening their hawks and military and intelligence build up. Which means more target killings and bomb blasts in Pakistan.

We are not nuts that we will allow a person who had no positive contribution in Pakistan's history and does not even live in Pakistan is trading Pakistan from his Dubai office.

Secondly, when Zardari will alow indian trucks to come in to Pakistani soil than instead of 10 allowed items 200 more un allowed items will come in and any one who try to challenge this smuggling will become target of either bomb blast or shooting or accident. etc.
What do you actually want to learn? There is no shortage of Economists or think tanks in Pakistan. There used an Institute of Development Economics in Karachi which was essentially an economic think tank.

One must understand that there are many constraints. You have quoted example of Dubai. Firstly, it is an Emirate; meaning that Emir’s word is the law. Do you remember the furor when the two islands outside Karachi were being offered for development? Dubai is allowing a very large number of expatriates to reside permanently there. How will Pakistani people react? For heavens sake! We are not allowing Biharis Pakistani nationals left behind in Bangla Desh repatriated into Pakistan for the fear that Sindhis will become a minority. Baluchis are against Gwadar development because of too many ‘foreigners’ (Non Baluch) will come and live there.

Secondly, there is no law and order problem. No Lal Masjid thugs and Taliban trying to impose what they think is the Sharia Law thru burqa clad women. This is supposedly a Hanbali/ Maliki country. But you have mosque and night club side by side. The Friday Khutba has to be approved by the gov't and any one going against the writ of the Emir is kicked out or put behind bars with no bigoted lawyers or Hamid Mir condemning this action. Can you do this in Pakistan? How do you think your Taliban friends will react to prostitutes roaming the streets as they do in Dubai?

You are articulating against the big corporations, if you ever been to Dubai, you will notice that all the big corporations are here. How can you quote Dubai and still advocate that development in Pakistan should be thru Pakistani entities. It is only the big corporations that have the resources for investment which creates jobs. Labour exploitation is extreme in Dubai. There are many who earn more than 100,000 dirham per month and live in 250,000 dirham per year rent villas in Jumeirah. On the other hand. most of the construction and industrial workers get paid less than 1000 dirham per month and live like cattle in the industrial estates. You can get fired without any reason and with no recourse and there is no room for strikes or shutter down. This is the most capitalist economy in the world. Also Dubai has the benefit of a hand out from Abu Dhabi oil money in the form of UAE allocations to the smaller states in the annual budget.

Hon Friend. It is easy to criticize and say that this should be done. You of all people are aware of the various centrifugal forces at work in Pakistan; such as ethnic and linguistic (they wont let Kala Bagh Dam be built, I have heard Paleijo saying on TV that you have stolen our water); there are religious forces intent on bringing Khilafat upon Pakistan. To top it all we still have feudalism where huge landowners pay no tax at all.

There is no getting away from the global economic imperialism. You simply have to educate yourself and make your labour force more productive. What you are suggesting is not rocket science. You seem to be in favour imposing Salafin style Islam and also want to have all the advantages of place like Dubai. You can’t eat you cake and have it too. Something got to give.

I completely understand where you are coming from regarding constraints and the difficulties of Pakistan. However, I also think you misunderstood some key points in what I said. Also....I dont know why you're bringing Salafiism into this....please stick to the subject.

What I said was that we should learn the lessons of the way they patronize key corporations that are able to expand outwards. This is not impossible in Pakistan...we already give all the concessions in the world to foreigners and locals...we just don't demand anything special in return and feel that the mere inflow of dollars during that short interval is a sufficient goal to aspire to. You are suggesting that we not try to kill two birds with the one stone we are already throwing and could easily kill the proverbial "two birds" with.

Think about this....the island project is just one example. But look at Emaar's other project in DHA Phase 8 of 100 acres. What is strange is that Emaar is actually a Pakistani group by the name of Giga that is paying Emaar a royalty for the use of the name. The Giga Group is based outside of Pakistan and will be exporting its profits to Dubai or South Africa. The price and terms at which this parcel of land was sold to Giga/Emaar were so extraordinarily concessional (I can go into details upon request) that anyone in pakistan....including myself...could have formed this consortium and taken this project off. The problem is that the government insists that the group must be foreign....which is the total opposite of common sense. I completely agree and am the first to say that what I am proposing is not rocket science...in fact...it is common sense.

You are going into too many issues. We already give these concessions and all we need to do is adjust our thinking and the way we structure these deals. If we think a little more long term and a little less about why nothing is possible in Pakistan...maybe we can get somewhere. Determination is a necessary ingredient to success in my opinion....and there is nothing unrealistic about this.

And...on my own tangent....funny to see how Vinod will throw in a thank you to anyone who disagrees with me on anything I say. LOL......must've been offended by my idea to protest Thackeray by bbqing beef steaks outside his office. :chilli:
Vinod will throw in a thank you to anyone who disagrees with me on anything I say. LOL......must've been offended by my idea to protest Thackeray by bbqing beef steaks outside his office.

I thanked Niaz because I found his post to be practical and inward looking (what we can do instead of who we can blame!). Nothing to do with who it agreed with or otherwise.

The second part of the post is as offensive as a Ham stall outside a Muslim's home and does not even deserve a rebuttal.

P.S. Instead of just ideating it here, why not actually put up a stall outside the Shiv Sena office and face the music?
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I thanked Niaz because I found his post to be practical and inward looking (what we can do instead of who we can blame!). Nothing to do with who it agreed with or otherwise.

The second part of the post is as offensive as a Ham stall outside a Muslim's home and does not even deserve a rebuttal.

P.S. Instead of just ideating it here, why not actually put up a stall outside the Shiv Sena office and face the music?

Why? You think those skinny bean-eaters at the BJP should frighten me? And you could eat all the Ham outside my home you wanted......I don't consider it a God....knock yourself out.
Why? You think those skinny bean-eaters at the BJP should frighten me? And you could eat all the Ham outside my home you wanted......I don't consider it a God....knock yourself out.

Well it was about those God fearing Muslims who don't LOL when they see an image of their religious scriptures being desecrated just so they can score some points. Not particularly aimed at you.

You are still throwing ideas here and whether they frighten you or not can only be proven once you put that stall. Talking here about that is meaningless.
Lets get back to the point shall we?

Today there are sovereign wealth funds with huge amounts of money that are buying up assets throughout the world. The west is now re-thinking this whole free movement of capital thing as it applies to such funds since they are losing out....Dubai Ports World was a prime example, and the racist rantings of US media and government against Arabs when Abu Dhabi group bought stakes in Meryl Lynch and Citigroup was another example.

The reason is because everyone recognizes the game of economic imperialism. As unfair as it may be....our government should favor 2-3 mega companies from every industry with the express condition that they are to expand outside Pakistan rather than to try to monopolize markets within Pakistan.

Just as an example.....if I am a new returnee to Pakistan and have come from abroad with 2 decades of experience in private equity....I should be able to get together with people in Pakistan with talent and go to our government and put together a deal. Just like the deal given to Emaar (as an example)....if they gave that to a company such as mine...I could easily go abroad and bring back more the dollars to invest in such a profitable project. My understanding with the government should be that my Pakistan based entity will be my base and i will definitely set up more projects in other parts of the world and my profits will return to my company based in Pakistan. If you were to see the staggering profits of these projects given to foreign companies...you would realize that we Pakistanis are really missing out on some fantastic opportunities. Let me ask you....if you were able to get a prime piece of commercial land in DHA Karachi for PKR 35,000 per square yard on a 5 year payment schedule when the going rate is PKR 300,000 per square yard with no payment schedule.....would you be able to get investors to put up money for this? ABSO FRIGGIN LUTELY!! The return on a project like this is well over 100% IRR (per year) with the principal investment returned in less than 18 months....you just don't get sweat heart deals like this anywhere else except the White House as one of the military=industrial complex.
^^ Sounds suspiciously like a capitalist plan, the one whose failing you are extolling on another thread!
I have said nothing yet about capitalism except that it has its failings...and that is another subject for another thread. Please stick to the subject. I think this same idea would apply to India, except that the Indian large corporations are already doing very well independently of any cooperation from the government.
Strange indeed!

While abusing the systems of secularism, liberal democracy and capitalism, you don't see any issues with taking advantage of them when you can.
And can you explain how your plan won't become an easy way for fly by night operators to make easy money? What can make anyone believe that the people involved are capable and sincere in their claims?

With the state of corruption in South Asia what it is, you can bet your proposal will only make few chosen people very rich while robbing the country.

The easiest way to check is if the people or the organization has a track record and is not making mere claims. May be that is what the GOP is trying to do, though I don't know the details.
I have noticed that Zardari from day one is very keen to replace China with India if not completely than in those products which india manufacture.
We all know what ever india manufactures is mere junk.

And Chinese corporations follow TQM and Six sigma practises
Exonomic imperialism would only aucceed once some big multinational Pakistani Companies start exploding outside than imploding in Pakistan - a Dubai / Qatar model would be really successful in Pakistan.

Make new cities in Pakistan.
Just learn something and start winning for love of god.

Religion overload. Its a like a wierd religious feudalism. Less religion more commerce.
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