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Can nuclear weapons make the DPRK a strong power?

What use is nuclear weapons if your people can't even eat,speak freely or know what is for going on around the world?? The country is still virually a giant prison that makes even Palestine look like an Eldorado.lol

To think they believe that makes the world look them like a great power with respect is the biggest joke of the century.
No country in the world (apart from neighbouring ones like S.Korea, China or Japan ) gives a **** about what's going on in N Korea.
S.Korea by contrast commands respect around the world for being an advanced industrialised developed wealthy and open country, whose Citizens are respected around the world wherever they go and whose Citizens are proud to hold their passports accordingly.

Thing is, when you come from a poor third world impoverished country, nobody in the world will respect your country or citizens (as they flee the country in large numbers for greener pastures elsewhere). Strive to develop your country to a certain level first before venturing into prestige stuffs like ICBM, nuclear subs, nukes, aircraft carriers etc.

Anyway, the U.S is the power that benefits the most from the current status quo. The longer it goes on the better for the U.S and Japan. since it justifies U S massive military presence in the region and it's military dominance in Asia pacific :)

Yes about survival not prestige. Between being regime changed and running his country like a giant prison, he has chosen the later.
Yes about survival not prestige. Between being regime changed and running his country like a giant prison, he has chosen the later.
Lool so you are playing/falling for Kim's game huh???lol
Who told you that was the only two choices his familly dynasty had? He could have opened up his country long ago like the Chinese did after being closed from the outside world for decades. Do you even know that China at the time was even poorer than N.Korea?
Yet look at what they achieved so fast after opening up to the West/outside world ans abandoning that outdated Soviet commie model. As Deng said, it doesn't matter whether a cat is black or white as long as it catches the mouse. He is damn right. Lol

N.Korea could have at least learn/follow the footsteps of their bigger neighbour and follow their example accordingly. But the fat Kim dynasty won't have any of it, since like every other absolute dictatorship they care more about their power/rule than the country/people.

So keep thinking the Kim dynasty has just two choices of regime change or living in a giant impoverished closed prison like he wants you to believe. . :disagree:
Seriously, I will rather risk death by trying to flee than live in such a giant prison country with no hope whatsoever. Can't blame their people for fleeing to 'evil' capitalist S.Korea, Japan and the West for a better life. Lol Even their ambassador to Britain defected from that shithole recently. :chilli:

Only a fool/naive person will support and justify such a brutal ruthless regime. Funny thing is it's always those that live outside N.Korea that support/justify this regime , go tell that to a N.Korean person who lives(lived) in N Korea, he might stab you out of anger. :lol:
Lool so you are playing/falling for Kim's game huh???lol
Who told you that was the only two choices his familly dynasty had? He could have opened up his country long ago like the Chinese did after being closed from the outside world for decades. Do you even know that China at the time was even poorer than N.Korea?
Yet look at what they achieved so fast after opening up to the West/outside world ans abandoning that outdated Soviet commie model. As Deng said, it doesn't matter whether a cat is black or white as long as it catches the mouse. He is damn right. Lol

N.Korea could have at least learn/follow the footsteps of their bigger neighbour and follow their example accordingly. But the fat Kim dynasty won't have any of it, since like every other absolute dictatorship they care more about their power/rule than the country/people.

So keep thinking the Kim dynasty has just two choices of regime change or living in a giant impoverished closed prison like he wants you to believe. . :disagree:
Seriously, I will rather risk death by trying to flee than live in such a giant prison country with no hope whatsoever. Can't blame their people for fleeing to 'evil' capitalist S.Korea, Japan and the West for a better life. Lol Even their ambassador to Britain defected from that shithole recently. :chilli:

Only a fool/naive person will support and justify such a brutal ruthless regime. Funny thing is it's always those that live outside N.Korea that support/justify this regime , go tell that to a N.Korean person who lives(lived) in N Korea, he might stab you out of anger. :lol:

Even if Kim followed China's path, with south Korea next door and Americans in their face, NK would still be the subject of "xyz revolution" anyway and who knows if he could save his....you know what.
Even if Kim followed China's path, with south Korea next door and Americans in their face, NK would still be the subject of "xyz revolution" anyway and who knows if he could save his....you know what.
Huh.......if the Vietnamese communist party thought like you then they will still be a closed impoverished country like N.Korea with no hope of getting better in future. :)
That is because South Vietnam has long gone.
Huh.....mate, After Vietnam united it was in an even more worse state than when the U.S occupied the country, she was under full international sanctions from U.S,U.K,European powers and even China. Only SOVIET RUSSIA had close ties with them .
Remember you were part of western camp during the 70s to 90s. While Vietnam was in the Soviet camp and suffered accordingly under severe economic sanctions and wars with the U.S/West and China.
So the U.S/West should have had even more reason to topple that treacherous commie regime. :D. Times amd interests change so should leaders follow the tide of change and adapt accordingly. That's how geo politics works. Not on stupid ideologies .:)
Huh.....mate, After Vietnam united it was in an even more worse state than when the U.S occupied the country, she was under full international sanctions from U.S,U.K,European powers and even China. Only SOVIET RUSSIA had close ties with them .
Remember you were part of western camp during the 70s to 90s. While Vietnam was in the Soviet camp and suffered accordingly under severe economic sanctions and wars with the U.S/West and China.
So the U.S/West should have had even more reason to topple that treacherous commie regime. :D. Times amd interests change so should leaders follow the tide of change and adapt accordingly. That's how geo politics works. Not on stupid ideologies .:)

West was busy in the cold war with USSR, and just badly defeated by Vietcong, US did not have the stomach to take on VC again. I am not sure where you are trying to lead to.
West was busy in the cold war with USSR, and just badly defeated by Vietcong, US did not have the stomach to take on VC again. I am not sure where you are trying to lead to.
So you still don't understand that vietnam was still a major part of the U.S/Western world vs Russia cold war struggle as well? So yes western powers were busy there. Lol After the fall of U.S.S.R who was our biggest threat(and yours as well) we simply didnt care much about small commie remnants like Vietnam, Laos Laos, Cambodia and N.Korea who were Soviet vassals.

As for Vietcong defeating the U.S. LOL
The Vietcong never won any single major confrontation/battle against western troops. The war was lost politically(in U S) not militarily . Read more about the war. :)
This is one of Obama's greatest mistakes....not paying enough attention to NK...this might bite us in the back in the long run...it was difficult enough to remove the NK leadership anyway...now it has become close to impossible...they have SK as hostages and soon they will have Japan as hostages.
So you still don't understand that vietnam was still a major part of the U.S/Western world vs Russia struggle as well? so yes western powers were busy there. Lol
As for Vietcong defeating the U.S. LOL
The Vietcong never won any single confrontation against western troops. The war was lost politically(in U S) not militarily . Read more about the war. :)

It doesn't matter. All wars are the extension of politics. Vietnam has a very different situation right now, so expecting today's NK to behalf like Vietnam is simply naive
Lool so you are playing/falling for Kim's game huh???lol
Who told you that was the only two choices his familly dynasty had? He could have opened up his country long ago like the Chinese did after being closed from the outside world for decades. Do you even know that China at the time was even poorer than N.Korea?
Yet look at what they achieved so fast after opening up to the West/outside world ans abandoning that outdated Soviet commie model. As Deng said, it doesn't matter whether a cat is black or white as long as it catches the mouse. He is damn right. Lol

N.Korea could have at least learn/follow the footsteps of their bigger neighbour and follow their example accordingly. But the fat Kim dynasty won't have any of it, since like every other absolute dictatorship they care more about their power/rule than the country/people.

So keep thinking the Kim dynasty has just two choices of regime change or living in a giant impoverished closed prison like he wants you to believe. . :disagree:
Seriously, I will rather risk death by trying to flee than live in such a giant prison country with no hope whatsoever. Can't blame their people for fleeing to 'evil' capitalist S.Korea, Japan and the West for a better life. Lol Even their ambassador to Britain defected from that shithole recently. :chilli:

Only a fool/naive person will support and justify such a brutal ruthless regime. Funny thing is it's always those that live outside N.Korea that support/justify this regime , go tell that to a N.Korean person who lives(lived) in N Korea, he might stab you out of anger. :lol:

N.Korea doesn't have the weight of China, or even Vietnam who for the very least have an unified state and very little security threat. It is still technically in a state of war. I could care less about little Kim, but when you corner someone, that's what he will do. Pretty much inevitable unless he doesn't value his own life.
As China has already laid out, N. Korea's action is the result of US policy towards it, and can only be resolved between US and N.Korea. China is a third party to the matter, and It's only interest is that the North does not collapse. So if the US has no other means of resolution except to provoke a collapse to the North, then there will be a perpetual gridlock on the peninsula.
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This is one of Obama's greatest mistakes....not paying enough attention to NK...this might bite us in the back in the long run...it was difficult enough to remove the NK leadership anyway...now it has become close to impossible...they have SK as hostages and soon they will have Japan as hostages.
North Korea challenged and defied US at will. US have no guts to start a war with North Korea.
To be honest
I do not believe they have any weapon. They are just exploding gunpoweder. DPRK is not technologically advance that they can sustain such devices.
I hope that was your attempt at a bad joke.
Do you realise how many thousands of tonnes of high explosive the dprk would`ve needed to fake a nuclear test?,do you realise how big a hole they would`ve had to excavate just to physically contain those thousands of tonnes of explosive not to mention having to achieve a simultaneous detonation of those explosives?,those tests are just what they seem,actual bona fide nuclear weapons tests and last time I looked the dprk appeared to be ahead of pakistan in some areas as I dont see pakistan testing slbms or icbms or launching its own satellites on its own slv.
Even if Kim followed China's path, with south Korea next door and Americans in their face, NK would still be the subject of "xyz revolution" anyway and who knows if he could save his....you know what.

Kim could never open up again, because the moment the average North Korean comes to realize how woefully behind they are of South Korea, they would rise against him.

N Korea survives on propaganda, and keeping its people in blind.
This is one of Obama's greatest mistakes....not paying enough attention to NK...this might bite us in the back in the long run...it was difficult enough to remove the NK leadership anyway...now it has become close to impossible...they have SK as hostages and soon they will have Japan as hostages.

Soon they will have America as hostages. They hate the USA far more than SK and Japan, just take a look at any of their propaganda pictures. They show American soldiers sawing North Korean babies in half.

North Korea is pretty backwards, but this is 1960's tech, if they are seeking it then they will get it eventually. They can already launch satellites, which works on a similar principle.

Too bad our assets in NK, like Kim Jong-Un's Uncle have been executed already. Though I think America would have hated that option more than the Fat Kim himself.

Kim could never open up again, because the moment the average North Korean comes to realize how woefully behind they are of South Korea, they would rise against him.

That logic never worked with the Chinese mainland vis-a-vis Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Every mainlander I've met, knows how advanced Hong Kong and Taiwan are, but it never incited them to rise up against the government. Even for Chinese people who have a history of violent revolutions.
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