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CAN MQM & PTI, form a united Alliemce, for the future govt, in PAKISTAN

The Urdu speaking Community of Pakistan has to field a better Political Party than MQM, that presents their point of view on a National stage. It is a disgrace for the highly educated Urdu Community to align themselves behind these Rogue elements. I am sure we can elect better leaders from amongst our Community to help Pakistan progress and develop.

God sake they. Have punjabi speaking parlimentarins, they. Have. Kashmiris , that's their most positive work, or stunt, they are trying to grt space arounD pakistan,& it can bring in more positive input,
mqm cant be out of govt everybody know because in this way they earn more to feul their guns. Muthida qatil mafia.
MQM has sat with JAGIRDARA & DICTATOR!!! so i guess now sitting with ZANI & k*TTA (name given to imran khan after he said i will do a case against altaf) is left! i guess MQM will ally with PTI to complete it dual faced persona.
i rather have PTI lose than have alliance with MQM.
They wont get my vote if they planning that?
MQM has sat with JAGIRDARA & DICTATOR!!! so i guess now sitting with ZANI & k*TTA (name given to imran khan after he said i will do a case against altaf) is left! i guess MQM will ally with PTI to complete it dual faced persona.
Sorry dear!
No hard feelings, but when we can accept, others ! I meaN GILLANI can go to take oath as the prime minster from gen. musharaf, & every one can dothe dam deals with the, dictator! Why we should blame PTI & MQM ,?
I guss, MQM was out of real Power , before. Gen. Musharaf ! Then gen. Musharf used them properly, & shared the powered with them with justice, why don't then MQM went on rampage?
By the way! U r a senior member, plz try to controll , your lAnguage! I hope u will copreate & set an example of goodness!
Excuse me!
You are not benazir! Her. Remarks were racial!
Don't use any ! Abusive language against, any one!
Give ur thoughts, & respect others! Surly u will gEt the respect!
What ever had happend to benazir, had made. Her an example, herself!
She was killed, like a?wht?

All right MQM fanboy, tell me what ethnicity here i am pointing out against that is being racial?

I have an insider news from someone that Imran Khan has in fact made a deal with MQM. If that didn't happen then we wouldn't see the big Jalsa in Karachi so peaceful...

I don't know why everyone is so scared. Just one bullet fired in the air makes these MQM wanna hide.

As Benazir used to say: 'Ye chouhay hain" meaning, they are rats!

No need to do leg pulling.... Thank You!
All right MQM fanboy, tell me what ethnicity here i am pointing out against that is being racial?

No need to do leg pulling.... Thank You!

As you were trying to be. A. JIALAA , bb,,s remarks durring, her brutal police opReatioNs, against. MQM, regurding urdu sPeAking group, was a simble, of racism ,& hate, well I am not a MQM fan boy, infact I, had served the pakistani army! But you can go check, still MQM has its, 15 workers on the missing persons. Lists, I guss ! Its a fact!
I. Want to know how this “chohaa biliy khel” ended?,how did that all.Un Humman tragdy finished?
From the hands of her ”DIRTY. CHOOHAA. FOrce” unfortunate death of. MIR. MUrTAZA. BHUTOO,he became the ultimate , victim of Bb,s. “CHOHAA. BILLY, kHEL right,
Well. Jazbatipaan! Is cancer, to. Our society! We should kill it by, tolerance!
So my. Dear JIYALAA bhai, don't need. To disrespectfull, even to your enemy!
Hope u don't mind it, ask about me from the, senior fellows on the fourm, before , calling me withe unrespectfull names!
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