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CAN MQM & PTI, form a united Alliemce, for the future govt, in PAKISTAN

So, was every one else!
No one is angel here, so wht we should do,
Maybe , I am wrong, bt! MQM was allowed , to hve its militant wing, becase in sind , waderra, s were, granted hve their own private prisons, MQM neeDe protection from, the racial & the unjust , & heavly armed , feudal politicians of sind, MQM,s birth was never been accepted, by the jAGIRDARS of sind,it was also called a dummy by sindhi nationalistts, & fedralists!
I give full credit to pak army,which had introduced , all & heavist of our political ellitEs likE. ,Z A. BHUTTO., NAWAZ SHARIF , most of the old & new Muslim leaugers,I. Think 80% of our politiciAns were a product of the power cAlled. , PAK ARMY
So, that's not the blame , we should put on IMRAN,PTI & on MQM!
Any way ALTAF HUSSAIN was a army cadit!;)

Altaf Hussain was never an Army Cadet. Army Cadets get trained at PMA KAKUL in Abbotabad and after they graduate, they are commissioned as Officers in Pakistan Army.

altaf hussain was trained as a sepahi in a janbaz force.

Besides mixing MQM and PTI would be like putting Cow Dung in Milk and mixing them together.
I have an insider news from someone that Imran Khan has in fact made a deal with MQM. If that didn't happen then we wouldn't see the big Jalsa in Karachi so peaceful...

I don't know why everyone is so scared. Just one bullet fired in the air makes these MQM wanna hide.

As Benazir used to say: 'Ye chouhay hain" meaning, they are rats!

Excuse me!
You are not benazir! Her. Remarks were racial!
Don't use any ! Abusive language against, any one!
Give ur thoughts, & respect others! Surly u will gEt the respect!
What ever had happend to benazir, had made. Her an example, herself!
She was killed, like a?wht?

I have an insider news from someone that Imran Khan has in fact made a deal with MQM. If that didn't happen then we wouldn't see the big Jalsa in Karachi so peaceful...

I don't know why everyone is so scared. Just one bullet fired in the air makes these MQM wanna hide.

As Benazir used to say: 'Ye chouhay hain" meaning, they are rats!

Excuse me!
You are not benazir! Her. Remarks were racial!
Don't use any ! Abusive language against, any one!
Give ur thoughts, & respect others! Surly u will gEt the respect!
What ever had happend to benazir, had made. Her an example, herself!
She was killed, like a?wht?
Lets shatter this myth of Altaf being anti-feudal. He has been sitting with feudals in govt. for the last eight years. MQM fanboys!! wake up. Your leader and the party you follow has been running with hare and hunting with hounds. This is a great ploy. Keep the ant-feudal stance alive to keep idiots like you following him in this illusion while sit and protect its terror and extortion by being in govt.
If Altaf is such a revolutionary, then why does he not come back to lead his formidable movement? If he believes in truth, his version of 'haq-parasti', why he does not sit in the opposition. HE has broken this alliance at least 4 times in the last 2 years with the crooks he has his govt. with. Guess what? Every time he came back in the govt.
MQM is not new. It has been terrorizing Karachi since April 1984.

PTI politics is very different and they deserve a chance. If you could give thuggish parties like PPP, ANP and MQM several chances, give PTI a try as well.

You don't get! Just go back & read the rules, here! Mr?

MQM fanboys!! wake up. Your leader and the party you follow has been running with hare and hunting with hounds. This is a great ploy. Keep the ant-feudal stance alive to keep idiots like you following him in this illusion while sit and protect its terror and extortion by being in govt.
Don't post again , your abusive mind, is not wanted, on mY thread, & I am nt a supporter of. MQM or PTI!! Any way, I personally like martial law, in which bugs ,were. Crashed with my milltry boots!
I liked your post, bt contains, a personal attAck, u cAn be kicked out of here,on. Jst one single report!
& belive me you, will never be able to come back!
So jst remember, no more post on my thread!
MQM has a militant wing and does racial politics , until it stops both , i wont support such an alliance. Besides IK has clearly said that he would rather sit in the opposition than making an alliance with these crooks.
good post.....i cant believe its you, are you hacked?? :lol:

Jst wana be fair! Here its a reality, I doesn't voted,MQM or any one else, because I only & only, support my own party, PAK ARMY!
A controlled , martiAl law! & indivisual membership of the peoples parliment, on the basis of their abilities , well if PPP zardari group & NAWAZ group, have a right to govern pakistan, then why nt try MQM & PTI , at least they have, the most, highly educated youth club, also when I see. People cRitisizing IMRAN KHAN , why he is opening his doors to peoples, like JAveeD haShmi & others, they don't know the difference between , winning a election, & running a govt, requiers political expirence , which really IMRAN was lacking, in the last elections!
He was used & abused by NAWAZ. & BB against gen.musharf as a tool, & was thrown back at the time of BANDAR BANT?
I don't, like or dislike any political party, but I want to see, new & freSh faces in the strugle to save pakistan!
MQM has a militant wing and does racial politics , until it stops both , i wont support such an alliance. Besides IK has clearly said that he would rather sit in the opposition than making an alliance with these crooks.


Although all the recent good developments in karachi are because of MQM but they are also responsible for the destruction of peace, street crimes, linguistic differences in Karachi.
They have the potential to become a good political party if and only if they quit their rifle culture.
If they are ready to quit their militancy, I would favour this alliance
PTI and MQM?

Clueless people with Terrorists.

PTI and MQM?

Clueless people with Terrorists.


U or many others may not like PTI, MQM or anyother party but m hoping u still have love for ur country.
So, please instead of cluless critisim help ur countryman to choose the right person in comming election through ur logical argument.
. . .

No. Never.

Close this thread :coffee:
Don't you judge everything by ur self, u don't like it, don't post, its simple, bt don't try to be , dececion mAker, here! Follow the rules, of the fourm & learn from, it!
So somehow get to the power.

Why not, if these guys, can deliver! Than why not, if peoples of pAkiStAn, cAn get A chance, to selEct a new pair of governing body! They can bring pAkistAn bAck on trAck, thn ! Its the time FoR chAnge?
The Urdu speaking Community of Pakistan has to field a better Political Party than MQM, that presents their point of view on a National stage. It is a disgrace for the highly educated Urdu Community to align themselves behind these Rogue elements. I am sure we can elect better leaders from amongst our Community to help Pakistan progress and develop.
I think ! If MQM, wants to improve its. AppearencE on national level, thn it shoudn negociate,with PTI to Atleast shoW, to the. Peoples of paKistan, that it can Do aNything to Achive its main objecti, which is the freedom , of the common peoples of pAkistan,even though,MQM, trAck record is nt good enough, becAuse of its militry wing,but still they should be given, A chAnce to creAte. A a power against our Feudal. Bassed pariliment, who is jst destroying pakistan, finAnciAly!if MQM & PTI , joint a political preAsure group in this Dirty, policAl system. CAn hope of A better out come, even if thry form a joint front, against the thugs, governing or oppoSition in the pArliment! With 100 or more thn Seats thAt they can bringx. In A law & can fiInd a great , a greAt Solution of change in the faile state of pakiStan?

I think ! If MQM, wants to improve its. AppearencE on national level, thn it shoudn negociate,with PTI to Atleast shoW, to the. Peoples of paKistan, that it can Do aNything to Achive its main objecti, which is the freedom , of the common peoples of pAkistan,even though,MQM, trAck record is nt good enough, becAuse of its militry wing,but still they should be given, A chAnce to creAte. A a power against our Feudal. Bassed pariliment, who is jst destroying pakistan, finAnciAly!if MQM & PTI , joint a political preAsure group in this Dirty, policAl system. CAn hope of A better out come, even if thry form a joint front, against the thugs, governing or oppoSition in the pArliment! With 100 or more thn Seats thAt they can bringx. In A law & can fiInd a great , a greAt Solution of change in the faile state of pakiStan?
I know ouR jazbbAti peoples, don't like this ide bt, its just A idea , which we can debt on! Many peoples likes to critisize MQM,& its voilent bassed,pAst, but they allways, forget its MQM, Which has loStEd, iTs own polical workers, thn Anyone else! Still there are many, MQM workers in pAkiStan, who went dis appeared, than any one else!
So if they, have this fear, which is driving thEm crazy , let's put them on track, with positive actions, & through fair & truth bassed dialoge?

Respect them, give them responsiblity, if they fAil,s in their tasks, thn their. Game will be over like others?
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