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Can Modi Build India's Bullet Train? - Forbes

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Long Trains for short dick syndrome................congrates :lol::lol::lol: @rainman
So many 50 cents were made by our Chinese friends in this thread for posting garbage. I guess now that because their stock market is crashing, these low lives need something to make their money from.,

@Chak Bamu

Off-topic trolling.
@Chak Bamu

Too many trolls ruining this thread.

You are the one opening dozens of similar troll threads, and calling others troll? That's one hell of a shamelessness.

@Chak Bamu plz check all the threads opened by this habitual troll, you will know what he is.
Average height of China 5 feet 7 LOL ? I have met enough Chinese in western countries, i would say 5 feet 3 is the avg i se here. I guess the advantages you have when you have a totalitarian govt in charge that can just fake random numbers LOL.

@Chak Bamu

Off-topic trolling.

You are the one opening dozens of similar troll threads, and calling others troll? That's one hell of a shamelessness.

@Chak Bamu plz check all the threads opened by this habitual troll, you will know what he is.

@Chak Bamu

This troll came to my thread uninvited and derailed it completely.

You are the one opening dozens of similar troll threads, and calling others troll? That's one hell of a shamelessness.

@Chak Bamu plz check all the threads opened by this habitual troll, you will know what he is.

@Chak Bamu

I'm being harassed by a false flagger troll.

There is no topic to begin with, it's another typical Chinese troll thread.

@WebMaster @waz @Hu Songshan@Chak Bamu

The troll came to my thread and completely derailed it.

We got malnutrition for our height, but in your case even god hates you thats why you guys are stunted. Compare Indian and Chinese guys in Western countries where both are well fed, i never met a Chinese over 6 feet, hell your lot is lucky if your genes allow you to grow past 5 feet 7.

@WebMaster @waz @Hu Songshan@Chak Bamu

Off-topic trolling.

You are spot on about the Chinese bro. Just because they enjoyed a few more years fof growth than us, they think they are hot stuff.

Reality is that these 5 foot midgets wouldnt dare run their mouths in front of us cuz they go tno balls, so they talk shit on the internet.

Lol kid be working hard for 50 cent today.

@WebMaster @waz @Hu Songshan@Chak Bamu

Off-topic trolling.
@Chak Bamu

Off-topic trolling.
Those congress advocates are crazy.
Overseas Indians cannot stand their home country to be better.
Overseas Indians cannot stand their compatriots may one day enjoy bullet trains but they still drive in US.
What a tragedy!:(

Back to topic.
Modi is different.
Modi has sent railway delegates to China and China is helping Indian railway establish the first railway university.
We can help them build 200km/h+ EMUs if they can provide stable electricity.
屏幕快照 2015-06-28 13.59.22.png
We got malnutrition for our height.

Yes your height is an problematic issue, really too short isn't it? Malnutrition is definitely one reason, any more to share?

but in your case even god hates you thats why you guys are stunted

God? If God loves india why they make india poorer than sub-Saharan Africa?

Compare Indian and Chinese guys in Western countries where both are well fed, i never met a Chinese over 6 feet, hell your lot is lucky if your genes allow you to grow past 5 feet 7.

Any data?
You are the one opening dozens of similar troll threads, and calling others troll? That's one hell of a shamelessness.

@Chak Bamu plz check all the threads opened by this habitual troll, you will know what he is.

@WebMaster @waz @Hu Songshan@Chak Bamu

Off-topic trolling. I get it, he's butt-hurt, but that's not my problem.
China's $3.2 trillion worth m-cap erosion is twice the size of Indian stock market - The Economic Times

So what, not a big deal, just 2 Indias.

And you are one stunted curry kid or what? You bragged about 2nd largest network and yeah that's 1st largest junk as well LMAO! Of course that junk need replacement! But how? You got no tech, no industry, no money to speak with, that's pathetic isn't it? At least Modiji is on road show with begging bowl for loans, nice that's the right attitude for poor india, begging not bragging. And *** rape? That's your national sports LOL and pathetically the only sports you are good at, Olympics should consider listing this sports!

hahaha all the tech made in your country is through slave labor, all the money is thx to exactly the same slave labor, Modi is not begging for loans, matter of fact your pathetic nation was so scared when Modi sent a brigade to counter the battalion you sent near the border, your people ran with your tails between your *** crack, now you are surrounded by countries that hate you. good going dip shit, matter of fact don't you have a 15 hrs shift to go back to, why don't go back to making my next Iphone.
@RisingShiningSuperpower Back to topic. Modi will have to use a lot of money for their century-old railway system which dates back to British colonial era. It's their privilege to inherit such a big railway system from British colonists, but now they need to spend more money to upgrade their existing tracks and then talk about 180-200km/h bullet trains.

Yes we built indias massive railway network, which was the worlds largest/longest for a long while(even though they only like focusing on the nad things we did). Also note that we were the ones who invented railways in the first place and we actually built even japans first railway .:enjoy: Though now the japanese are ahead of us. :(
However its strange to see the Indian governnent hasnt achieved/changed much from our old railway system we built over a century ago when we were ruling india. :disagree: Cant even begin to imagine which railway india will have at all if we didnt build their long railways system they have today. Modi does have a lot of job to do. But i think he can do it, since he is very pragmatic andand less paranoid about china or other countries as fr as it comes to business.

So cooperation,investment, discipline, reform, new work ethic,planning and implementation will be key for india railway.
Check the first chart and your comment again.

@WebMaster @waz @Hu Songshan@Chak Bamu

Go away, troll!

hahaha all the tech made in your country is through slave labor, all the money is thx to exactly the same slave labor, Modi is not begging for loans, matter of fact your pathetic nation was so scared when Modi sent a brigade to counter the battalion you sent near the border, your people ran with your tails between your *** crack, now you are surrounded by countries that hate you. good going dip shit, matter of fact don't you have a 15 hrs shift to go back to, why don't go back building shitty I Phones dip shit.

@WebMaster @waz @Hu Songshan@Chak Bamu

Shameless trolling and derailing of the thread.
no worries, AndrewJin's eye are pretty closed coz he is Chinese, can't see for shit :china:
Yes we built indias massive railway network, which was the worlds largest/longest for a long while(even though they only like focusing on the nad things we did). Also note that we were the ones who invented railways in the first place and we actually built even japans first railway .:enjoy: Though now the japanese are ahead of us. :(
However its strange to see the Indian governnent hasnt achieved/changed much from our old railway system we built over a century ago when we were ruling india. :disagree: Cant even begin to imagine which railway india will have at all if we didnt build their long railways system they have today. Modi does have a lot of job to do. But i think he can do it, since he is very pragmatic andand less paranoid about china or other countries as fr as it comes to business.

So cooperation,investment, discipline, reform, new work ethic,planning and implementation will be key for india railway.

No, railway is an ancient Indian invention. The word railway came from Sanskrit, and in the Vedas it was recorded that machines traveled on paths made of metal.

I would say being a neighbouring country to midget Chinese is also the main contributing factor


Go to any Western country. Chinese CCP figures have less credibility then most religious books.

@WebMaster @waz @Hu Songshan@Chak Bamu

Any mods around?

no worries, AndrewJin's eye are pretty closed coz he is Chinese, can't see for shit :china:

Keep trying. You are gonna get banned soon. Too many Kangress trolls today.

@WebMaster @waz @Hu Songshan@Chak Bamu

Yes we built indias massive railway network, which was the worlds largest/longest for a long while(even though they only like focusing on the nad things we did). Also note that we were the ones who invented railways in the first place and we actually built even japans first railway .:enjoy: Though now the japanese are ahead of us. :(
However its strange to see the Indian governnent hasnt achieved/changed much from our old railway system we built over a century ago when we were ruling india. :disagree: Cant even begin to imagine which railway india will have at all if we didnt build their long railways system they have today. Modi does have a lot of job to do. But i think he can do it, since he is very pragmatic andand less paranoid about china or other countries as fr as it comes to business.

So cooperation,investment, discipline, reform, new work ethic,planning and implementation will be key for india railway.
Yes, very true, sir.
UK invented railway, a great achievement, which totally changed the world.
Without it, there is no chance Japan could invent 200km/h+ Shinkansen.
Also without Japanese and German innovation, we cannot see people traveling by 300+km/h bullet train in East Asia and Europe.

No matter how many trolls here are against Modi's bullet train dream, he is doing the right thing.

屏幕快照 2015-06-28 13.59.22.png

On May 26th, Mr. Pradeep Kumar, member of India Railway Committee, Mr. P.V.Vaidialingam, financial consultant of India Railway Committee, Mr. Himadri Moharana, training officer of India Railway Committee and Ms. Thelma John David, the secretary from India Embassy came to Southwest Jiaotong Universityin order to investigate the related Labs as well as the major set-up and talent cultivation in the rail transit discipline.

In the afternoon, Mr. Pradeep Kumar and hisparty accompanied by Vise- President Prof. Zhang Wengui visited the State Key Laboratory of Traction Power. In the process of the visiting, the interpreter particularly demonstrated the innovative technology and scientific achievement obtained in the field of rail transit by the Lab with fluent English. In front of each test rig, they stopped and read the Introduction of research achievement with care and asked for information from the interpreter time to time.
@Bussard Ramjet
The heading makes me feel like "Modi" is a forman of a ICF.....
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