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Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

Well and thats what you dont understand. For you islam is a funny little exotic cult.

I have to agree with Marcus on this one.
For instance we have plenty of little religions that are a mere blip. We have Scientologists, Moonies (Unification Church - which is big in Japan), and tons more. To say we know how to live in harmony with them and others should follow our lead is a bit absurd.
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Japan: The Land Without Muslims | The Muslim Issue

Some interesting points from the article:

"The Japanese approach to Muslims is also evidenced by the numbers: in Japan there are 127 million residents, but only ten thousand Muslims, less than one hundredth of a percent. The number of Japanese who have converted is thought to be few."

"First, the Japanese tend to lump all Muslims together as fundamentalists who are unwilling to give up their traditional point of view and adopt modern ways of thinking and behavior. In Japan, Islam is perceived as a strange religion, that any intelligent person should avoid."

"In Japan, religion is connected to the nationalist concept, and prejudices exist towards foreigners whether they are Chinese, Korean, Malaysian or Indonesian, and Westerners don’t escape this phenomenon either. There are those who call this a “developed sense of nationalism” and there are those who call this “racism”."

"..Japanese do not feel the need to apologize to Muslims for the negative way in which they relate to Islam. They make a clear distinction between their economic interest in resources of oil and gas from Muslim countries, which behooves Japan to maintain good relations with these countries on the one hand, and on the other hand, the Japanese nationalist viewpoints, which see Islam as something that is suitable for others, not for Japan, and therefore the Muslims must remain outside."

"Japan manages to remain a country almost without a Muslim presence because Japan’s negative attitude toward Islam and Muslims pervades every level of the population, from the man in the street to organizations and companies to senior officialdom. In Japan, contrary to the situation in other countries, there are no “human rights” organizations to offer support to Muslims’ claims against the government’s position."

"Another thing that helps the Japanese keep Muslim immigration to their shores to a minimum is the Japanese attitude toward the employee and employment. Migrant workers are perceived negatively in Japan,.."

In the same way that Florida trained Mohammed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi and Ziad Jarrah to be air-terrorists.

Wrong Example. Bin Laden was a well known Terrorist (responsible for killing thousands). The guys in your example had 'intention of committing terrorist activity' when they got trained in Florida. They exploited an 'unsuspecting system'.

There is no parallel of hiding a mass murderer like Bin Laden by Pakistan and that too next to a military base.
Out of a total population of over 125 million, Japan has less than 100,000 Muslims. That is too insignificant a number to claim religious harmony or to teach the west anything. Such low population also rules out the typical problems associated with Muslims. Pointless thread.
Only 10,000 muslims.
In Japan, it is very common for Shinto-Buddhist, Christian, Muslim to converse about the tenets of their religion, hear similarities, hear differences, and find agreement of some truths in each other's faiths. One aspect of Japanese culture that makes this possible is our concept of 'Kaizen' , which puts importance of hearing the other side out. Open dialogue.

I think a lot of Japanese people who are not adherents to any major abrahamic faiths find a sense of peace, acceptance to either Christianity or Islam because of the sense of community when one goes to a mosque, a church, bible study , or quran study group. And there are a lot of these.

In fact when I was in college, i used to attend a comparative religion book club , attended by Christian, Muslims, non-practicing Japanese and international students. It was in this club that i started studiyng into Islam, and the Q'uran and found a lot of beautiful similarities with Japanese culture. Namely the aspect of submission to a greater power, and humility. Plus, it is invaluable the amount of support one gets in prayer with believers. When you have a stressful work life, an active prayer life is really helpful (bioself feedback if you may) to relieve anxiety, intrapsychic tension.


I must stress here that the 'Submission to ONE creator' in Islam is to be taken as a 'liberating' aspect as if you fear only the supreme, you would not fear anything else. If you submit to the supreme you shall never be enslaved by humans.

We get a lot of flak from our western friends and brothers in Abrahamic faiths about 'Allah'o Akbar', which translates as 'Allah (Creator) is Supreme'. We use it in everyday life, i say it when i yawn or sneeze too :P.

Its also used as a war cry simply because of what i've stated above. A Muslim who only submits to the creator has to defend his liberty in the battlefield with a faith that the creator will not let him be enslaved by humans.

It was the muslim world that started to attack the west. Until the west united and beat the islamic world into what it is today. Muslims, jews and christians existed in no time at peace with each other.

And why should we change our "interventionalist" policies? We are thinking beings. We influence what we want to influence.


Here comes again.

A person devoid of any credible knowledge of history..and ranting in his own delusions.

Out of a total population of over 125 million, Japan has less than 100,000 Muslims. That is too insignificant a number to claim religious harmony or to teach the west anything. Such low population also rules out the typical problems associated with Muslims. Pointless thread.

There are around 185,000 Muslims living in Japan.

Stop getting your information from stupid, anti-Muslim bigoted hate sites...

185,000 number comes from PEW forum global population statistics on Muslims published in 2011.

Only 10,000 muslims.

The site you quote is a bigoted hate-site.

Stop wasting your and our time.

Read authentic sources.

Population of Muslims in Japan is 185,000...not 10,000.
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Japan: The Land Without Muslims | The Muslim Issue

Some interesting points from the article:

"The Japanese approach to Muslims is also evidenced by the numbers: in Japan there are 127 million residents, but only ten thousand Muslims, less than one hundredth of a percent. The number of Japanese who have converted is thought to be few."

"First, the Japanese tend to lump all Muslims together as fundamentalists who are unwilling to give up their traditional point of view and adopt modern ways of thinking and behavior. In Japan, Islam is perceived as a strange religion, that any intelligent person should avoid."

"In Japan, religion is connected to the nationalist concept, and prejudices exist towards foreigners whether they are Chinese, Korean, Malaysian or Indonesian, and Westerners don’t escape this phenomenon either. There are those who call this a “developed sense of nationalism” and there are those who call this “racism”."

"..Japanese do not feel the need to apologize to Muslims for the negative way in which they relate to Islam. They make a clear distinction between their economic interest in resources of oil and gas from Muslim countries, which behooves Japan to maintain good relations with these countries on the one hand, and on the other hand, the Japanese nationalist viewpoints, which see Islam as something that is suitable for others, not for Japan, and therefore the Muslims must remain outside."

"Japan manages to remain a country almost without a Muslim presence because Japan’s negative attitude toward Islam and Muslims pervades every level of the population, from the man in the street to organizations and companies to senior officialdom. In Japan, contrary to the situation in other countries, there are no “human rights” organizations to offer support to Muslims’ claims against the government’s position."

"Another thing that helps the Japanese keep Muslim immigration to their shores to a minimum is the Japanese attitude toward the employee and employment. Migrant workers are perceived negatively in Japan,.."

First of all, your source is from wordpress , a blog site and not a credible journal article. Second, there are over 100,000 muslims in Japan, not 10,000. Furthermore in 2000 Keiko Sakurai had estimated the number of ethnic Japanese Muslims in Japan at 63,552, and around 70,000 - 100,000 foreign Muslims residing in the country. Please use proper citation next time. Japanese society is open to other religions and

Reference: Islam in Japan

Here comes again.

A person devoid of any credible knowledge of history..and ranting in his own delusions.

There are around 185,000 Muslims living in Japan.

Stop getting your information from stupid, anti-Muslim bigoted hate sites...

185,000 number comes from PEW forum global population statistics on Muslims published in 2011.

The site you quote is a bigoted hate-site.

Stop wasting your and our time.

Read authentic sources.

Population of Muslims in Japan is 185,000...not 10,000.

Thank you my brother. :)

Population of Muslims in Japan is 185,000...not 10,000.

This is a much more realistic estimate. To give perspective , the number of Muslims in Japan is equivalent to almost half the population of Negara Brunei Darusalam [Brunei], a muslim nation in South East Asia. :)
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It's easy to be peaceful when they form less than 1% (less than 0.5%?)of your population.

The game begins when they are atleast 5% or so, that when the sharia law demands start.

Why should it change? The muslims that live in Japan are successful and highly intelligent , educated peoples. They are not jobless refugees who can be easily influenced by radicalization. In fact, in Japan, the muslims are welcomed and appreciated and not sidelined as second class citizens. Japanese businesses even provide resources for individuals with active religious life such as prayer rooms, and offer food that are kosher, halal, vegeterian. You're referring to Japan, which pioneers organizational effectiveness initiatives, which are modeled and taken after by United States and other organizations. Investiture of employee development, and you have a productive work force and overall organization. Why do you think there are a lot of muslim students who come to Japan and end up working and living in Japan and not going back to their native homelands? Because of the accepting atmosphere in Japan.
It's easy to be peaceful when they form less than 1% (less than 0.5%?)of your population.

The game begins when they are atleast 5% or so, that when the sharia law demands start.

Stop spreading hate and propaganda against Muslims.

I'm sure, to my this post, you'll reply with some sources from anti-Muslim hate sites painting Muslims as the "problem" ...

West has done the same thing to Japanese, Muslims, Native-Americans, Mexicans, and heck, even their own people...yet idiots like you keep falling for this bullshit?
Japan: The Land Without Muslims | The Muslim Issue

Some interesting points from the article:

"The Japanese approach to Muslims is also evidenced by the numbers: in Japan there are 127 million residents, but only ten thousand Muslims, less than one hundredth of a percent. The number of Japanese who have converted is thought to be few."

"First, the Japanese tend to lump all Muslims together as fundamentalists who are unwilling to give up their traditional point of view and adopt modern ways of thinking and behavior. In Japan, Islam is perceived as a strange religion, that any intelligent person should avoid."

"In Japan, religion is connected to the nationalist concept, and prejudices exist towards foreigners whether they are Chinese, Korean, Malaysian or Indonesian, and Westerners don’t escape this phenomenon either. There are those who call this a “developed sense of nationalism” and there are those who call this “racism”."

"..Japanese do not feel the need to apologize to Muslims for the negative way in which they relate to Islam. They make a clear distinction between their economic interest in resources of oil and gas from Muslim countries, which behooves Japan to maintain good relations with these countries on the one hand, and on the other hand, the Japanese nationalist viewpoints, which see Islam as something that is suitable for others, not for Japan, and therefore the Muslims must remain outside."

"Japan manages to remain a country almost without a Muslim presence because Japan’s negative attitude toward Islam and Muslims pervades every level of the population, from the man in the street to organizations and companies to senior officialdom. In Japan, contrary to the situation in other countries, there are no “human rights” organizations to offer support to Muslims’ claims against the government’s position."

"Another thing that helps the Japanese keep Muslim immigration to their shores to a minimum is the Japanese attitude toward the employee and employment. Migrant workers are perceived negatively in Japan,.."

Just because China cannot control its minorities , due to the harsh reprisals of the Beijing Government, as seen in the radicalization of Chinese Uighyurs in Xinjiang and other provinces, doesn't mean that the same will happen in Japan. The ethnic minorities that live in Japan are not persecuted for their religious beliefs, but, on the contrary, we provide resources and support systems for them. Please do not compare Japan to the People's Republic of China, which has a history of abuses of minorities per se , Tibetans, Uighurs, etc. Even the Christians in China are persecuted and forced to practice in secrecy.

There is no such thing in my country.
Why should it change? The muslims that live in Japan are successful and highly intelligent , educated peoples. They are not jobless refugees who can be easily influenced by radicalization. In fact, in Japan, the muslims are welcomed and appreciated and not sidelined as second class citizens. Japanese businesses even provide resources for individuals with active religious life such as prayer rooms, and offer food that are kosher, halal, vegeterian. You're referring to Japan, which pioneers organizational effectiveness initiatives, which are modeled and taken after by United States and other organizations. Investiture of employee development, and you have a productive work force and overall organization. Why do you think there are a lot of muslim students who come to Japan and end up working and living in Japan and not going back to their native homelands? Because of the accepting atmosphere in Japan.
People tend to be more peaceful in life when they have other priorities in life than religion,not just islam for that matter any religion.

Religion has its place thats ones private life,the problems start when religion starts taking public life.
People tend to be more peaceful in life when they have other priorities in life than religion,not just islam for that matter any religion.

Religion has its place thats ones private life,the problems start when religion starts taking public life.

I would like to infer the Maslowian Heirarchy of Needs:

The most basic is the physiological needs, then if that is met, there is the safety need, then the love/belong need, the esteem need, and the self-actualization need. Human beings base satisfaction if these needs are satisfied and supplemented. If a society can provide the basic support systems, then allow the possibility or chance to be 'accepted', then that person will never feel alienated. I would like to take into consideration one aspect in human resources managment which is employee appraisal managment systems, which looks at the employee's overall strengths and provisions. An employee's ability to perform juxtapoxed to employment specifications is influenced by support system within an organization, communication processes, as well as remuneration processes. Now, we can apply this in a population. If individual belongs to a minority group, but if his or her physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem and self actualization needs are met, he or she will be satisfied. There will be no catalyst to radicalize. The problem with some western societies is that some of their minorities do not have their basic needs met, and of course, that coupled with financial and racial and religious discrimination, people living in abject poverty will eventually voice out protestations , ableit it may even be violent.

In regards to Japan, our society provides the foundations and resources that allows minorities such as muslims to not only feel welcomed in society, but are given preferential status as per policy that takes into consideration minority rights.

Yours Truly
Why should it change? The muslims that live in Japan are successful and highly intelligent , educated peoples. They are not jobless refugees who can be easily influenced by radicalization. In fact, in Japan, the muslims are welcomed and appreciated and not sidelined as second class citizens. Japanese businesses even provide resources for individuals with active religious life such as prayer rooms, and offer food that are kosher, halal, vegeterian. You're referring to Japan, which pioneers organizational effectiveness initiatives, which are modeled and taken after by United States and other organizations. Investiture of employee development, and you have a productive work force and overall organization. Why do you think there are a lot of muslim students who come to Japan and end up working and living in Japan and not going back to their native homelands? Because of the accepting atmosphere in Japan.
Explain how things like this happen then? According to you radicalization happens due to the unfairness of other societies?
Explain how things like this happen then? According to you radicalization happens due to the unfairness of other societies?

Come now, one example of vandalism doesn't equate to terrorism. One Saudi graduate student does not represent the some 180,000 muslims in Japan. Let's be objective , shall we? He didn't bomb anyone or kill anyone. He has been apprehended and will subsequently pay for his crimes.

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