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Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

Did you know in Japan their are more native muslims rather than the foreigners, your offending those Japanese muslims who have an ethnic right in Japan to call it their country. The other comprises only about 0.6% of total populace, that means foreignors in Japan are super rare, especially muslims, what makes up the other amount is the ethnic Japanese muslims. Furthermore, your an immigrant too maybe to USA, Europe any country. What gives you the right to limit someones freedom of movement? What if those muslims were being treated bad in their country and chose to leave and invest their valuable efforts in some other country? Do you know how many muslims have suffered in Pakistan? Bangladesh? Afghanistan? Iraq? Iran? Middle-east? Do you think you would rather watch them suffer and stuff your face with a burger? Think about it, in the previous centuries muslim provided safe-haven to Jews when they were being persecuted. Furthermore, Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same God, no matter how you look at it, I hope you research before you Yap. Halal means; slaughter of animals with Love, not forceful kill or cold-hearted slaughter. Islam also has many important rules that benefit humanity, whether your a Jew, a Christian or an Atheist; Islam will benefit humanity. The Arab spring or propaganda you see is triggered by the West, if you don't believe me I can make a huge list on how the West thought it can occupy muslim communities and land but failed desperately. Muslims contributed a lot to Japan, Pakistan is Japan's highest trading partner, large quantity of Japanese cars are imported by Pakistan. The natural resources are also provided by Pakistan for Japan. When a flood/tsunami had occurred in Japan, Pakistan community had set up camps, and even provided help for our Japanese friends. Islam in Japan; There are isolated records of contact between Islam and Japan before the opening of the country in 1853; some Muslims did arrive in earlier centuries.

The large amount of labor and handy works in construction, agriculture and service sectors has Muslims working there. The average investment of resources, time and efforts all been contributed by Muslims. Type on Youtube/Google and search almost everywhere, about Muslims in Japan you will see a large link between Japan and the Muslim world.

Not really, I don't see the problem in this article nor any problem with any muslims living in Japan. The stereo-typing began from the West and it is going to be neglected in the East. Japan is an awesome country, which knows that muslims are average human beings. What about USA? You guys took black people as slaves in the 1900s, those were modern times but still, goes to show how the West values human beings. And your all invaders, you took America from the native Americans and took Australia from native Australians, no ones going to listen to people that have already illegally occupied land belonging to others. Muslims have every right to live and the right to freedom of thought, speech and religion. I hope you keep it locked in your head before you choose to rant your nonsense. My advice never judge other people on the actions of the few, I don't blame you, Western media has done a great job at demonizing Muslims.
Brother, you are correct in some of your points but also incorrect. Don't take any offense to what i have to say because it is not my intention to offend you or anyone here. I am only basing my arguments on pure facts.

As a Muslim and a Pakistani, i know my people very well to reach the conclusion im about to explain to you:

1). The Muslim world is gripped by sectarian violence, ethnic violence, corruption, nepotism, terrorism, and injustice. Why?? I'll tell you why. Keep in mind that a Nation is made up of its people. It is the people who determine how the Nation as a whole turns out. It is they who form the image of their Nation. If the people are productive, innovative, and push towards progress then that is what they will be known for worldwide. For example, Japan and Germany, everybody knows these two countries for their quality cars, computer systems, and other technological innovations. This contributes to a positive image of Japan and Germany as technologically advanced and productive nations. Why?? Because the Japanese and German people reflect this image of their nation through their own actions. This should explain why the Muslim countries on the other hand have a negative image worldwide. If you think that by allowing Muslim immigrants into Japan will somehow change the Muslims, well my friend it won't, at least not 90% of them. If you don't believe me then go visit Muslim neighborhoods in Britain or France or Sweden where these countries have allowed millions of third world immigrants in.

2). Coming to Slavery, the Islamic world has been practicing slavery centuries before the Europeans began the Triangle Slave Trade and they continue to do so even after the European abolished slavery in the late 19th century. Keep in mind that America fought a civil war where the White Man spilled his own blood so that the black man could be free. Can you give me any other example in which another race of people fought their own racial brethren to free enslaved people of another race?? That is very rare, particularly in the Muslim world.

I'm by no means a self hater. I consider myself to be blessed by God to have been born a Muslim because it is a beautiful religion. But majority of Muslims misrepresent this beautiful faith. As you yourself stated Islam is a tolerant religion, it preaches tolerance of all other faiths. Nowhere in the Quran does it state to persecute people because their faith is different from Islam, neither can you find such an example in the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Unfortunately it has become common in Muslim countries to attack non-Muslims, force convert non-Muslims, burning of religious sites/places of worship of non-Muslims, etc...
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Nah. I can be and sometimes enjoy being a dick.:bunny:

LOL!! :lol::lol:

Well and thats what you dont understand. For you islam is a funny little exotic cult. Look your gargantuan conflicts with China and Korea. Europe made mostly negative experiences with islamic world. Infact we never had any positive feelings towards it and that goes till today.

Well said, and let's not talk about history with Chinese and Koreans, I really don't want this thread digressing into atrocities of Nanjing etc etc etc. Because if we talk about it, ...they will come.

Thanks bro.
I am being realistic. Nagaland's population is 90% CHRISTIAN. Clearly it must not be a problem since almost the entire population have embraced the Christian faith.
Wrong,they may be christian on paper,but they still are very much the same before converting to christianity..with many following and preserving their previous customs,beliefs and way of life.And wasn't the topic Islam?As I already said before the christian missionaries are less of a problem than the muslims as they try to convert rather than bring more christians in from other parts of the world.The christians dont restrict themselves to themselves and still maintain the same relations they had with their non christian brethren.
Christianity and Islam are separate,even though they are both abrahamic religions.So please bring Muslim population of north east India if you want to debate and not christianity.
I doubt even majority of Turks want to be in collapsing EU anyway.

collapsing EU? Even the poorest EU members have higher living standards than turkey. Simple fact is, that turkey is not european, has no european culture and values and its best for both if this nonsense is just stopped. Does the EU want a boarder wird Iran, iraq and syria? certainly not.

LOL!! :lol::lol:

Well said, and let's not talk about history with Chinese and Koreans, I really don't want this thread digressing into atrocities of Nanjing etc etc etc. Because if we talk about it, ...they will come.

Thanks bro.

I know, but you know what i mean? It was muslims that attacked europe first. Spain, and attacks against italy again and again. They even demanded mney from rome. Then enough was enough and the rest is history.
collapsing EU? Even the poorest EU members have higher living standards than turkey. Simple fact is, that turkey is not european, has no european culture and values and its best for both if this nonsense is just stopped. Does the EU want a boarder wird Iran, iraq and syria? certainly not.

I know, but you know what i mean? It was muslims that attacked europe first. Spain, and attacks against italy again and again. They even demanded mney from rome. Then enough was enough and the rest is history.

Dude when I take your pic(your own pic you put as profile pic before) into account I feel like you would make a fine movie villain :D

Anyway, he's right, we don't care about EU but I'm for continuing process as long as its goes, because there are some benefits, a client of my father is about to order a job of some 80-90k Euros and all the money will come from EU as a part of an agreement of something related to agriculture, thank you EU we are about to pay off our debts from buying a house recently :D

Getting alojg with everybody is perfect for us, we are getting both Arab and EU money :D
This is like saying the Leopard and Cheetah have no record of harming each other, so they should be the example of how to live in peace with a kangaroo.

A native-born Japanese Muslim has more in common culturally with a non-Muslim Japanese person than a non-Japanese Muslim person. And the premise is faulty since they do not interact.
@Nihonjin1051 I truly admire the Japanese people for their innovations and Nationalism. The struggle of the Japanese people for the cause of their nation in the face of countless calamities in the recent past as well as the last few centuries leaves one only admiring them for their determination. The concept of self sacrifice for the greater good of their Nation, an ideal which the Japanese of the past strictly adhered too, and which, i'm certain the current generation of Japanese have inherited, is one among many ideals within Japanese culture which has won the respect of friend and foe alike. Japanese culture is a manifestation of these ideals.

However, i have noticed that you are open to immigration into Japan and you don't oppose Japanese mixing with non-Japanese, a process which i believe poses a threat to Japanese culture and identity. I would like to point out to you, that Japan has thus far been able to maintain its social order and distinct cultural/racial identity only because of the homogeneity of its population. For as long as the Japanese man is still alive and retains his distinct racial and cultural identity, there will be a Japan, the land of the Japanese, the ONLY home of the native Japanese population.

Now, coming to the topic, Japan, unlike the West, has not and does not interfere in the matters of the Muslim world, nor does Japan provide massive financial and military aid to the alien entity known as israel. As long as Japan continues to maintain this neutral policy towards the Islamic world it will continue to enjoy this peaceful coexistence with the Muslims.

Likewise, if the West today were to stop interfering in the Islamic world and cut its unconditional military and financial support for the illegal entity known as israel, 99.9% of it's issues with the Muslim world will be solved.

Submit or die?
I guess I have to jump into this thread.

First off Muslims have been living in the US for hundreds of years. I can't recall ANY religious battle by them or against them.

However I'm going to pull the same argument about the percentage of Muslims in Japan and the US. But my take on it is that even the Muslim population in the US is too low to make a sweeping statement about who is handling it more correctly.
Brother, you are correct in some of your points but also incorrect. Don't take any offense to what i have to say because it is not my intention to offend you or anyone here. I am only basing my arguments on pure facts.

As a Muslim and a Pakistani, i know my people very well to reach the conclusion im about to explain to you:

1). The Muslim world is gripped by sectarian violence, ethnic violence, corruption, nepotism, terrorism, and injustice. Why?? I'll tell you why. Keep in mind that a Nation is made up of its people. It is the people who determine how the Nation as a whole turns out. It is they who form the image of their Nation. If the people are productive, innovative, and push towards progress then that is what they will be known for worldwide. For example, Japan and Germany, everybody knows these two countries for their quality cars, computer systems, and other technological innovations. This contributes to a positive image of Japan and Germany as technologically advanced and productive nations. Why?? Because the Japanese and German people reflect this image of their nation through their own actions. This should explain why the Muslim countries on the other hand have a negative image worldwide. If you think that by allowing Muslim immigrants into Japan will somehow change the Muslims, well my friend it won't, at least not 90% of them. If you don't believe me then go visit Muslim neighborhoods in Britain or France or Sweden where these countries have allowed millions of third world immigrants in.

2). Coming to Slavery, the Islamic world has been practicing slavery centuries before the Europeans began the Triangle Slave Trade and they continue to do so even after the European abolished slavery in the late 19th century. Keep in mind that America fought a civil war where the White Man spilled his own blood so that the black man could be free. Can you give me any other example in which another race of people fought their own racial brethren to free enslaved people of another race?? That is very rare, particularly in the Muslim world.

I'm by no means a self hater. I consider myself to be blessed by God to have been born a Muslim because it is a beautiful religion. But majority of Muslims misrepresent this beautiful faith. As you yourself stated Islam is a tolerant religion, it preaches tolerance of all other faiths. Nowhere in the Quran does it state to persecute people because their faith is different from Islam, neither can you find such an example in the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Unfortunately it has become common in Muslim countries to attack non-Muslims, force convert non-Muslims, burning of religious sites/places of worship of non-Muslims, etc...

Thank you for that very profound post, brother.
That' is the thing, you are applying the failures in the west to that in Japan, when it does not apply. Muslims in Japan are not living in ghettos or uneducated. In fact , it is contrary. Muslims in japan are highly educated, and verily much integrated into the society. Why is it that they can succeed in Japan and not in the west? That is the point of the article, and that is what i'm too trying to point out.

Impossible to say why they can succeed in Japan and not the West, since there are virtually no Muslims in Japan, and tens of millions in the West. No valid conclusions can be drawn about the Japanese experience, but we now have real life experience and empirical data to use in drawing conclusions in the West.
I guess I have to jump into this thread.

First off Muslims have been living in the US for hundreds of years. I can't recall ANY religious battle by them or against them.

However I'm going to pull the same argument about the percentage of Muslims in Japan and the US. But my take on it is that even the Muslim population in the US is too low to make a sweeping statement about who is handling it more correctly.
I believe in the U.S. the issue of illegal/legal Mexican and other Latin American immigrants and their growing clout in American society far outweighs any concern for Muslim immigration into the country which is why not much fuss is made about it.

However, one can only look at Europe to see how this process of mass immigration from third world countries, particularly Islamic countries has turned parts of Europe into slums and ghettos where not even the police can venture and there is very little to none gov.t authority in these areas now known as "no go zones".
Impossible to say why they can succeed in Japan and not the west, since there are virtually no Muslims in Japan, and tens of millions in the West. No valid conclusions can be drawn about the Japanese experience, but we now have real life experience and empirical data to use in drawing conclusions in the West.

So, by your logic, the shear fact that we have over 100,000 Muslims in Japan doesn't meant jack squat because the west has more, has more negative experiences and this their point of view trumps the objective analysis of the Japanese. Sorry my friend , but I cannot think in such simplistic terms. The case basis for the west doesn't necessarily mean it is applicable to every other host nation. We have had Muslims in Japan for over 40 years, none of them isolate themselves in ghettos , but integrate with the overall general society. Perhaps the west can draw more clues to the success Japan has had in the way we treat Muslim minorities, or our immigration criterium.

Well and thats what you dont understand. For you islam is a funny little exotic cult. Look your gargantuan conflicts with China and Korea. Europe made mostly negative experiences with islamic world. Infact we never had any positive feelings towards it and that goes till today.

Sorry to post OT, but you make a very interesting observation.

Just like you to know that having experienced Crusades, Forced conversions / expulsions, colonialism, etc.. reflects rather poorly on Europe.
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