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Can Iran buy nukes from North Korea?

Really? If Iran wants nukes they can simply make gun-type nuclear weapons. I bet I myself could considering how easy it is with the right materials. The US is scared of terrorists making this considering how EASY it is.

Its literally firing a Uranium bullet through a barrel and hitting a Uranium target with such high speeds that it causes a nuclear reaction similar to the one at either Nagasaki or Hiroshima(Can't remember which)
بله ولی فقط
برای ساختن دستگاه ها و اموزش پرسنل برای سنخش بمب هسته از طریق لرزه نگاری و گاز های شیمیایی رها شده بعد از انفجار هسته ای

سایت مریوان که تا حالا به اژانس اجازه داده نشده که به این سایت بره در سال ۱۹۹۵ تست هسته ای داشته و امریکا عکس های ماهواره ای را دارن

so don't worry or disappointed

disappointed ???? :lol: I'm proud :-):tup:
In case you were wondering, Iran decides what happens in the SyRaq, not the US. Same goes for Lebanon. In Yemen too, Iran has the upper hand............all this was done without having nukes.
All this was done because US weakened/destroyed those countries. If US didn't remove Saddam or create ISIS we would have been irrelevant. We need nukes, but unfortunately, we dont have the tech, otherwise we would have made nukes a long time ago
All this was done because US weakened/destroyed those countries. If US didn't remove Saddam or create ISIS we would have been irrelevant. We need nukes, but unfortunately, we dont have the tech, otherwise we would have made nukes a long time ago
Gun-type? Simplest type of nuke around which I think any country with the right materials could make.
Iran is a nuke threshold state. If there is a need, Iran can go nuclear, however in the current strategic scenario there is no likelihood of this happening.

Iran is a nuke threshold state, for these.:

Portable mini-nuke launcher

16 Nov 2018

In the late 1950s, when the threat of nuclear war with the Soviets was lurking around the corner, the U.S. actually created a functioning mini-nuke launcher of their very own.

It was called the M-29 Davy Crockett Weapon System. And the reason it never really made it out of initial testing was because it was probably the most poorly designed weapon system the U.S. military ever thought would work.

The Davy Crockett was a recoilless, smooth-bore gun, operated by a three-man crew, that fired a nuclear projectile. In theory, this weapon gave a small squad the ability to decimate enemy battalions with an equivalent yield of 20 tons of TNT — or roughly the same firepower as forty Tomahawk cruise missiles.

The maximum effective range of the Davy Crockett was about a mile and a half. Anything within a quarter-mile radius of the explosion would receive a fatal dosage of radiation. Anything within 500 feet of the epicenter of the blast would be completely incinerated.

It was so portable that it could either be attached to the back of a Jeep or given to paratroopers for airborne insertion. The weapon technically worked, but not without a bevy of significant problems.

The first major flaw was the aiming. The launcher was flimsy when compared to the immense weight of munitions, so it was prone to toppling over at any moment. It had an unreliable height-of-burst dial, so accurate detonations were nearly impossible. It also didn't have an abort function, which meant that as soon as it was fired, it'd have to detonate.

To make matters worse, the previously stated half-mile kill radius was only accounted to instant death by radiation. As we've learned, being downwind of a nuclear blast almost certainly meant death — maybe not right away, but eventually. So, the three-man crew firing the Davy Crockett, who had at most one mile of safety, could only fire and pray that the winds didn't turn against them.


1. Portable mini-nuke launcher


2. Portable mini-nuke launcher


3. Portable mini-nuke launcher


4. Portable mini-nuke launcher


5. Portable mini-nuke launcher


6. Portable mini-nuke launcher


7. Portable mini-nuke launcher


7. DPRK style portable mini-nuke launcher


Nukes don't bring security. And equating Saddam's Iraq, Qaddafi's Libya or Chairman Kim's DPRK with Iran is hilarious!



Iran should be cautious. The U.S. threats must not be taken lightly. Becoming a nuclear military powerhouse would be the ultimate mistake!

As already explained many times here on PDF, there is an 70 years old rule that causes the destruction or overthrow of any nation and leader of the Middle East by the U.S., should they reach the nuclear arms threshold, thus breaking the Israeli regional nuclear monopoly.

Iran (the constitutional monarchy), Iraq, Libya, Syria were only the firsts. In the case of Saudi Arabia, a military campaign might not even be necessary, as a less costly and simpler regime change through color revolution à la Venezuela and Ukraine could suffice.

For real regional military powers such as Iran (the Islamic Republic), in the hypothetical case that the Supreme Leader decides to secretly produce nuclear warheads, and if the U.S. becomes aware of this, then this would give Washington the golden pretext to find the fund to develop neutrino counter nuclear weapons, capable to detonate any warheads wherever they are hidden, thus making the nuclear deterrent of Russia, China, North Korea, etc all useless.

Meaning back to square one for all players, with a new neutrino weapon (directed energy) arms race.

Iran should do a 5 year Oil swap
And get 3 Submarines and few Nukes from North Korea
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