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Can Iran buy nukes from North Korea?


Feb 9, 2019
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Russian Federation
Everybody forgot it, but

in 1992 BND chief Paul Muenstermann said that Iran bought nuclear weapons from Kazakhstan

in 2002 Russian Chief of the General stuff Yuri Baluyevsky said: "Iran does have nuclear weapons. These are non-strategic nuclear weapons. I mean these are not ICBMs with a range of more than 5,500 kilometers... As for the danger of Iran's attack on the United States, the danger is zero"

But even if Iran bought several tactical nuclear weapons, while they may deter Israel, their quantity might not be enough to serve as a deterrence for USA.

Can Iran buy nukes from North Korea?

It makes sense to develop industrial infrastructure for civilian nuclear program under international monitoring -----and at the same time secretly buy nuclear weapons from North Korea.

According to RAND North Korea will have 100 nuclear warheads by 2020--more than enough to protect NK.

North Korea is a poor country so Iran can buy nukes from them....
What do you think?
No, no nuclear power will sell nukes it’s a major international red line.

If said the country who buys then uses nukes, the radiation signature can be traced back to original country. Thus even the country who sold the nuclear weapons can be exposed to nuclear retaliation.

Thus no country will risk selling nukes. It is geopolitical blasphemy.
But they can buy the designs and technology.
and they are more than capable of replicating
No, no nuclear power will sell nukes it’s a major international red line.

If said the country who buys then uses nukes, the radiation signature can be traced back to original country. Thus even the country who sold the nuclear weapons can be exposed to nuclear retaliation.

Thus no country will risk selling nukes. It is geopolitical blasphemy.

He who has used a nuclear weapon before has committed the greatest atrocity. If so, then who is to say he will not sell a nuclear weapon? The pronoun here is irrelevant, as I am sure you will agree. The moral compass is no longer evident in today's world. Don't be surprised if some countries have already bought nuclear weapons.
He who has used a nuclear weapon before has committed the greatest atrocity. If so, then who is to say he will not sell a nuclear weapon? The pronoun here is irrelevant, as I am sure you will agree. The moral compass is no longer evident in today's world. Don't be surprised if some countries have already bought nuclear weapons.

You simply don’t understand how nuclear weapons work.

They aren’t something you pick off a shelf and off you go.

Each nuclear weapon is tailored to its payload system (CM, BM, Muniton, artillery, etc).

Building an missile to carry said nuclear weapon and achieve critical mass upon trigger of the nuclear chain reaction is not easy or else the whole world would have nuclear weapons.

Furthermore, building the warhead design and subsequent heat shield to protect the nuclear core during re entry and make it small enough to fit inside a warhead is even harder.

Nuclear weapons are a dead end are used to protect the big powers from pushing each other to far.

Even if Saudi Arabia had nuclear weapon and Iran didn’t. The use of a nuclear weapon would be met with Iranian missiles carrying lethal strains of biological and chemical warfare.

Anyone who thinks Iran doesn’t have a biological/chemical warfare program is naive. It might not be as large as Assad’s (was), but nonetheless you can be sure there are contingentcy plans in place to respond with WMD if targeted by WMD.

Thus nuclear weapons do not help the house of Saud because they know that Iran will topple them from the inside and from resistance groups...not a direct attack.

Prime example is how Assad’s WMD program gave him zero strategic advantage during the war and actually became a massive burden to him. New age of warfare is kill your enemy by proxy.
If Iran truly wanted nuclear weapons we could easily build them within a few months. And if a handful of nukes was all Iran wanted out of a nuclear program Iran would have simply purchased them right after the fall of the USSR....

As for what Iran could buy from North Korea to speed up the development of an Iranian nuke I would say a few hundred kilograms of highly enrichment uranium would be all Iran would need to reduce that number from a few months to a few weeks but I would say it's highly unlikely that Iran would attempt such a purchase and I doubt the North Koreans would risk it. Plus, if North Korea wanted to sell it's fissile materials they can probably get more money out of Trump and his friends than out of Iran.
what joke section




just reminder for Iranian members which do not understand technicalities

by Mordechai Vanunu in 1986.


No, no nuclear power will sell nukes it’s a major international red line.
wrong, example
Saudi Arabia today is tactical Atom bomb country as we speak .

MR Bin Salman just about to finish its first domestically assembled Rocket as we speak

and your best friend Trump was rushing to transfer sensitive nuclear technology to MBS Saudi arabia

you see Bin Salman can't keep the stock which came from Pakistan in fridge freezer
it needs facilities and for handling such sensitive stuff
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People should understand that Iran needs to acquire nuclear weapons. You can't live in the world where Israel, Pakistan, USA and maybe Saudi Arabia have nukes while Iran doesn't.

If USA decides to attack Iran, only nukes with ability to destroy US tactical air force in the airbases of Saudi Arabia with nuclear weapons will save Iran.

Iran needs minimum 30-40 nuclear warheads as an ability to destroy critical military infrastructure of the enemy.

While Iran can produce it by its own, it will have to leave nuclear agreement and if Iran leaves nuclear agreement harsh sanctions will be imposed.

The problem with sanctions is that Iran can't borrow money from international markets and make investments. Iran needs investments and foreign money and technology- and sanctions are a problem.

So it makes sense to continue legally developing IR-10 centrifuges to solve their problems, improve enrichment facilities and build many nuclear power plants legally, i/e build advanced nuclear infrastructure while avoiding sanctions-----at the same time secretly buy 10-15 nukes from NK.

NK has has enough nukes to protect itself, now what will they do with plutonium and uranium they produce? Iran can offer billions, while USA can offer to leave sanctions and allow NK to trade iron and buy oil --which is nothing....

NK can sell plutonium to Iran secretly, and no one will know and no one can prove it has happened. And Iran needs to secretly possess those nukes for the worst day.

And remember how USA reacted when NK tested thermonuclear bomb----Trump met with Kim and they started to talk. They will do the same with Iran if Iran tests nuclear weapon, since Iran is the most important country in the oil rich Persian Gulf
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But they can buy the designs and technology.
and they are more than capable of replicating

If I had to guess based on previous examples from Persian scientists and engineers.....they can assemble a Tellar-Ulam W-88 clone in their sleep already.

But just purchasing a few nukes isn't as easy as it sounds, and there isn't enough $$ to be made for NK to risk it. They are China's client state anyway
If I had to guess based on previous examples from Persian scientists and engineers.....they can assemble a Tellar-Ulam W-88 clone in their sleep already.

But just purchasing a few nukes isn't as easy as it sounds, and there isn't enough $$ to be made for NK to risk it. They are China's client state anyway
maybe it's your opinion vs mine.
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